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Heath rolled on to 29-0 beating Royce City 7-0. Trevor Holland hit a leadoff HR but the Lane kid for RC pitched pretty well. Thompson had a great outing for Heath - he lost his no hitter with one out in the bottom of 7 but finished with a one hitter, 18 Ks, and no walks or hit batters. Only one ball hit out of the infield and only 4 balls put into play.
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What the freak?! I wasn't even at the game. I choose to remain nameless because of bitter posters. I responded to an earlier post by someone I don't know and certainly don't think they deserved to be called out either. Kid did well. Team did well. TX-Husker is right. Just give congrats and move on. I am pretty sure hundreds of people attend and listen to the games and all are entitled to give their opinions.

If you don't like or don't agree with a post, ignore it, don't respond, and move on.
Last edited by baseballfreak80
I disagree freak 80, swami has a good point, if the heath kid did so great why is it only his dad and grand dad, big train and ryanexpress, telling us how great the kid is. Maybe someone other than "family" can comment. We all in the metroplex want to support the heath bandwagon but several of their posters, mentioned previouly, make us all noxious. Heath dads and grand dads...get over your kids, quit reminding us every day how wonderful, fantastic, and great they are. I will hate to read your excuses when you lose.
Freak 80, I would love to give congrats and move on but the heath posts are just a little bit more descriptive than that. If every dad and grand dad posted when their kid did something good, this web site would explode with overlode.
No family here...and I don't think it would be overloaded with kids on an undefeated team after ~30 games who had a .8 ERA. They are having a great year, and several of the kids seem to be having great seasons...who cares where the reports come from. If you have a dad spouting off about his kid hitting .200, that's a different matter. That's not the case here. Get over it.
Originally posted by txdad1315:
I disagree freak 80, swami has a good point, if the heath kid did so great why is it only his dad and grand dad, big train and ryanexpress, telling us how great the kid is. Maybe someone other than "family" can comment. We all in the metroplex want to support the heath bandwagon but several of their posters, mentioned previouly, make us all noxious. Heath dads and grand dads...get over your kids, quit reminding us every day how wonderful, fantastic, and great they are. I will hate to read your excuses when you lose.
Freak 80, I would love to give congrats and move on but the heath posts are just a little bit more descriptive than that. If every dad and grand dad posted when their kid did something good, this web site would explode with overlode.

If the Heath kid did so great?! 18ks out of 21 outs? You really want to ask that question?
Who cares who posts? A parent, sibling, grandparent, all have as much right to post as anyone. Sorry Grandpa, you have the right to say the kid did a good job and he did. Unless everyone is willing to put their full names on this site they need to NOT call out anyone else because the THINK they know who they are. See you have not posted your name here SWAMI. Low blow dude! Read the message board rules here - where does it say who can post and who can't? The board is to highlight teams and performances. Any team including those that are undefeated. Get a life people. This is beyond ridiculous. I can only imagine how the kid would feel if he reads all of this nonsense.
Last edited by baseballfreak80
freak80, I imagine the kid would be totally embarrassed to know the only people reminding us how great he is, is his dad and grand dad. Maybe they should start their own web site and cheapseats and tx-husker can be the web masters. You guys can sit around all day in front of the mirror and tell each other how pretty and great you are. You don't have to remind this web site how great you are after every game. We read the paper.
I've been watching this kid play since he was nine. Not that I just follow him, I have a kid the same age and they played against each other many times. Since we are in a different district I don't hear much about 10-4A other than what I read here. I like reading the updates, and I really don't really care who writes them.

My opinion is that if you call someone out by NAME you should man-up and use your name.

By the way, you can add me to the fanclub.
Big Train, Why would you care what swami or myself say? You get so defensive about every little statement about your son. You respond by saying "he pitched a fabulous game as he has done every time he steps on the field", "I think he is talented", "marvelously pitched game", "my kid is good". Between you, ryanexpress, and baseballfreak 80, its a love fest and reminder of how great JT is. Are you three all related? I have never seen someone on this site brag so openly about their son. We all give credit to good performances and rightly so but yours goes way beyond the norm. No one else does this. No one feels they need to. Do you really need to respond to me and swami with such malice? In the last year on this site, I have never read any posts, anything remotely, like yours. The insecurity in your feelings that you have to defend him is childish. Like I said before Heath is playing great, we all know that. We all want them to succeed. You are making it very difficult to root for their best players, Jovan, Holland and Baune. You might consider reading the funny bantering in the 15-4a posts between Poteet and Forney. They are funny, insightful, and never personal. They are competitive in a comical and non malicious way. The Beast and 4neebball can give you some pointers. That is a great post. Yours are personal. You are an insecure bully
A few unsolicited comments from the peanut gallery (PEANUT, read it right).... Cool

I will confess that I don't know HS baseball like I once did -- my youngest son graduated in 2008 -- and I don't know, nor have I ever seen this kid or team (Heath) play. But, I have slept in a Holiday Inn Express, which qualifies me to say that this ongoing, never-let-up argument about someone being cowardly because they don't provide their real name, address, SSN, mother's maiden name, or VISA pin (with expiration date) is old and me.

