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I don't see what the big deal is here. If the professor thought the previous edition was fine, he could continue to require that edition for his course. Professors are not forced to use the latest edition of a text when it comes out.

Also, students with a little web surfing can find "international editions (in English) of many textbooks that can be purchased for a fraction of what the US edition costs.
This guy deserves an award. It's outrageous about books and their costs. It's worse when you try and sell them back.

My sophomore year in college I had to have a music class and bought a used version of the book for about $75. I honestly don't think I used the book once during the semester and got an A in the class. I went to sell the book back and they said they were only paying $1 because they were not going to use this edition next semester. I was pretty upset over this.

The next two years of college I did not buy a single textbook for any of my classes. I still made A and B in them. If you go to class, take good notes and pay attention you will do fine.

When I went for my masters degree same thing happened my first two classes - bought high and sold back for VERY little. Didn't buy book for the rest of my program and still graduated with a 3.0.

With the internet you can do without books even more. I didn't have access to technology back in the day.

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