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Hi, i am 15 years old and about 185 pounds. Even though im in football season right now, and am playing fall baseball, i am going to start working out for this springs baseball season. This will be my second year on varsity and i am a sophmore. I have been working out for a couple years but mainly football oriented workouts. But now coolleges are getting interested in me much more for baseball than for football, so im going to focus on baseball. I play 3rd base, 2nd base and occasionaly play Shortstop. I can get in the weightroom pretty much every day during the week and on the weekends i have free weights from 12 pounds to 35 pound. I am a little "beefy", but still athletic and im not too slow. I usually bat 3rd or 4th on Varsity so i do have some power but i would like to increase it. I hit 3 homeruns last year but would like to hit about 8-10 this year. Also i would like to slim down a bit and get a stronger arm. ( got clocked throwing 84,mph to first from third) Also i would like to work on spead. I have one problem tho, i have pretty bad knees so it hurt to do things like squats. Are there things i could do instead of this or should i suck it up? Also i would be interested in a good diet to start.
Thanks to everyone who posts.

BL Baseball.
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The doctors say its from growing...But one cracks when i bend it and both hurt. I dont really have a Routine..Ill just bench press, do militarys, pull ups, some dumbell stuff. THings like that. But i want to get a real program.
I usually have like special K for breakfast. A turkey sandwich for lunch, usually a tuna sandwich for a snack after football, and then for dinner something like steak, chicken, or fish and some salad. I do have a problem with drinking soda tho. Also, how much worse is Propell water than regular water, because i try to drink that alot.
To really gain overall power, strength and speed I typically recommend the following lifts and their variations...

Power Cleans
Power Snatches
Push Press
Bench Press

Posterior Chain work
Glute /ham raise
high box step-up
wide stance bulgarian lunge
Good Morning Squats

But with your knee issues, and me not being able to see your knee in person, it's hard to recommend specific exercises as I do not want to recommend something that may cause an problems.

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