Is there a message board in the WORLD (ping-pong in China?) where participants identify themselves by real name? If so, I bet they're pretty interesting. "I m Wu and my '11 has the best serve west of the great wall!"

Mr Train -- oops, your name isn't Train -- I respectfully ask you to lighten up. Yes, I'm posting in public. From my casual position, I believe your son is a unique talent. Congratulations (do not read sarcasm, I am typing with sincerity). He and his team are acknowledged here on a fairly regular basis.....for his accomplishments at Heath, in summer ball, etc. He is recognized by Perfect Game (awesome list!). I just wish you and your family could view these discussions with a little more....what's the word?.....enjoyment. If the reports are accurate, your son has a terrific future in baseball. That's a very cool thing. Cool So, try to relax a little. I mean this in a loving way.

Swami's post was tongue-in-cheek. That is his style....and if it seems like I am defending him....well, perhaps so. We go back a few years. He is a good guy too. He just happens to be an orange-jacket homer. Hard to hold THAT against him, isn't it???

Rockwall Heath is a great team with a great group of players, an excellent coach (which I have never met), and a solid group of fans and supporters. And, in much the same way as PW in 2008, there will be some that hope that their playoff run includes a premature evacuation......*I hate when that happens*.....but......all this message board stuff doesn't reduce the talent of this team or the potential of its players. It's a message board!

Here's how I chose to view it (back in the day) every post if you must. Smile at the ones that send kudos your way.....and smile at the ones that antagonize as well. Ignore the temptation to react to every word, I know it's tough. Use the "report to site owner" key a little less. My sons were good HS baseball players....they all played in college -- one is still there. He does not have the talent of your son.....but I can still look back at the posts that criticized him (as over-rated or whatever) -- or those on the college boards that are harsh today -- as part of his/our overall baseball experience. Trust me in saying that this message board ------ and I still view it as the best of its kind ------ remains somewhat meaningless in the larger scheme of life (sorry Julie). I mean, it doesn't even have a speelcheker -- come on, it's 2010!

And Swami -- why don't you just go back to predicting games or reporting on what Coach Talley has for breakfast????

I love you all. Go Rock! (interpret that as you will)

18 strikeouts in 21 batters faced. And a couple of seriously JEALOUS people are upset because a Grandpa started the post. And two other kids were mentioned by Grandpa. Wow, since this site is for HSBB, Congrats to the Thompson kid for an outstanding performance. And congrats to Holland and Lane who were mentioned as well. And prayers for Owens of RC, he was mentioned in the second post. All this HSBB stuff got lost, just wanted to mentioned that. The Grandpa deserves to be proud.
Swami comes off as a real tool in my book. He made it personal, by trying to make the kid's Dad look stupid for being proud of his kid.

I get the feeling that Swami wouldn't behave nearly so boldly in person. Poor manners and being a smartass is much easier when protected by the anomininity of the internet.

I'm thinking Swami is the passive aggressive kind of guy that got picked on in high school and now uses this forum to take shots at people, he would never do in his pathetic real life..

For the record... I've never met any of the Rockwall Heath parents or their kids.
With all these posts in the middle of the night I am wondering when some of you guys/gals get any shuteye.

To all requesting identity - Be careful what you ask for - I have seen Julie reveal IP addresses (not actual IP addresses but revelations of multiple "user names" from the same IP address) when things got ugly in the past.

Panther Dad - Good to see you posting with words of wisdom again. We could all use a little of your advice. Smile
Last edited by cheapseats
Originally posted by go pirates:
Baune, Hernandez, Thompson and the rest of the team are doing a great job with a big target on their back.

How do you beat a team that has (2) 2012's throwing 90+ and (9) sticks all hitting over .450? No one in this area will come close.

Answer.....have them play a 9-4A team that has (2) 2010's doing the same thing with several sticks backing them up.....sorry, couldn't resist
Answer.....have them play a 9-4A team that has (2) 2010's doing the same thing with several sticks backing them up.....sorry, couldn't resist

I assume you are talking about McKinney. They will be in the lower half of the bracket and Heath will be in the upper half. Looks like that would pair up Centennial and Wakeland with Heath then McKinney and Sherman would pair up with Poteet. That is if we win one of our last two games.

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