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yeah title says it all. i somehow threw worse beginning of the year but i've fixed a lot of issues in my mechanics and i'm not weak either yet still have a horrible arm. i'm 5'10 150 and hit the weight room a decent amount too. to make matters worse i'm an outfielder and have dropped a couple popflys when i've gotten in just because of confidence issues. i'm pretty much the worst on my team despite putting in so much effort towards baseball. i love baseball and want to be good so badly but i can't continue like this. i can private message a video of me throwing if anyone would like to see. help is appreciated

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@RJM posted:

Have you been gunned? Unless you have an arm injury chances are you’re at least in the 70’s.

not gunned but i've used video footage to figure out how fast i'm throwing by the time it takes to get to home plate. not as accurate as gun but it's all i have. definitely not 70s though just compared to my teammates who throw 70

Last edited by arandombaseballplayer

I think you play on my son's HS team. If not, based on your description, I know your long lost identical twin.

OK, it's not you because the teammate is 18 and not 15.

Here's something I wanted to share with you, but would never really say, as the kid on my son's HS team:

Some of the "adults" on the sideline wonder why you are on the team. What they don't know is what I know about you.

You're the favorite of all your teammates because they admire how much you love the game, how hard you try, how honest you are about your abilities, and how much you always hustle and support your teammates. You're the guy who keeps it loose and helps make being on the team fun for all.

What they also don't know is I have mad respect for you.

I see the kid who is not the most talented player on the field. But, instead of quitting, because of your love for the game, you're still out there fighting and trying to stay on the field. To be honest, you're not going to play much in games and for sure you are not going to play in college. But, you're making friends on the school team that will remain friends for a long time. You will also be able to say you played for the school when you were a kid. And, you will take that love you have for the game and what you have learned and pass it along to your kids when you start your own family.

Don't worry about your arm. Most times your arm is what it is because that's the way it works. Just keep striving to stay in the game you love and be the best person and teammate you can be...

And know that some are noticing and rooting for you.

Last edited by Francis7

hittings actually my strong suit im pretty good at it, but haven't gotten many chances to hit this season tho

If you can hit, eventually you will get into lineups

My kid is a college D3 freshman third baseman throwing 85 mph and working at getting better every day.  When he was your age he wasn’t throwing much harder than you.

Things that helped him:  getting with a good instructor who helped correct arm mechanics issues, working really hard on weight training with a trainer who was highly qualified in Baseball specific strength training, long toss, and time (he just needed to get further in the physical maturation process)

Check out the 90 mph formula, it’s on Instagram or Snapchat or whatever it is you youngsters use for social media these days (!)

Keep working at it, never give up!

The beautiful thing about baseball is that you don't have to be a natural to get good.  If you don't naturally, or as I like to say, accidentally, throw hard now, if you get good instruction you can get very close to equally good,  muscle fiber makeup, being the outlier.   Find the folks like 3and2Fastball talks about above (important S&C coach is baseball/throwing specific) and work hard, correctly, and it will come.  At 15 you are probably still growing and with strength comes coordination, the definition of "athleticism".

Some top S&C/Throwing Programs  Wasserman High Level Throwing and Cressey Sports Performance.

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