Thanks PG for the kind words. We wouldn’t be where we are today without you guys.
As for the rest…I know I was partially “responsible” for one player getting drafted by a certain NL Central team. (even if it was a very small part)

I don't want to open a can of worms here but this is one of those chicken and egg type things.
Is our program responsible for players being drafted? I would say not. But I would also say that of the 5 Wisconsin HS kids taken in this year’s draft only 1 of them didn't play for us.
Is there a correlation?...I guess I'll leave that up to everyone else to decide.
We as a program have never taken "credit" for any of our kids’ success. We merely provide opportunity, promote the heck out of our guys and put them in the right place.
If they do happen to get drafted you can bet we're going to congratulate them for their hard work and accomplishments. We're proud of our program and our program is made up of the kids. It's not about my ego or who gets "credit"...never has been.
It doesn't matter how much I promote a kid, if he can't play he's not going to be drafted.
BUT...if he can play a little and he gets himself in front of some of the bigger decision makers in the game...well then good things can happen.
It does anger (frustrate?) me that there is sort of a jaded "I don't need you attitude" toward our program by some. Sometimes it's from people protecting their "turf". Mostly from people that have never met us, or anyone involved in our program.
We are not for every player, and every player is not for us, but I bet if you asked 99.9% of the kids who have played for our program they would tell you they had a great time and got the most out of their experience. (Especially from an exposure standpoint)
An analogy for you:
Can you put together your new end table without directions? might not be the easiest or the most efficient way but you can do it.
Can you get drafted or a scholarship by playing legion ball, going to local showcases and camps? Absolutely.
But if you have some ability it sure doesn't hurt to put yourself in the best possible situation. We'd like to think we provide that.