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Triple Crown Sports put on a huge Father's Day Challenge in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania during the week of June 18-19, 2011.

There was one particular game that featured a 10U matchup that had an ugly ending.

Here's the facts ... there was an umpire who was a little loose between the ears and two teams that were getting all over the umpire as well as the fans.

At the conclusion of the game, one VA team's mgr had a heated discussion with the umpire which resulted in the umpire getting in the mgr's personal space.

What happened next? The mgr choked the umpire and it was stated that it was a death grip on the umpire's throat.

Now ... What needs to be done about this?

Would be most interested in everyone's perspective?
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I've seen tournament directors pull a lot of stunts, and shenanigans. However, I've never seen a Tourney Director run a tournament from a jail cell. This could be interesting.

That League Board better step forward quickly for the sake of those kids and the embarrassment it will cause the community. I would suggest escalating this to the Cal Ripken National Tourney committee. I'm sure they are not going to want to be associated with this guy in any way.

Parents are afraid of this coach and will not address this but will leave a 10 year old child under his care / control and supervision? Perhaps there is more to the story?

Tough position for the parents. However, as a parent if I witness my coach choking an umpire in front of my 10 year old....the season is over unless that coach is removed from the team.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
Well, Winchester is hosting the Ripken WS so I am guessing that that is where Akadema is talking about. I wasn't at the tournament where the grappling match took place so I was making a guess...

Wasn't a secret from my side, just simply that I don't know for sure whether I was even correct. You'll have to ask Mr. Akadema if it was a secret for another reason. LOL
This is an interesting thread. Unfortunately there are a lot more of these acts of stupidity (which also happen to be criminal acts) than you may think. Here's an organization that tracks them and posts the disposition if charges are brought.

If the topic originator actually has first hand knowledge of the incident he should consider reporting it.
Last edited by birddog
Here's another one....

BERKELEY — BERKELEY A Little League game was disrupted over the weekend by a township man who threw a punch at a coach who was in a dugout, police reported.

Local resident Tom Kwatkoski, also a member of the Berkeley Little League executive board, was charged with simple assault after he allegedly went into a dugout and struck Denton “Denny” Munson, a Toms River coach, according to Detective Sgt. James Smith of the Berkeley police.
Officer Ronald Bondolich, who was in the area at the time, was alerted to the fight and took Kwatkoski into custody, Smith said.
Kwatkoski is also in charge of the organization's field and operations, witnesses said.
Munson is vice president of operations for the Toms River East Little League. He also was coaching the Toms River East Little League 10-and-under team when the incident happened, witnesses said.
Smith said Kwatkoski approached Munson during the second inning of the game to ask whether a baseball bat was a regulation size.
Kwatkoski left the dugout after getting his answer about the bat, but returned during the fourth inning to ask more questions, Smith said.
Smith said Munson put his hand “lightly’’ on Kwatkoski to ask him to leave the dugout, but Kwatkoski threw a punch and struck Munson.
Witnesses said the game was delayed for about 30 minutes as coaches, umpires and Little League district officials tried to return calm to the situation. Little League players were still on the field and in the dugouts when the fighting started.
The game pitted Toms River East against Stafford Township in a District 18 tournament game at Berkeley Little League at Mooreage Ave. Complex.
Berkeley Township was hosting the tournament game.
Originally posted by Akadema:
Now ... What needs to be done about this?

Would be most interested in everyone's perspective?

I don't understand why the authorities weren't called and charges filed?

Jiminy Crickets - it's just a game when it's all said and done. Not worth "choking" someone over. Jeezzzzzz.

And yeah, if that had been my son's coach, he wouldn't be playing under his guidance after that stunt.

On a somewhat related note, there was an incident between two players involving two teams my daughter's Sr LL team played earlier this season. One team was hosting a game vs my daughter's team and then a game against the other team. Our game ended without incident - well played by both teams but we came up a few runs short. We gathered our players and headed home. Found a week later that at the conclusion of the 2nd game, two of the girls had gotten into a tussel over one high fiving the other two hard followed by a vicious face slap. Long story short, the authorities had to be called to break up the incident which then involved the parents on both sides. Last I knew, charges had been filed and a court date was pending.

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