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Villanova announced that it will now be keeping a close eye on their athlete’s Facebooks. The school will require all athletes to friend a Facebook page called Varsity Monitor.

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We were informed certain universities' compliance offices are requiring student-athletes to friend a company called "Varsity Monitor" on their facebook profile so they can see my information and pictures and give the company full access to all their information. Some student-athletes are refusing to accept this but are worried that could be kicked off the team if they do not comply. Has anyone else heard about this or have more information?

If you look through the facebook terms of service it seems very hairy if a company would be able to do this and comply with the rules of facebook.
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I think any organization that lets you be their public representative has an interest in knowing how you present yourself to the public on the Internet; however, I am uncomfortable with demands to see information that people haven't made available to the public.

I have heard of employers requiring access, even passwords, and I would decline to work for anyone who required it. My attitude is that they're welcome to Google me and rummage around social media sites to their heart's content if they feel the need to confirm that my life is as boring as it seems, but I'm not obliged to facilitate their curiosity.

However, it's a lot easier for someone at my stage of life to draw that line in the sand than it is for a college ballplayer to make a defiant stand for individual privacy.
Last edited by Swampboy
I couldn't find much on the Villanova site about it, but the company " Varsity Monitor " web site describes its service as a sort of virus protection for Universities. I guess they are constantly searching the web and social media sites for anything that may be deemed "unethical" or not in compliance with the NCAA. I assume the reports are sent to the universities so they may take action before it gets out of control.

I wonder if there are repercussions for not friending the company.
University of Tampa has had this since 2006, and athletes also sign an agreement:

Social Networking Policies

It is not that hard to find things through facebook, even though settings are "friends only", all you have to find is a friend of the target that has an open facebook to see pictures that are posted.

With all the scandals in college and pro sports, I can't say I blame the colleges for having such policies.
While I understand a universitys concern about what its representatives may be posting on the internet, I am very uncommfortable with someone asking a person ,be they soomeone in the workforce or an 18 year old college student to give up an extremly important right. The right be free from search and/or siezure from anyone just because no matter the good intent. And since most of this, facebook, is pretty well available I am even more concerned that a major university would outsource this type of thing.

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