Tagged With "dash"
60 yard dash
Hi, I am a freshman baseball player and I am small for my age. I've been working on getting bigger, and in 3 months I've gone from 5'4" 106lbs to 5'6" 120 lbs. I was at a tryout when I weighed around 110 lbs and my 60 yard dash time was a 7.2. That is with official timers and everything. Now, timing it on my own, the best I can get is an 8.3. The weight I have gained has been muscle and not fat because it is from a lot of chicken and muscle shakes and almond butter sandwiches. I also have a...
60 time help
I am a 15 y/o 2018 grad and have been sitting around 7.05-7.10 for my 60y/dash time for about a month or two. I think that if I get a better more powerful start then, I could break through the 7 second mark. Are there any workouts, stretches, etc....
Re: 60 time help
I've posted this link to PGStaff's "Do You Want To Run Faster?" article several times. Good information. http://www.perfectgame.org/Art...ew.aspx?article=1300
Re: 60 time help
There has been multiple discussions on that subject. Last week there were some great references. Use the search engine for the topic. Also, youtube has a lot of dash educational videos. A lot of hard work, core training, leg workouts, and proper mechanics and you can easily improve your time.
Re: 60 time help
If you have the funds available there are programs that teach how to run that specialize in running the sixty. Velocity had one when my son was in high school. There was also a local program.
Re: 60 time help
A few years ago, I experimented at our Area Code tryouts in Fresno. A track coach from Fresno State offered to assist in our pre-60 yard test. Each player ran the 60 yard and received their times All players listened to the track coach and practiced as a group for 1/2 hour and then ran the 60 a second time. Improvements were instant. Baseball players meet your local HS track coaches and request assistance. "Self improvement"+ confidence = success. Bob
Re: 60 time help
I have a 2018 that's been working really hard with strength and speed the past few months. In particular the 60 for the past six weeks. Our speed guy started with an assessment to find areas of tightness or if there was anything out of alignment. Result: backside of hips were really raised and out of alignment causing a lot of glute/hamstring tightness. Hip flexors and IT bands were also really tight making the glute/hamstrings even more tight. He couldn't drive his legs, he couldn't...
Re: 60 time help
2017 start speed training next week, if he is able to drop tenths the way you guys describe his stock is going to be going up...it has only taken me 2.5 yrs to convince him this is needed...sigh!
Re: 60 time help
Originally Posted by Gov: I have a 2018 that's been working really hard with strength and speed the past few months. In particular the 60 for the past six weeks. Our speed guy started with an assessment to find areas of tightness or if there was anything out of alignment. Result: backside of hips were really raised and out of alignment causing a lot of glute/hamstring tightness. Hip flexors and IT bands were also really tight making the glute/hamstrings even more tight. He couldn't drive his...
Re: 60 time help
There are some very good speed trainers out there. I agree with Bob W. about going to the track coach, he can help. That said, it has been my experience that most speed guys and track coaches have not mastered the baseball start. The start in baseball (basic lead off position) is much different and difficult than starting in the blocks or shoulders squared to the target (finish line) However, once the body turns everything is the same. We have had very (very) good luck with teaching and...
Re: 60 time help
Probably not the best thread to ask, but could someone expand on the use of the lacrosse ball? I'm assuming this is an actual lacrosse ball, but if so, I am having a hard time imagining how it is used to improve flexibility.
Re: 60 time help
Originally Posted by 2017LHPscrewball: Probably not the best thread to ask, but could someone expand on the use of the lacrosse ball? I'm assuming this is an actual lacrosse ball, but if so, I am having a hard time imagining how it is used to improve flexibility. You use it in the same way as a foam roller, just a lot more focused. You can roll your calfs on it, I use it on the pecs quite a bit and forearms, upper back and shoulders. You can really find sore or tight spots and work them out...
Re: 60 time help
Originally Posted by Gov: I have a 2018 that's been working really hard with strength and speed the past few months. In particular the 60 for the past six weeks. Our speed guy started with an assessment to find areas of tightness or if there was anything out of alignment. Result: backside of hips were really raised and out of alignment causing a lot of glute/hamstring tightness. Hip flexors and IT bands were also really tight making the glute/hamstrings even more tight. He couldn't drive his...
Re: 60 time help
Originally Posted by 2019Dad: Originally Posted by Gov: I have a 2018 that's been working really hard with strength and speed the past few months. In particular the 60 for the past six weeks. Our speed guy started with an assessment to find areas of tightness or if there was anything out of alignment. Result: backside of hips were really raised and out of alignment causing a lot of glute/hamstring tightness. Hip flexors and IT bands were also really tight making the glute/hamstrings even...
Re: 60 time help
Originally Posted by 2017LHPscrewball: Probably not the best thread to ask, but could someone expand on the use of the lacrosse ball? I'm assuming this is an actual lacrosse ball, but if so, I am having a hard time imagining how it is used to improve flexibility. Son stands in a door way and pressures the lacrosse ball into his hip flexor and kind of grinds into it. Seems to help, but it looks very odd, nothing he'd do in public for sure.
Re: 60 time help
Originally Posted by Gov: Originally Posted by 2017LHPscrewball: Probably not the best thread to ask, but could someone expand on the use of the lacrosse ball? I'm assuming this is an actual lacrosse ball, but if so, I am having a hard time imagining how it is used to improve flexibility. Son stands in a door way and pressures the lacrosse ball into his hip flexor and kind of grinds into it. Seems to help, but it looks very odd, nothing he'd do in public for sure. My son learned this trick...
