The fall season ends for my son this weekend, so it is time for us to discuss his winter program, which he will start in December. He is a catcher, and will volunteer to catch bullpens for local pitchers and pitching instructors - he likes to do this to keep his legs strong so he doesn't have to get back in shape. He'll probably participate in a local catching camp starting in January.
He works with a trainer 3 times a week, and will ramp up the intensity in the offseason.
Hitting seems fairly straightforward - cage time and hitting into the screen in the garage are readily available. Again, local indoor facilities have plenty of hitting options.
The real challenge is working on his arm strength, which is the most important thing for him to work on at this point. What does this panel of cold weather experts suggest for increasing arm strength when there's snow on the ground? The indoor facilities near by are not big enough for long toss.
I should add that he is a junior, so he wants to start his high school season strong, and continue improving so that he is ready for the summer recruiting season.
Thanks in advance for the advice.
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