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2016 RHP son and I put together what we both feel has been an effective offseason workout plan based in part from input here at HSBBW. Part of the regimen has been long tossing... son has become hooked on doing long toss. Last summer his coach encouraged him to get a long toss session in at least 1-2 times per week during summer season. He was good about communicating what days son would make a start, so we could then work in a long toss usually 2-3 days before and after different starts. My question for the board is what are some good approaches to working out during HS season? Obviously there is team practice 4-6 days per week depending on game schedule, including bullpen work and also set lift days. Last year, son didn't do much beyond the school team workouts. Wondering if there are some additional in-season items specific to pitching that he should consider implementing this year during the school season? Keep the additional long tossing going during the season? Many thanks.

When all is said and done, more is said than done.

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His team hasn't started yet and new coach incoming, so don't know yet. If there's a set pitchers program for the season will be great. Last year there wasn't.  Son has been making good progress this offseason and sort of hate to see him shut the work out and developmental things down, but I guess that's mostly what will happen with the season just a few weeks away and practices starting up.

How deep/pitches per game did your son throw last year?Not that the answer will have anything to do with this year.what is his max distance in his long toss.Does he throw hard?Have good mechanics?Does he lift to get stronger or to just keep what he has?Do you guys have a coach that works with pitchers?Or is all the coaching going to be new?What was his rotation last year?Do you have basically the same schedule this year?

My son is a 2017 so first year in school program. Has played travel ball since 9 years old and for two years prior to now played local spring league & travel when league finished. That being said; he's just entered first year of HS program. Travel has always been a one or two time per week practice due to many players including my sons distance to practice field. League practiced more often but lacked enough throwing to suit my son. He's always worked on his own with friends and really got into long toss at 12 years old; he's also taken lessons with instructor since he was 12. Rotation and number of pitches per week are much different in league & travel. League generally lacks pitching therefore he generally maxed out his 8 innings per week. Had a couple of complete 7 inning games & close a couple of times before reaching 95 pitch limit. He's always been able to go deep into games without fatigue; generally used as a starter. In travel; team does not play every weekend so some weeks he pitches none in games. His role on travel team was normally pitching in championship games although he pitched an inning or two in pool play. Sometimes team knocked out early in bracket so he's either been brought in to relieve or occasionally only pitches inning or two in pool & that's it. Long story short it varies a lot. No pitch limits (only innings) in travel but coach was good about limiting pitchers to 90 give or take in games. Freshman that made school team spent entire month during summer practicing. When school starts they have a workout period before school including weight lifting, medicine balls, weighted balls, etc. Final period of day is athletics which consisted of non-coaching supervised throwing until recently when practice is now allowed. We have a long time and very successful head coach at the school who believes in throwing a lot, head coach is the pitching coach. We've had to suspend his private lessons and he's done very little on his own since start of practice; he's getting plenty of work. Prior to school ball; he'd never participated in weight lifting, medicine balls, weighted balls although he was an avid long tosser. On the long toss distance; last spring he was able to air out 290 feet on a arc; not sure how far he can throw now. His mechanics are smooth; whether good or bad is open to debate. He has an over the top arm slot and lands slightly closed. We have no idea at this point where he'll figure into the rotation, just hoping for the best.    


Last edited by Billy19

I have a 2016.He' s always thrown harder that most all the other kids no matter where we have been.2016 had 5 lessons when he was 10.With a very good off season conditioning program with his summer team.In 8th grade he was throwing well enough parents would clock him during his starts.It was then I realized the kid was throwing hrd.Fast forward one year.Along with another very strong off season program he started lifting with the highschool kids(2016 was in 8th)main reason he did not want to be new guy when summer started and the fall freshman should up to lift.The following spring(between 8th & fresh.)His summer team moved up to 60/90.He was throwing 5 MPH harder from 60ft. than he had last fall from 54ft.Since he was a little guy he always had good mechanics.Not always perfect but in general better than all the others.He played long toss fact it got to the point I could not get the ball back to him.We just did the bucket thing.That was until last off season.Now his long toss is limited to @ 120ft. max.But he does it more often than the 200+ whatever ft.He started V freshman year and was one inning less than top.and had a 1.89 era.He was on a very crappy H.S. team.This year should be very different.Considering the games/teams coach had him pitch to last year should be #1 soph. year.That being said I would not say that 2016 been in the top program in off season (summer ball) but 2016 is no where near in a bad off season program.HS. does absolutely NOTHING for the kids in off season.That being said I really feel at this point lifting and being in a core training class has done more for 2016 than anything.Since 2016 was a little guy when its his turn he expects to finish game.I keep a pitch count myself and I have stepped in when I felt enough.I also (Don't want to start anything) did not let him throw CB until freshman year.It given him time to develop his CU which he is known for as much as FB.From @ first week of Aug. till when ever football is over 2016 doesn't even pick up a baseball.He does throw a football a lot.Up to now I think 2016 needs to do things to keep his arm healthy but the biggest part of that is getting stronger.Lifting and core strenthning.Once baseball starts I really have to make sure the lifting thing is something 2016 is careful with.Very little upper body stuff.Thats really when his arm conditioning catches another gear if you will.2016 has also started doing the band thing this off season for more conditioning his arm.So far things are going in the right direction.tho there is a decision on the horizon neither of us wants to make.Just make sure your guy realizes if he hurts himself even with what goes on medically these days he could never be the same.2016 has a 3.8 GPA.He amazes me at times with his education.That I am most proud of.I really had no hand in that other to pound it in him that good grades lets you make your own decisions.Good luck

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