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what are some thoughts on our matchups?

i think the most intresting series will be midlothian vs red oak. if the hawks can get past the first round they should make it to the quarters to face midway.

i don't think midway or waxahachie will have any problem advancing which will make an intresting matchup between waxahachie and texarkana in a one game series tuesday.

poteet and corsicana should be a good one. no love lost here, but if poteet's pitchers are on we should be in good shape.

good luck to everyone as we start the real season.
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go pirates,

excited to come play you guys tonight. as panthers2009 stated earlier we don't hit very well,but hate for my son to see on here they are regarded as not very good. not as good as the top 3 in district but ahead of the bottom 3. making the playoffs was a goal of his since the season ended last year. he mapped out every opportunity for victory along with every probable loss. he along with 2 other underclassmen are major contributors on the team and are looking to use this experience to build for the future. with 14-15 seniors graduating they will be expected to be team leaders next year, this experience, win or lose will be great for them. hope it is not too easy for you guys and the two teams can play some exciting baseball. lets play ball!
looking forward to having yall in town ctown and an exciting series. i prefer a scouting report to the blanket statement that a team can't hit. when you play 4 games against midway and waxahachie it tends to skew the stats. those two can make the best of teams look like they can't hit.the game is played on the field and not on paper and anything can happen in the playoffs. look me up tonight, i'm usually right behind homeplate with the video camera. your son sounds like a future coach to me. i look forward to watching him play.
thanks for the comments, i will look you up. i believe at some point he will take up coaching, baseball is in his blood and he wants to play as long as possible. he is #9 and could be at catcher, 3rd or 2nd tonight. just goes where the coach wants him. you are right about 4 games against midway and hachie. we played 2 of our best games against hachie, taking a lead into hachies last at bat each time only to lose. might have had something to do with proving theirselves to the ex-coach(woods)! on a weather note, what does it take to rain a game out at poteet. i work here in mesquite and see that is has rained hard off and on all morning. don't want to see that. i remember when the two teams played in 07. nowell and thomas. the weather was the same way. my dad and i came up and sat through that saturday game of drizzle. seen nowell down here now having a great year at Navarro. got knocked out of tournament by Blinn.
go pirates,
thanks for the compliment on the freshman pitcher. nice to meet you and THE BEAST last night. glad we were able to keep the game close and stay with you guys until the 4th. the trick play caught me a little off guard, even though i was prepared for it. that split second i'm thinking don't those guys know theres only 2 outs. my son was the runner on 2nd at the time and you could see with him staying at the bag it had been coached up pretty good this week. looking forward to tonight.
1st thought it was a little showmanship with the chirping that was going on all game, but if homework needed to be done, then git-r-dun. i thought all the studying had been done when all your guys lined the bullpen to watch the freshman warm up before the game.glad to see he wasn't intimidated.
food, not nearly the variety you guys got up here. most places roll up the sidewalks early down here in the sticks. concession food is pretty good though.
on a serious note, was that your normal fan base last night. i thought it would have been a packed house.
that's good. i would hate to see a lack of appreciation for a program with poteets success. pretty impressive with the programs handed out last night. don't think you will see anything like that here. liked the drummers too, much better on the ears than the ball bearing shakers we got here. always wondered how much of a distraction that is, and if it affects the pitcher or the hitter more. a little advice when you park, park in the main school parking lot. foul balls take a car out every night near the field.
I am glad somebody likes the drummers because I HATE all of it drums , whistles , orange horns , ball bearing shakers, banners , and people complaing about evey pitch thrown to the plate. That was my first game to sit in the stands this year. I usually stay down on the right field line in the back of my truck. Yeah I don't know if it bothers the kids or not Junior says it doesn't. Thanks for the heads up on the parking.
Originally posted by The Beast:
I am glad somebody likes the drummers because I HATE all of it drums , whistles , orange horns , ball bearing shakers, banners , and people complaing about evey pitch thrown to the plate. That was my first game to sit in the stands this year. I usually stay down on the right field line in the back of my truck. Yeah I don't know if it bothers the kids or not Junior says it doesn't. Thanks for the heads up on the parking.

People complaining about balls and strikes ??? I'm not sure I've ever seen that..
ok maybe "like" was the wrong word on the drummers. more tolerable than the bearing shakers. but i think i would trade all of them to get rid of the backseat umpires who sit in the bleachers on the two baselines. never could figure out how their vision and command of the strike zone was so much better from those angles.
sitting out there in the outfield reminds me of my seating location at most summer ball tournaments. what # is your son?
thanks go pirates,

not very pretty last night. good luck to you guys. the pitcher we threw was a sophomore that had a great season. seemed very amped up and overthrowing the ball. i felt like he was going to need a couple innings to get settled in, but with our lack of hitting, coach didn't have the luxury of trying to ride him out. had to use the quick hook. in the 3rd it just became a game to get all the seniors in for the last game of their careers. catcherson was not overly disappointed, just wanted to get in there behind the plate. the last several weeks saw him move out and play 2nd and 3rd to help team and improve defense in field. was told by coach be prepared for every inning of every game next year behind the plate.
probably a good thing he wasn't back there last night. don't think i have ever seen an umpire and a catcher take that kind of beating in one game. i know what you mean about moving around. go pirates' son is playing third different position in 3 yrs but its all about helping the team win and buying into the system. just glad they can help their teams.

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