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Recently my son attended a tryout that claims it is sponsored by the local varsity coach...they had 2 separate tryouts and made some selections of 10/11 and 12 year olds that shocked a lot of people who follow these kids...the volunteer coaches seemed to choose small kids whose parents were well connected with each really discouraged some good ball players as these inferior players (and that is being kind) are walking around the intermediate school pretending to be varsity players...12 year olds!!!...I have told my son the results of that tryout means nothing as I learned that a couple of parents got mad after the tryouts..groaned and complained and got there kids into this program after they had been cut...I am wondering if this goes on at a lot of H.S. programs...these parents are now acting as if there kids are asssured to be on the varsity team 4 years from now...Is this considred routine for H.S. coaches to develop players in this manner? Would any sane H.S. coach allow his program to be bought by parents of 12 year olds?
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I wouldn't give a second thought to what happens at twelve in relation to high school varsity. High school coaches don't coach to lose. They will select the best players in high school tryouts. Some parents may argue they don't. But that's when there are marginal differences in players and the coach sees one thing and the parent sees another.
Can't imagine any kind of experienced varsity coach putting his approval on anything like this. The HS & college baseball & football coaches with youth age players that I've known did not manage their son(s) youth teams, or lend their name to the formation of any teams. Instead, they had their sons play on teams with very well respected local youth coaches & occasionally former players.

Search for better youth baseball opportunities for your son, let this poorly put together daddyball bunch crash & burn (they eventually will).
Last edited by journey2

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