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The Clippers are please to announce that the following players have verbally committed for the 07' class.

Tom Luciano OF- Duke University
Matt Tomshaw LHP- Jacksonville University
Sean Lucas LHP- University of Virginia
Joe Frabasile INF- UNC-Greensboro
Curtis Casali C- Vanderbilt (Clipper in 04')
Congratulations to these players, their families, high schools and the coaches who recruited them. This is a good group.

While alot of discussion centers around organizations, teams, leagues, showcases etc., the best that can be said is it is entirely up to the player and how he performs when on the stage. The organization can direct you as to where you need to be, put the team in the right events and make sure that their schedule allows the players to be at events like the PG Northeast Showcase and others. It is still up to the player to make a name for themselves. I don't care how much $$$ you spend, if you don't perform, it's a tough battle.
We take no credit for what these boys have achieved. We drove the bus or were the vehicle, to have gotten them to what we feel were the right events.
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