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I remember a trip to Oklahoma to play in the NABF WS. when he was 14. We were on the way to the games, son was asleep in the van, and I bought a bottle of white shoe polish while I was stopped for some gummie bears and a cold drink. I went back out to the van and wrote a few things on the windows. When he woke up (down the road a few miles) he "forced" me to pull over and wash the windows or he was going to hitch hike home!

---- fast forward a few years. He sent me two college bumper stickers for father's day ---- Hmmm, maybe he just doesn't like my penmanship!
We were at a national tournament for 13's or 14's and we drove in a caravan from Illinois to Cincinnati. As did the other families, we wrote our team name and player name & number (SEAN #12) on the rear window. When we went back to the car after our first game, someone had written "STINKS" right under his name (except it didn't really say "stinks").

My son failed to see the humor at the time. We were no longer allowed to write his name on the car.

Mike F
Originally posted by Fungo:
Baseball parents are notorious for "advertising" their player(s). What's your feelings on window stickers / bumper stickers and such??

Be honest --- Have you ever done the window shoe polish writings on the way to a tournament?

Guilty. On the way to Omaha, we stopped in for purple and orange window paint and wrote "Omaha or Bust" and "Go tigers". Traveling through 5-6 states on the way we got a lot of attention and horn honking and saw lots of fans on the road as well. Everyone wished us luck and wanted to know if we were parents or fans. It took weeks to get it off of the windows though. Frown
We also had a magnet we used everytime we headed to SC or for a road trip "on our way to watch our Tigers play".

I still drive around with my Clemson Mom and orange paw on the back window as well as Palm Beach Cardinals magnetic sticker on the bumper. I have met some really nice Clemson, ACC and Card fans in parking lots because of this.
Never went so far as to put son's name on, just liked to show aupport for our team.
Last edited by TPM
The oldest played travel sports through high school. The youngest, in high school is still playing. With all the creeps in the world I've never seen the need to put my kid's name, number and team name on the car, especially when they were younger. Before someone brings up names on uniforms I was never a fan of that either when the kids were little.

When my daughter played travel softball, one of the teams had orange metallic decals with the team name for caravaning. If people got split up it was easy to find the orange marker on the back of the car.
Last edited by RJM
I always had stickers honoring my kid's teams! I was also always the baseball team mom of son's allstar and travel teams when they were young enough to have this role. I'd make streamers for everyone to tie onto their antennas when we traveled! Would be the one to provide the shoe polish or chalk for the windows too! Smile Loved every minute of it. Son and daughter may have roled their eyes some, but I think they secretly appreciated it!! LOL

Now, I have a "Proud Parent of an American Solider" on one corner of back window and daughter's college logo on the other corner! Smile
Originally posted by Mike F:
We were at a national tournament for 13's or 14's and we drove in a caravan from Illinois to Cincinnati. As did the other families, we wrote our team name and player name & number (SEAN #12) on the rear window. When we went back to the car after our first game, someone had written "STINKS" right under his name (except it didn't really say "stinks").

My son failed to see the humor at the time. We were no longer allowed to write his name on the car.

Mike F

Hahaha. I wish I had known this had happened. I saw Sean down here a few weeks ago before he left for UI.

How is he liking it there?
Last edited by J.Weaver #5
No stickers or painting here.

One day years ago I got home and saw the entry way to our house decorated for an upcoming basketball game. Written in great big letters was something like…


I asked the wife about it and she said the cheerleading squad stopped by and asked for permission. She, my wife, thought it was great! I thought it looked like a billboard and was embarrassing. I was going to get rid of it. We argued about that. As usual, she won!

The display came down “immediately” after the game.

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