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Hello Guys

I am the father of a 15 year old who was an excellent player. He has completely lost his ability to throw a baseball with any consistency and or velocity. It has been going on for about a year and half. He was a good 3rd baseman and pitcher and now was moved to the outfield. He has had his moments where it seems to have gone and he is back but then boom its all gone. If you look at him throwing he looks scared and has no idea when he lets the ball go where it will end up. Also he has no pain. His mechanics/release points seem to change all over the place......

I am in the process of trying to video him so i can post it. Is there any ideas. Does anyone have a clip of a person throwing not pitching with good form that i can have him look at... How do I teach him to use all of his body in the throw ALL HE WANTS TO DO IS BE ABLE TO THROW THE BALL STRAIGHT AND WITH REASONABLE ACCURACY I KNOW IT SO EASY BUT RIGHT NOW HE SEEMS NOT TO BE CONNECTED WITH THE BALL...
Please help I will glady bring him to someone and pay for expert advice..

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I'll assume he gets plenty of reps in practice and these problems surface in games. If so, perhaps he needs to work on his mental approach. Much like a pre-shot routine in golf. He should review the game situation, visualize his most likely upcoming actions, then relax so he can react and let his training take over. He must trust himself. Good luck to your son, let him know you believe in him and his abilities.
I will try to make him visualize his target before throwing and do some pre- shot routine..

Also I will try and notice if his eyes are focused on the target or on his release point. Sometimes i have noticed that the balls that go down in the dirt are as if he were throwing change ups sort of like a death grip and the release is held on to long.

Are there any clips on just throwing a baseball that he could watch.......

Throwing mechanics can change with improper conditioning,overuse, or muscle adaptations in this age group. Consider having a qualified Physical therapist check him out. You do not have to experience pain for alot of these problems to occur but you do have to know what to look for. One of the most common is the throwing shoulder rotating forward. It's called GIRD. You can check by having the player reach behind their back and touch the spine as high as possible with forcing it. If the throwing hand is more than a couple inches lower than the non-throwing hand the shoulder has rotated forward and problems will develop in the area of throwing accuracy and follow thru.

He has gained alot of foot speed in the last year and a half and is about 170 lbs 5-10" I much is to much with regards to growth spurt I think he grew an inch ayear since the problem occurred.

I will check on the "GIRD" two years ago he did have a problem where his shoulder was out of alignment because of these stupid streching excersies that on travel coach gave him. he had to go the PT and align his shoulder with some therapy. COuld that have been the GIRD ? But right after that he threw great for a few months then he started throwing very wierd after that..


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