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From High Point website:
Thompson is a native of Amory, Miss., a town in close proximity to Starkville, the home of Mississippi State. His father, who resides in Starkville, is currently battling a terminal illness. In addition, his wife is a native of Birmingham, Ala., located about two hours from the MSU campus.

"Without a doubt, today has been the toughest day in my baseball career," added Thompson. "This opportunity at Mississippi State came about as a complete surprise to me. However, the chance to return to my home state, and be near both my family and my wife's family at this time in our lives proved too hard to turn away from."

I'll give him full benefit of the doubt.
Having gone thru a situation similar to this with my Dad I am here to tell you that you make decisions quite different from the norm---I lost my Mom amd Dad within 6 months , both in their 80's and with terminal illness situations---my life virtually stopped for that entire year--- And I do not regret one second of that time -- I have the memories of being with them for their last moments and I will have them forever

Old Slugger you need to get a grip on what life is all about
Originally posted by OLDSLUGGER8:
Lost my Dad amidst other family needs. Very painful to this day. He was my hero.

Mr. Get-a-grip(TR the king of the East Coast) needs to choose his indictments more carefully. I guess I basically don't like this site anymore, and many who frequent it.

Sorry for the coach having a loss. What if no big D1 was in the vicinity?

OS8 - this is a controversial subject but I will comment on it nonetheless.

This subject shows that there are indeed shades of gray in this world. I think calling the guy a smuuck is going to far (too black) but saying that his motives were purely altruistic is also going too far (too white). Would he have moved to Mississippi to a place known as No-Name U and with a pay cut to be closer to his father? I doubt it. The fact of the matter is he probably got a pay raise moving to the SEC as an assistant versus a low-level Big South head coaching position. I think he should have manned-up, taken the heat, and left his family situation out of it. That may be the minority position but that is how I feel.
I think compassion is in order for the Thompson family as we all know they will have some tough times ahead with the terminal illness of his father. Coach Thompson is highly respected in the baseball community and whatever his reason for moving should not harm that respect. No doubt his father's illness factored in his decision to move to MSU but only coach Thompson knows how much. The big question ---- Was his father's illness diagnosed prior to June 9th (2 weeks ago) when he accepted the job as head coach at High Point University? If so then he could be accused of not being “brutally” honest about his move. Consider too that his stated reason for leaving does preserve the image of High Point. It’s possible the AD asked him to give his father’s illness as a major factor in leaving High Point.
If his father's illness has just been diagnosed in the past two weeks then his reason for leaving High Point may have been heavily influenced by his father's illness and the job opening at Mississippi State is a Godsend. Lot of unknowns so we cannot pass judgment (not that we should anyway). Since we’re discussing it I have to agree with ClevelandDad and BHD. I think it was basically a coaching opportunity and he had to take advantage of it.
my life virtually stopped for that entire year--- And I do not regret one second of that time -- I have the memories of being with them for their last moments and I will have them forever

No regrets,......... Smile

I guess I basically don't like this site anymore, and many who frequent it.

............. Frown

Lot of unknowns so we cannot pass judgment

Last edited by shortstopmom
Originally posted by OLDSLUGGER8:
I guess I basically don't like this site anymore, and many who frequent it.

This site is for open discussions. Frequently the topic is baseball and related. Sometimes it is other common issues we encounter in life.

You may know some of these posters personally, but most you do not. You may not like what others post, but you probably don't know them well enough to dislike them personally.

You posted a topic related to a coach leaving a job shortly after he took it to return to a bigger school. None of us knows what his real motivation was. My first post supported his move, but after I read Fungo's post on the topic, it gave me pause to think that he may have used his father's illness to return.

Either way, we will never know, but there is room for differing opinions here.

No reason to take your toys and go home.
Last edited by tychco

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