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Not sure that ownership is "in it to win it" with an unproven talent from Japan and a Japanese track record in the US that has floundered consistently. Most well-regarded Japanese player is Ichiro, who is a slap hitter with a decent BA and plays RF. How is that considered success? Darvish would certainly be the 3-4-5 in the rotation, has decent stuff, but not stellar, has only decent fast ball, has off-season issues and might be the next suitor for Kardashian. Top it all off with $51MM upfront and another $60-75MM over 5-6 years guaranteed. That kind of money isn't what I'd consider money well-spent. We will see. I'll eat crow if he wins 15 games in first full season - but would gladly do it.
Originally posted by HPtx:
Not sure that ownership is "in it to win it" with an unproven talent from Japan and a Japanese track record in the US that has floundered consistently.

What have Ryan and Daniels EVER done to make you think they would make significant, long term investments in unproven talent? They have made short term gambles that have not all worked out but they never have created a long term problem for the club. These guys have done more to show they are in it to win with a wise financial strategy than another front office in baseball. If they are willing to invest in Darvish to this degree, they really think they have a solid investment in a quality player.
They had a scout at every one of his starts this season. If you think this is a knee jerk decision because they lost the series, think again. Darvish is only 25...the other Japanese pitchers were 30 plus. Darvish has not been over used like Daisuke was. He is 6'5 and has a power arm, not the norm in Japan. Now, will he have to adjust to the superior line ups over here (especially in the AL), absolutely. He wants to be in Texas unlike CJ Wilson.

There is always risk when you sign any free agent. You show me a team that doesn't take a risk, and I will show you a team that doesn't win.
Originally posted by Old School79:
I'll eat crow if he wins 15 games in first full season - but would gladly do it.

It will take a couple of years, to really see the benefit of signing him. 15 wins is tough for any pitcher, especially a rookie. If he signs, everyone will be gunning for him, year one.


Without any injuries or set backs that take him out of the rotation for more than two consecutive starts...

Jackie Chan wins 15.

Can't ignore Kung Fu stuff. You either got it, or you don't. We ain't talking about Irabu here.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
I'll take 15 and eat crow. I'm not saying that signing Darvish is a knee-jerk reaction...the Rangers clearly think he has talent. I'm just saying that history repeats itself...Japan has not had a great track record in the MLB. What free agent out there do they think would do as well? Not sure, but the options are limited. Matt Garza...Hiroki....Oswalt...Vasquez...not much to relish. Clearly, another won't put as many butts in seats either.
HPtx- you can not compare Darvish to any other Japanese pitcher who has come over here for a number of reasons (and these all being from a friend of family, who played with my son here in states, and played last couple of years over there in Japan.

He is 6'4 ish, 225ish, he is a a prototypical MLB pitcher body and delivery. Unlike all others from Japan, he is a drop and drive guy (Seaver, Ryan, Clemens). He sits 92-94 all day long and can touch 97. He throws about seven pitches, which will probably be dropped to 3-4 here in MLB.

Over there they use more of a college type ball.. softer leather, much higher seams than MLB. Their mounds are much lower than MLB mounds. Pitching there is almost closer to flatground work here, literally. The bullpen sessions there for Darvish (and others) are literally 150-180 pitches the day or two before a start - believe that or not. They pitch every seven days, not every five.

Will he have to make a gillion adjustments? Yes. Think of all the adjustments a NL pitcher would make just going to the AL.

But this guy is the real deal. Our friend played with him last year on the Fightin Hams. He said that every major league team had a scout at every start this past year and that some of the teams would sometimes have 2-3 scouts at a particular game. He said you can not have a better player in the dugout as well.. The perfect teammate. My point here is that he was VERY well scouted for an entire year.

He could of been a free agent in a year and just gone to highest bidder here, but by his character alone, he chose to go through this year, because his small market team there in Japan will get a % of the posting fee - which will be HUGE for the financial boost for them as they are easily a small of the small market teams over there. Class act.

Seven years with an avg ERA under 2.00 is rediculous. He will sign with Rangers, he will get #1 money. He will be worth it. He will be Rangers #1 or #2 at worst.

If you think he will not bring alot more butts to the seats, you're crazy. Did you see what the ballpark looked like when Chan Ho Park pitched (with new faces)?

Also, think how good a big time RHP will do vs Angels in the West... can you even name a big time pure lefthanded hitter in Angels lineup? No. They are all righties or switch hitters.

Great move for Rangers... biggest risk of failure? Sure. Biggest risk of success? Yep.

Can't wait to see him Opening Day.

BTW, Ichiro is a Hall of Famer.
Last edited by JMartin
I don't think you understood my comment above. Darvish will put more butts in seats than the alternatives in free agency. I like Darvish...but he comes with issues. But then, so would everyone else with great talent. In the end, it's a big risk, but a big risk would also be in signing a 30+ year old guy with 6-7 year guaranteed money. I'm glad we are not faced with that alternative.

BTW...Ichiro isn't in the HOF yet and may never get there.
Ken/OldSchool... yes, not sure what HPtx was smoking...

Ichiro holds record for most hits in a season and has had 10 200-hit seasons so far...

His Rookie year led league in batting average and stolen bases and was voted MVP of league...

has made 10 All-Star teams, won 10 Gold Gloves and his lifetime batting average has to be well over .300

Seems like a no-brainer...

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