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TR - If you think the NL has an honest shot at winning the WS, that's your opinion and more power to you. I would beg to differ on the "Teams of Destiny" arguement. Granted, there are those occurances here and there but not necessarily the norm. I felt the Yankees were destined to win against the Fla Fish. But alas, it wasn't so. you prefer Ozziedol bleach Beez? You know...

Ozziedol Liquid w/ Bleach Alternative offers you the powerful Ozziedol detergent plus color-safe (read diversity) bleaching action in the convenience of a liquid. So for those of you, that's you Beez, who prefer the pour of a liquid over the scoop of a powder, here you go.

Either way get really White Sox!

Oops...where were we? Something about the Mets and the Yankees I think...and destiny.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
There must be either a hilarious or really, really, sad story as to why you are not allowed into the laundry room'll share it with us at some point won't you Beez?

Secretly I think that Mrs. Gotwood4sale is hoping that our duo of hard working Maytags will fool me and incapacitate me for her a brief respite from my antics and getting me out from underfoot.

Truth be told those Maytags have me flummoxed...I keep jamming quarters into every crevice I can find, but those stubborn, yet sturdy, Maytags won't perform.

When I'm on the road with my sons or daughters and staying at the hotel with the rest of the team I often have to launder their uniforms...those Speed Queens never have trouble taking my money...and they perform like nobody's business!

I swear that when one of those Speed Queens hits the last of her spin cycle I keep hearing the word destiny being damply and cleanly uttered. Either that or the Cloroz fumes are getting to me.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
TR....have you actually followed the game this year?

You seem to know only 1 league, the AAA National.

Beezer is on the money.

It's between the big 5!

Ozzie's Sox
Leyland's Tiger's
Francona's Sox
Torre's Yankees
Gardenhire's Twins.

Seems there is a common theme here. Along with Scioscia and Cox, these are the best manager's in baseball.

Leave your biased ego at the door

I would dare say I know as much or more about what is going on than you because I won't wear those OZZIE LENSES

I told you before dont ever try to downgrade others and what y they know about the game

You know a lot but you wear thosae OZZIES LENSES which are "one shot deals"
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:
There must be either a hilarious or really, really, sad story as to why you are not allowed into the laundry room'll share it with us at some point won't you Beez?

Let's just say that I unknowingly washed a load of red clothes with some whites early in our marriage and didn't use the "Delicate" setting on a separate occasion. Big Grin

Originally posted by gotwood4sale:
When I'm on the road with my sons or daughters and staying at the hotel with the rest of the team I often have to launder their uniforms....

You need to learn to pull out that distressed look more often in the pressence of the team moms on wash day.
Yeah...I know about mixing red and white clothes in the wash...I still have chilling memories from seventh grade PE class when I opened my gym bag to discover a complete pink uniform staring up at me...thanks mom. Mercifully my pink gym shorts covered my pink jock strap.

Our PE teacher at Judson Jr. High, Mr. Flood, always got a kick out of his students with the shocking pink gym duds.
Back then you got razzed alot, but thank goodness no one was immune from their mother's laundry faux paus or devilish sense of humor. Many of us suffered this pink malady.

Nowadays maybe an ensemble like that would actually be popular...not with the Goth crowd certainly, but perhaps with others.

And as for enticing the moms on the team to help out with my kids uniforms...they always look a bit devilish when I trot out my best distressed lunk look. I'm imagining pink uniforms being the result of their offering to and the Speed Queen enjoy each other's it destiny if you like...or it could be the fumes.
Last edited by gotwood4sale
Just for the two of you...

Are You Lonesome Tonight?...sort of.
Sung by: Elvis Presley

Are you lonesome tonight?
Do you diss me tonight?
Are you sorry we're miffed from the start?
Does your memory stay in a tight pot of clay?
When I dissed you and mauled you ol' tart.
Do the stares at your valor seem especially bare?
Do you gaze at your monitor and imagine me there?
Is your head filled with pain, should I come back at you again?
Tell me sir, are you lonesome tonight?

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