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Originally posted by Beezer:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by stanwood:
This is the one stanwoodson wants now. It ain't gonna happen right now.

One of my son's teammates last year had one and he loved it but my son thought it was "OK". Maybe he only thought it was ok because he knows there's no way I'd spend $350 for a bat.[/QUOT

Thats my son's dream bat, ever since we went to see Texas vs USD(San Diego)and he saw guys like Jordan Danks and Drew Stubbs using the "Exogrid"

I told him......son(he's 12) when you get your fullyscolly to Texas I'll get you that bat, but for now your Eastons working just fine kido.
Originally posted by golfball:
My son turned 14 last month and he uses a team mates -3 Exogrid in games.

Why do players do that? My son had teammates who used his helmet, his bats, even broke a couple wood ones and never replaced them. I never quite get that. I can see borrowing a bat for an AB or 2 to see how it feels. But he had one kid who used his Connexion in every AB in every game. Maybe it's just me?

EDIT: And Welcome golfball!!! I didn't mean to sound as though I'm singling you or your son out....I'm just pondering.
Last edited by Beezer
Originally posted by golfball:
We will be buying an exogrid this spring.

Sucker! Just kidding golfball. I'm not sure how well his teammate's Exo held up but another webster here was telling me how his HS son's kept falling apart and eventually shattered (if I recall the correct end result). He was saying that those carbon fiber inserts kept coming out. Just an FYI. For what it's worth, I think the Exo is THE sharpest looking bat out there right now but there's NO WAY I'd spend that much for a 14u player.
Given the BESR limits, there is essentially no difference in "pop".

It is the hitter, not the bat.

Buy last year's closeouts (not blems - closeouts carry full warranty unlike blems). All that changed was the paint job. Then you can get the -3 bat for $65-$95. Will take a little web searching, but it pays off.

There is another little secret that will help you get three bats for the price of one (including the closeouts). So you only have to buy a new bat every 18 months. PM me if you want more info. Addendum: Nothing I'm selling, just a tactic that most folks don't bother to use. Just involves a little effort on your part and will work regardless of where the bat was purchased.
Last edited by Texan

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