As we head into the HS baseball season, I was reminded in spades today what our job as parents often becomes. Your boy is in HS, you're NOT the coach anymore! You are his #1 fan and don't forget it.
Baseball is a game of failure. Your son will have tough days (mine did today). There are times to tell your son what he did wrong or how he could improve his swing or pitching delivery. But sometimes you just need to tell him how great he is. Thats all. If your boy is playing HS (or beyond) baseball, its because he's pretty darn good. Remember all the good times that got him there and when he stumbles, rather than trying to "fix" him, give him a shot in the arm and say "you're the greatest!"
I did and I just got a call from him at college saying how much that helped him. It was worth every word of it. Keep it all in a proper perspective!
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