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I love this guy. He's never at a loss for words.

In the KC Star: Re; KC fans and his quest for the Cy Young Award. "It's pretty annoying, actually," Grienke said of the cheers about the Cy Young Award. "I don't like it at all. I guess it's nice that they'll do that, but it's annoying to me."
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Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
Especially when chirping from the dugout at Greg Gibson.

I'd have words for him too. He's a power-hungry maniac with a big ego who has been out of control for AT LEAST the last week-two weeks.

I have no knowledge of his being out of control for two weeks, but the ejectino of Grienke was righteous and well within the rules and tradition of baseball.

The consequences of b!tching about balls and strikes loudly from the dugout are well known among players and managers at that level. Ask Bobby Cox.
Just a quick search of videos show him ejecting multiple coaches and players over the last few weeks. Many of which if he doesn't make a scene nobody even knows that anything happens.

Are umpires mic'd in MLB? You can't even pick up what is said from the Royals dugout, all you hear is what the umpire says. You can hear the mumbling, but not exact words. The umpire can be heard loud and clear.

He tossed the Royals manager in this game as well after issuing warnings to both teams after a curveball. If someone is going to "make a point" they're not going to throw a curve ball. And as was brought up awhile ago when throwing at people was brought up, if you look at the reaction of the catcher there is no way the pitcher was aiming for anybody. There shouldn't have been warnings issued there.
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
Just a quick search of videos show him ejecting multiple coaches and players over the last few weeks. Many of which if he doesn't make a scene nobody even knows that anything happens.

Are umpires mic'd in MLB? You can't even pick up what is said from the Royals dugout, all you hear is what the umpire says. You can hear the mumbling, but not exact words. The umpire can be heard loud and clear.

He tossed the Royals manager in this game as well after issuing warnings to both teams after a curveball. If someone is going to "make a point" they're not going to throw a curve ball. And as was brought up awhile ago when throwing at people was brought up, if you look at the reaction of the catcher there is no way the pitcher was aiming for anybody. There shouldn't have been warnings issued there.

I can hear Grienke in the video without trying hard. He's the one who starts out with "HEY GREG!" There is a mic behind the umpire near the direction Greg was walking when he dumped Grienke.

As regard the curveball warning...this was the second time that inning that the F1 nailed a batter with a high curve. Per the MLB instructions to the umpires, this calls for a warning to both benches.

Again, Gibson was correct by rule and tradition.

The skipper knows his days are numbered. He had nothing to lose. Of the two, Gibson will still be working in the majors next year.
Bottom line; many umpires are out of control. They know of these Umpire Fantasy leagues, they issue warnings way to early and strut around w "rabbit ears".

I am not sure about everyone else; but I watch games to see the players; not the guy in blue to over react to a little chirping or give an overzealous strike call.

BTW, there is no official in ALL of sports that has more influence over a game than a home plate umpire and his "interpretation" that day of the strike zone.
While I agree that many umps have tried to take center stage and consider themselves part of the show...and wrongly so...Grienke deserved to get tossed.

He hollered at the ump by name to get his attention, and then says, "??? the strike zone". Ump says, "what?", and Grienke says it again. That deserves to get you tossed. They blame the ump for being sensitive, but I blame Grienke for repeating himself. He could have just as easily said nothing, instead, he said something he knew would get him tossed.

Not a smart move by Grienke.
Thank you njbb for bringing that to everyone's attention.
ZG was standing up for the rookie, good for him, my son would have done the same thing, and they know the consequences. The umpire could have ignored it, my son was chirpin' away at an umpire this summer for a really, really bad call, he took it like a man and ignored it.
The warning was ridiculous, did he actually think someone pitching his first MLB game is going to go after someone, and pitchers don't go after players with CBs.
Yes, he may have deserved the toss, but the umpire needs to control himself as well.
Umpires are evaluated, rated and even, despite common belief, released based partly on whether or not they follow the rules and MLB directives, including those regarding warning pitchers and benches.

Gibson did his job as MLB describes it. If managers have issue with that, they need to take it up with the execs.
Originally posted by Jimmy03:
Umpires are evaluated, rated and even, despite common belief, released based partly on whether or not they follow the rules and MLB directives, including those regarding warning pitchers and benches.

Gibson did his job as MLB describes it. If managers have issue with that, they need to take it up with the execs.

Please, all of these are judgement calls. THere is no reason he doesn't walk towards the dugout between innings and tell Zack he's heard enough. By doing it the way he did, it was part of the show. THis series had numerous heated exchanges between Umpire crew and Royals. Chalk on point up for the Crew!
Originally posted by fsmjunior:
Originally posted by Jimmy03:
Umpires are evaluated, rated and even, despite common belief, released based partly on whether or not they follow the rules and MLB directives, including those regarding warning pitchers and benches.

Gibson did his job as MLB describes it. If managers have issue with that, they need to take it up with the execs.

Please, all of these are judgement calls. THere is no reason he doesn't walk towards the dugout between innings and tell Zack he's heard enough. By doing it the way he did, it was part of the show. THis series had numerous heated exchanges between Umpire crew and Royals. Chalk on point up for the Crew!

You obviously have not see MLB directives. In case you haven't noticed, umpires are calling these things much more literally than in the past. They didn't make this decision on their own.

The argument put forth by the announcers that "no one knew what was going on" would result in players and managers being able to do and say anything they wanted and umpires taking ann amazing amount of abuse as long as the fans didn't hear it. Even ML managers know that isn't right.

