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Put this in your bathroom?
Tell the truth.

( its been a slow day on the HSBBW )

Cost: $150.00

Or this? The handy dandy baseball hideaway toilet plunger! Big Grin
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " Play both sports until the competition convinces you otherwise!! " " ...because baseball is just GOOD PRACTICE FOR LIFE ".
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almost as entertaining here as it was when transiently posted in that other,...... forum.

Well,...since THAT feeble attempt at humor went over like a lead balloon in that forum, perhaps it's most inevitable that I'm gonna be a cooked goose in this one too. Big Grin

Biggerpappi,...that's close grounds to having to chew on the soap bar for 30 seconds. Wink But I certainly wont be the one to accuse you of having a potty-mouth brain. ( tee-hee )
Last edited by shortstopmom
Hello Short stop Mom;
"do you remember Red Skelton"
For those of you old enough to remember Red Skelton, I think you will enjoy this e-mail. For those of you not old enough, you will see what you missed. Either way, his humor was always clean and he was a great entertainer. A rerun of great one liners from the man who was known for his clean humor. I hope you get a chuckle or two reading them once more ..


1. Two times a week we go to a nice restaurant, have a
little beverage, good food and companionship
She goes on Tuesdays; I go on Fridays.

2. We also sleep in separate beds.
Hers is in California , and mine is in Texas ..

3. I take my wife everywhere....
but she keeps finding her way back.

4. I asked my wife where she wanted to go for our anniversary.
'Somewhere I haven't been in a long time!' she said.
So I suggested the kitchen.

5. We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops.

6. She has an electric blender, electric
toaster and electric bread maker.
She said 'There are too many gadgets, and no place
to sit down!' So I bought her an electric chair.

7. My wife told me the car wasn't running well
because there was water in the carburetor.
I asked where the car was. She told me, 'In the lake.'

8. She got a mud pack, and looked great for two days.
Then the mud fell off.

9. She ran after the garbage truck, yelling, 'Am I too late
for the garbage?' The driver said, 'No, jump in!'

10. Remember: Marriage is the number one cause of divorce.

11. I married Miss Right. I just didn't know her
first name was Always.

12. I haven't spoken to my wife in 18 months
I don't like to interrupt her.

13. The last fight was my fault though.
My wife asked, 'What's on the TV?'
I said, 'Dust!'

Can't you just hear him say all of these?
I love it........these were the good old days
when humor didn't have to start with a four letter word. It was just clean and simple fun.
And he always ended his programs with the words, 'God Bless.'

Bob Williams

Originally posted by Orlando:
biggerpapi, I thought those were hockey pucks -- ?

Ah yes, Bob, the Good Old Days. No four letter words, just rampant mysogyny.

Thank goodness for a Dictionary! That word went right over my head. lol.

Main Entry: mi·sog·y·ny

Function: noun
Etymology: Greek misogynia, from misein to hate + gynē woman — more at queen
Date: circa 1656
Originally posted by Orlando:

Ah yes, Bob, the Good Old Days. No four letter words, just rampant mysogyny. Roll Eyes

I remember Red Skelton, I used to laugh at what he said, but I was young and really didn't understand it much then, and I don't really understand the above much now or the reason for it being posted. Roll Eyes

I guess we all have different sense of humors.
I absolutely loved Red Skelton. The funniest man who ever lived! I would begin laughing hysterically when he show began.. before he had said anything. A few years back, I bought a few tapes of his performances and shared them with my kids. Lo and behold, they were laughing hysterically, too! God bless!
TPM, the connection was concerns that marital partners wouldn't much favor the baseball toilet lid, which sorta kinda somehow led into spousal jokes...

Skelton was the best-funny, absolutely clean. True story:

Skelton was driving through a desert area with his wife and mother in law, both making comments upon his driving frequently. Finally he pulled off and said "All right Georgia, who's driving this car, you or your mother?"

When Harry Cohn, the not-much loved head of Columbia Pictures, died, noting the large crowd at the funeral, Skelton quipped "I guess Harry was right-give the public what they want and they'll show up."

Still my all time favorite comedian.

"And may God Bless".

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