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Was down there on Saturday. A good workout for the players, who were from all over the Hampton Roads area. Sorry, I don't know the names of the kids because only a few had their names on the shirts. Some pretty good players and was very well organized. Not a showcase, just a workout, so some of the players might have been confused. Good for them to see some of their local competition that they may never come across.
There were guys down there that get on this site, I won't call them out, hopefully they will step up and give some names.
I was at the workout. It was very well orgainized. There were about 75 players, coaches from 3 showcase and aau teams as well as several college coaches. Each player was evaluated. It was a chance to see some of the younger talent comming up, really impressed with the Drillers players and several Kellam kids, as well as the older kids getting an extra look.

I know that several rising seniors got phone calls the next day from College Coaches.

It was well worth the money, lol, IT WAS FREE. Good Job Hitters WareHouse, Bobby Mckinney and the Pirates and the Drillers.
ODU did not organize the workout, only supplied the location. Once again, don't know names but just about every school was represented in the Hampton Roads area. Most of the players had their high school tee shirt on.
Good looking guy with the "bull horn" kept great control and organization. He looked very athletic and must have played baseball somewhere!
TKS for the feedback. I know the players from WB who play for both of the these teams. My son is a memember of the Canes and was on down time a could have made this free workout. Don't get to see the word "free" much when it comes to these baseball camps. Agian thanks and hopefully my son will be able to attend the next workout.
Originally posted by Fan 101:
Especially if the Canes are involved.

Fan101 is a pretty accurate name. Had you taken the 300 and 400 level courses, you would know that the Canes are significantly cheaper than most showcase organizations. On top of that, the attention Canes players get is well worth the price, even if they charged more.

The Canes workouts at the beginning of the summer equate to free showcases. This year, USC, UNC, Wake Forest, Clemson, Duke, ECU, Va Tech, UVA and others attended our workout, which was free to Canes players.

The Canes also work with colleges to showcase players during the offseason. Redbirdjr has been to $50 showcases at USC, ECU and Coastal Carolina in the past 2 years with other ACC and SEC schools in attendance. The colleges could not make these camps free as that would be a violation of NCAA rules.

I'd love to hear your facts on how the Canes are expensive, if you have any.
Last edited by redbird5
I know exactly what the Canes charged for the 2010 season including the separate check for uniforms and the fundraiser obligation to fulfill the player commitment. But i also know just because the player fulfills their commitment 6 months prior to the showcase season starts the Canes can call you a week before the season starts and tell that player they don't want him. Hopefully thats not business as usual.
I have no afilliation with the Canes but have competed against them for seveal years and they are a Class organization with TOP QUALITY COACHES. I have no idea what they charge but its a good bang for the buck. I know when my son plays against them, there will be several colleges watching because of those facts. Travel ball is expensive, no doubt, thats why you have to get with an orgaiization that fits your needs and budget. I used the word free because it was just a workout, not a tryout, and the new coaching staff was nice enough for the Hitters warehouse. Drillers, and mid atlantic Pirates, to use the field.
I hope there are more workouts with Colleges watching and Good Coaches instructing, but these take alot of time to prepare.
Again, Canes are a top notch program and they must be doing something right.
Originally posted by Fan 101:
I know exactly what the Canes charged for the 2010 season including the separate check for uniforms and the fundraiser obligation to fulfill the player commitment. But i also know just because the player fulfills their commitment 6 months prior to the showcase season starts the Canes can call you a week before the season starts and tell that player they don't want him. Hopefully thats not business as usual.

If you have that information, you should probably call around and find out what the organizations charge. Save the VA Cardinals, who charge the player nothing, we are cheaper than everyone else I know who play an equivalent schedule.

As for calling a player 1 week before the season, that doesn't happen. After having talked to all the coaches, no one remembers this happening. Have we made mistakes on kids? Yep but each one has the season to prove themselves and validate why they were asked to play with the Canes. I'm not sure this occurs with other teams, but it is our procedure. Showcase baseball is exposure or be exposed.

Either way, it appears you don't have an issue with the cost as much as you have an ax to grind. If you have a specific complaint, you can PM me or email me at
After seeing these posts, I called Jeff Petty, the head of the Canes organization, to find out if the above described scenario had taken place and the circumstances thereof. Mr. Petty responded that on one occasion in the 6 years of the Canes organization it had occurred and it was in 2010. They had accepted a player on a team at the recommendation of another. The player prepaid early. After then seeing that player perform three times in the spring preseason, they knew he was overmatched. Out of concern for the player and his potential (or lack thereof) of playing time, the Canes delivered their assessment of the player's talent and potential playing opportunities and left the decision to the parent and player as to whether to continue with the Canes or accept a refund. Mr. Petty even offered to help the player find a team which was more suited to his talent level. The offer of a refund was accepted. All fees were refunded in full, including the cost of the uniform, some costs of which the Canes had to eat because the uniforms are personalized. Mr. Petty thought they were doing the young man a service. Obviously someone else thought otherwise.
If you want something free then find something free. If someone charges for something you have the right to accept the charges and be a part of it or not accept the charges and not be a part of it.

Outside of Midlo's Cardinals and the South Charlotte Panthers I do not know of another showcase program that is free of charge. The Panthers have a very wealthy business man that takes care of all the fees. I understand that the Cardinals have a donor as well. I think that is absolutely awesome. It would be great if every team could have someone do this. The fact is right now thats not the case.

If you think a team is too expensive then don't play for them. If your not paying the dues why do you care if someone else is?

There are always people with an axe to grind when these types of posts are made. Very pathetic imo.
I had him on gun at 84 and he touched 85, Big Kid. Tall Lefty from Kellam looked good, upside on his size. A few known pitchers didnt throw, a few kids were in the 80 to 82 range, most were in the 70's. there was alot of rust, so the workout was good.

TJ Lighton from Hickory.
Mitch Moynihan from Kellam. You guys might see him this weekend at Coastal. Wink
Last edited by redbird5
It was 5th year that I transferred, but i took all my classes at Odu to get my degree. Back then you could transfer without sitting out and ODU and Norfolk St. had an agreement on some core classes. I don't anyone on the Norfolk St. staff. And it was 25 Years ago. Norfolk St. recurits hard here, someone call the coach. Hell, It was hard for me to get a High School field for american Legion.

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