Bottom line, despite the wishes of some, umpires are going to follow the instructions they've been given regarding warning pitchers and benches. This isn't the first one this year that could be argued as premature, and as long as MLB does not rescind its directive, it will not be the last.

If you want additional discretion shown, contact MLB instead of whining about the umpires.
Gee, Jimmy, not hard to figure out you are an umpire, so I assume you will take that side. Smile

I watched the video, and I didn't see him give out a warning, I am not saying the ejection was not warranted at some point, but if you want to talk directives, are you saying that, an umpire can't take any comments from the bench and gets to throw out a player immediately? Also, his body language did look pretty angry. I understand an umpire comes to do his job, and that also includes calling balls and strikes properly and if he didn't, he's gonna get it.
No one stands up better for his players than Bobby Cox.
For Zack Greinke, a Cy is just a sigh

Ya gotta love this guy!

Normally, Greinke talks to out-of-town reporters only after he pitches, but scheduling quirks resulted in him failing to pitch in either of the Royals-Yankees series this season, so club officials persuaded him to hold a news conference at Yankee Stadium.

So there he was Tuesday afternoon, behind the table at the spacious, ultra-modern interview room at the Yankees’ new $1.5 billion palace, with the famous interlocking NY logo as a backdrop. Greinke was asked, more or less, if he ever looked at the Yankees and wondered what it would be like to pitch in the playoffs.

“Yeah, definitely,” he said. “But I don’t want to pitch for New York in the playoffs. I want to pitch for Kansas City in the playoffs. It would definitely be a lot better being in the playoffs than not. That’s all you ever play for.”

The room quieted for a long pause.

Now think about it: Has any Royal said “no” that emphatically to the Yankees — to the very idea of the Yankees and their well-earned glory — since George Brett’s pennant-clinching homer in 1980?

Last edited by TMM_Dad
[QUOTE]Originally posted by TMM_Dad:
For Zack Greinke, a Cy is just a sigh

Ya gotta love this guy!

Normally, Greinke talks to out-of-town reporters only after he pitches, but scheduling quirks resulted in him failing to pitch in either of the Royals-Yankees series this season, so club officials persuaded him to hold a news conference at Yankee Stadium.

So there he was Tuesday afternoon, behind the table at the spacious, ultra-modern interview room at the Yankees’ new $1.5 billion palace, with the famous interlocking NY logo as a backdrop. Greinke was asked, more or less, if he ever looked at the Yankees and wondered what it would be like to pitch in the playoffs.

“Yeah, definitely,” he said. “But I don’t want to pitch for New York in the playoffs. I want to pitch for Kansas City in the playoffs. It would definitely be a lot better being in the playoffs than not. That’s all you ever play for.”

The room quieted for a long pause.

Now think about it: Has any Royal said “no” that emphatically to the Yankees — to the very idea of the Yankees and their well-earned glory — since George Brett’s pennant-clinching homer in 1980?

I love Grienke, but when his contract year comes uop and his numbers are what they are now... the Yankees will offer $200 mil and he wil don pinstrips... unless my Red Sox can get him... it is just baseball business. Especially if Boris gets a hold of him.
In 2007, Grienke signed a contract with the Royals to avoid arbitration. In January of this year, Grienke agreed to a 38 million dollar contract with the Royals for 4 years.
So unless a trade ever is considered because the Royals need cash and someone wants to pick up the tab, he is not going anywhere until he is almost 30.

My opinion, from what I have heard, he is very happy where he is, and who he plays for, the Royals stood by him when he walked away from the game in 2006.

Grienke is the type who would rather remain on a team and help them get to playoffs, rather than join a team where he might be guaranteed playoffs.

FMS, you should read the entire article, he mentions why he signed 4 years with the Royals and not agreed to a year to year contract.
Last edited by TPM
Unfortunately, this afternoon Grienke will attempt to break the hearts of a lot of Twins fans.

Formidable opponent awaits Twins

We are 1 game behind the Tigers in AL Central and both teams have 2 regular season games to play. IF Twins can beat Greinke this afternoon, hopes are still alive - for a very exciting final regular season game in the Metrodome, tomorrow. (New outdoor ballpark next Spring.)

Last edited by MN-Mom
Originally posted by Dad04:
Zach went to high school 2 miles from my house. I got to know his folks a little when my son and his brother were teammates. I get the impression it is hard to predict what Zach will do, except perform baseball wizardry.

I too am from Central FL and know a lot of Apopka baseball people. Zach could be living in a hut & surfing full time in Costa Rica before he finishes this contract. (not that that is bad thing).

TPM, my comments were less about Zach than baseball in general. However, there are plenty of players who have hit 30 and realized that they can make "Generational" type money on that last BIG contract payday. Those Contracts do not come from teams like Kansas City, Pittsburgh or Cincinatti.

I pull for Zach every game he is not pitching against the Red Sox.
Originally posted by MN-Mom:
Unfortunately, this afternoon Grienke will attempt to break the hearts of a lot of Twins fans.

Formidable opponent awaits Twins

We are 1 game behind the Tigers in AL Central and both teams have 2 regular season games to play. IF Twins can beat Greinke this afternoon, hopes are still alive - for a very exciting final regular season game in the Metrodome, tomorrow. (New outdoor ballpark next Spring.)


Welcome to White Sox Nation...or in the words of the Al Pacino, Tony Montana character impersonator, Ozzie Guillen, " Say hello to all your little White Sox friends."
Last edited by CPLZ

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