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Hmmm. Remember the heated debate about when to play the WBC? Spring is too early, Summer is inconvenient, Fall is too late and the players are too tired.

Is it just me, or does the current MLB v. Japanese All-Stars series put the lie to the Fall excuse??? A Fall WBC just has to be more interesting than the NHL/NBA...
I'm not out of order! You're out of order! The whole freakin' system is out of order! You want the truth? You want the truth?! You can't HANDLE the truth!
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At this point I would watch the WTC (World Tee-ball Championship). Fall Ball is over and son is doing off-season conditioning (not real exciting).

College Football - maybe 1 good game a week - most are blowouts
NHL - Yawn
NBA - who cares
NFL - better then others but if I see one more "dance" I'm gonna jump out the window.
College Basketball - good, but doesnt start until March
ESPN specials: Bowling, Poker, Dominoes

I think Patrick Henry said "Give me baseball or give me death" - or something like that.

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