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I havent been to a MLB game in a long time - and I know alot of old stadiums have been demolished and new ones put in service.

Wondering what remains of the true "dog" stadiums in MLB.

Which one do you think is the worst?
You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time. ~Jim Bouton, Ball Four, 1970
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Minute Maid Park in Houston is awesome! You can see the game from anywhere in the park, even when you are walking around. Houston has a tropical climate, with lots of rain, so the roof is a good idea. It also comes in handy when it is hot and humid. It started hitting the 90s in April this year.

Astrodome would be in the running for "Worst". Ken Caminitti used to say it was like playing in a dungeon.
Last edited by sluggo
I wouldn't want to play at Minute Maid. The flag pole in center field (that's still there, isn't it?), the short left field (shorter than our high school left field line), and worst of all that STUPID artificial noise. It's too bad a team like the Houston Astros (as much as I hate them, I hate the Snubs worse) has to rely on artificial noise and a screwed up ballpark to win.

Hey guess what, it's already been in the 90's up here in Illinois too!! The dome's a joke.

Do the high school and college teams play in domes too down there? Floridafan, how many games can your high schools and colleges get in if "every game would get rained out" without the dome?

"Baseball Like it Oughta Be"
Last edited by Bulldog 19
Actually Bulldog HS and college games get rained out all the time. Games get started late, games get canceled,if not important for District Standings. Multi day tournaments get royally screwed up with very late games and tons of turfis applied. It is a very real issue in Sub-tropical and Tropical Florida, whether you care to believe it or not!
Originally posted by sluggo:
What artificial noise?

The buzzing bees, the buzz from the crowd and how it bounces off the glass to create even more noise. That crazy noise bouncing around like that is for football, not baseball.

PG, you got me on that oneWink But I'd PREFER not to play thereWink

Florida, high school baseball and MLB baseball is totally different when you start talking about field conditions after it rains. I don't know of many high school teams with full 20-man Ground Crews to get a field in shape nor the money to afford all equipment the Pro teams use to keep their fields in excellent shape.
I lived in Florida many moons ago. The summers are hot, humid, and prone to absolute downpours. I tell my kids actual stories of chasing my Volkswagen as it floated down the street.. or going to a Led Zeppelin concert when a monsoon hits and seeing sparks flying out of Jimmy Page's guitar. I'm back in the Northwest where the summers are dry and sunny everyday.
Tropicana Field has all the charm of a parking garage circa 1954. Fenway is no picnic regarding comfort. The seats are original equipment and made for 19th century "little people", with maybe 4,500 to 7,000 seats blocked by steel columns. Someone told me they had to climb a rope to get to the monster seats. Cool
or going to a Led Zeppelin concert when a monsoon hits and seeing sparks flying out of Jimmy Page's guitar.

I was there!

Florida Marlins absolutely need a dome it rains every day here.

MM is a great park in my opinion. Great for the fans. I loved watching there. I love Wrigley Field as well. The atmosphere around the stadium is awesome.
Originally posted by Rock 44:

Major League Baseball did a good job last year when they made the Astros open the roof in th NLCS.

Check that. It wasn't the NLCS they made the Astros open it. In fact, the MLB stated that it was the Astros decision due to it being their ballpark, however it should be open. It was the World Series where MLB reversed its decision and required it be open.
A little different, add in what you guys think is the best park as well. I have season tickets at Camden Yards (orioles) even though I like the yanks the O's are the local team. I have been the fenway, the seats are so close together, I was there before the monster seats so i wouldnt know about any rope. Also, I have been to Jacobs Field (that was a great park in my view) and Yankee Stadium is really good, It is sorta raged down but the energy going through that place throughout the whole game is insane, I sat in section 39 (refered to as the bleacher creatures) and it was crazy. And a good family park would be Pac Bell in San Fransico, its so nice and cozy.

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