Re: 60 time help
Thought I'd wait a little before chiming in. Early on in recruiting process, we sensed that 60 time would be key for 2015. I think when you are talking about improving 60 times, there are really 2 groups of players: 1) Those players who are slower and whose position may not call for speed, but want to improve time (hence indicate "in shape"to recruiters) 2) Those players who are generally quick, whose positions call for footspeed (MI/CF), and want to separate themselves from others who are...
Re: 60 time help
We started timing 10 yards this past year. Actual had to get new laser equipment to do this. Hand held timing is simply not accurate enough due to human error. If you have ever been tioming at the finish line of the 60 with 50 or more scouts this becomes very obvious being a tenth or more difference between scouts is very normal. That 10th second is still close enough that the runner will receive the same grade. In other words, whether you get a 6.5 or a 6.6 it's still very close. However...
Re: 60 time help
Any chance the "industry" is going to move away from the 60 and in favor of the 40? I think the split for the 10 is going to get lots of attention and there may be some desire for additional splits. Not sure I have ever seen a play in baseball where running an entire 60 at full speed was required, maybe 40-50 on a long foul ball. I think those last 20 help demonstrate fitness and maybe the ability to top out with a long stride - neither of which are terribly high on a scout's checklist. I...
Re: 60 time help
Originally Posted by Gov: I have a 2018 that's been working really hard with strength and speed the past few months. In particular the 60 for the past six weeks. Our speed guy started with an assessment to find areas of tightness or if there was anything out of alignment. Result: backside of hips were really raised and out of alignment causing a lot of glute/hamstring tightness. Hip flexors and IT bands were also really tight making the glute/hamstrings even more tight. He couldn't drive his...
Re: 60 time help
Good comments in here. When it comes to 60 times making sure your start is sound is key, spend most your time on this and flexibility...(yoga isnt just a fad, its valuable to serious athletes) will pay dividends ...i also suggest spending a ton of time on 10 and 20 yard sprints during practice, rather than a ton of 60s... Lastly core work and even shoulder strength play in...everything working in unison without weak or soft points in your physique matters. Good luck! Shaving a 1/10 a YEAR...
Re: 60 yard dash
If your "official" 7.2 time was timed with a stopwatch, it could be off by quite a bit. However, the large discrepancy you described is probably primarily due to flaws in the the way you're timing it now yourself. Keep up the hard work! Very impressive.
Re: 60 yard dash
BBPlayer29: Welcome to the site. Though you may be a pitcher, from your size I am guessing MI or CF. If you are hoping to play beyond HS, the 60 yard dash will be very important measurable for you. Absent laser timing, you'll see much variation in your times, though the more you run it, you will come up with times "typical for you." Also the more places you run it (unbiased third party), the better chance of reaching your best time, whatever this is. After running one at a showcase or camp,...
Re: 60 yard dash
Make friends with the HS track coach (men's or women's). Ask if you can run for him/her and get a time, and more importantly, some pointers. Tweaking some key elements (body position during the start, arm movement, finish) can reduce your time very quickly. It won't be an official "baseball time" but it sure beats doing it yourself and the coach will know when to start and stop the clock. There may be a running professional around your area that can do this for a fee. My son had several...
Re: 60 yard dash
Thank you for the advice! I will definitely take a video and make sure my technique looks alright and I will keep in mind the differences of the way it's being timed.
Re: 60 yard dash
Welcome to the forum! Here's a good Perfect Game article titled "Do You Want To Run Faster?". http://www.perfectgame.org/Art...ew.aspx?article=1300 Also, if you're good with video, take a 10 second clip of your phone's stopwatch. Then insert that clip into your 60 video, lining up your 60 start with the stopwatch start. The hundreds may be blurry on the stopwatch video since standard video capture is 30 frames per second (0.033 seconds between frames), but it should be good enough for a 60...
Re: 60 yard dash
Want to second the advice to get a running coach to help you with form. Good form alone will cut a significant amount of time off your 60 time.
Re: 60 yard dash
May sound obvious but some baseball cleats are heavy and can slow you down - My son 2016 OF achieves sub 6.7 (best 6.52) when he wears his very light weight soccer cleats - so when it really counts (showcase or PG) he slips them on to run. Maybe just coincidence or false confidence but this has shaved 0.5 off the 60. Of course when running the dirt base paths he uses the metal BB cleats but in the grass a shoe designed to run in grass and super light weight helps. Also he videod himself and...
Re: 60 yard dash
Usually 60 is run at the beginning of a showcase. Son had some of his best times running without a protective cup, ala Carl Crawford (remember this http://www.tampabay.com/sports...otective-cup/1110370 ) . Son would find some nondiscreet way to put it back in for skills set and remainder of showcase. As others posted big factors as to time variances are surface, shoes, and whether you are running alone or with "competition." Like a good hitter who wants to hit the best pitcher's fastball, a...
Re: 60 yard dash
My son runs his 60 time barefoot whenever they allow it. When his travel coach recommended this we thought he was BSing us. Side note, his travel coach is OLD SCHOOL, coached decades at a major D1 University and is a Marine. So, we have done multiple tests and all the kids test fastest barefoot. One teammate consistently runs Low 6.4s. Fall Classic we had some new players with us. All the boys took off their shoes and the new players and parents thought it was outrageous to remove your...
Re: 60 yard dash
Talking to the track coach is a good idea. Coaches typically like to help athletes get to the next level regardless of the sport. There are also training facilities that teach not only speed but how to run a sixty.