Zach answered questions for an hour.
He is in the Pirates organization in high A ball in Lynchburg, VA. Now at $1200 instead of $850. Not to be nosy but that is standard. They get paid twice per month.
He confirmed that coaching quality is very good and that college players say overall coaching is better than college. Development is important planned and calculated. (My words from his thoughts)
He is a pitcher, so 100 limit pitch count. He would like to do more on occasions but they will not.
He is 6'1" and 190. Said he lost about 20 pounds from high school.
Longest bus ride has been about 10 hours.
There is help locating living facilities and usually share apartment with three others. Move to new team, you can get paired up with another group that may have lost someone to promotion.
He is an outstanding young man and, if you have gotten to know OPP at all, it is not surprising.
OPP should be has every right to be VERY proud.
As you might guess, the chat was pretty rapid fire (MrandMrsBaseball was on

(Mrs did most of the talking..said Mr was tied up) and some other ladies) so I'm sure someone else might could add to my comments.
For those interested in the academics. There was no discussion.............