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You know, I really do love this site. I have learned more in 6 months than I thought possible.

Number one son is doing his part as he works his tail off to get better and better so as his dad, I want to make sure I know the good, the bad and the ugly so I can do my part to help with the rest.

He was already faced with a difficult decision as to where to play ball this summer and now he is committed so hopefully, it will be a good experience.

If I know my son, he will make it a good experience no matter what and if it turns out different, the great news is there are alternatives for the next year and we both learned something in the process.

Best of luck to everyone else this summer and I am sure we will cross paths at the diamond!!
I wonder if someone could give me a little guidance here. My son(recently turned 17) has been invited by three different travel teams to play(not tryout) for their team, and although he may still be considering the idea, he has turned them all down. I feel like he is shooting himself in the foot, yet I feel like he has done this because quite frankly he has played on three previous teams already, and his opinion is that they are only coming to him to add to their funding for the team. Although he is a very good player, and the people trying to recruit him have said they have heard a lot about him, his experience is that the teams are not handled properly, and there is too much cronyism on the teams, instead of players earning their own merit...which has apparently spilled over into the high school team. He has now set out on his own course, by getting evaluations of his baseball skills, from professional baseball scouts that are completely independent of anyone in Northern VA. and they have verified his caliber of skill to currently be at the D2 college level. At this point he has been seen by no less than 8 professional baseball scouts, and they have all had the same opinion.
He was suppose to play legion ball this summer, but didn't because his school was not assigned to the post that was trying to recruit him. This has been the "summer of baseball" for him; he has played for two different local teams so far this summer, and was selected for tournament play for both of them, and also played on a different team for a wood bat tournament recently...and now we have these showcases coming up.

My question is what are his chances of playing college ball, when all of these coaches we have been in contact with want to know what summer(suspect travel) team he has been playing with? We didn't plan for much travel ball, therefore didn't commit to a team, because he was suppose to be playing legion ball.

Just curious to some of your thoughts
IMHO your first instinct was correct. He is shooting himself in the foot.

Right now is prime recruiting time. He should be getting ready to head to East Cobb. He's about to miss out.

What he's doing instead is building a reputation that no team is good enough for him, etc. I would wager he is in the process of getting scratched off a lot of lists right about now.

PM me if you want input on your specific team options. There is one team in your area that is very good indeed and if they are one that offered he should jump at the chance. But I don't know which teams you're talking about.

You do need to act fast. Time's a wastin'.

Check that. HE needs to act fast. This is HIS job, really.

First and most important, get him on the best travel/showcase team that he can play for. The sooner the better. Good players make you better, and if he has top prospect teammates, he will be seen. When he is on the mound, produce.

Forget the politics, egos, etc. and just let your kid play ball.

Have him make a list of realistic schools that he is interested in. Regardless of what you have been told, include all levels not just Division II. Again, be sure to be realistic.

Put him front of the coaches of those schools if possible, and have your son Email those coaches expressing his interest in the school and program, and provide them a schedule. Fill out the prospect questionaires with verifiable stats and info.

Be pro-active, but son has to do it. Coaches want to talk to prospective players, not prospective parents.

Hope this helps and good luck.
I agree with all of that...and he has been producing, in the last 3 weeks he has pitched 18 innings(one complete game), with 22 strikeouts, and only allowed 3 runs.

He has been targeting schools that realistically fit his academics, and two of those have already expressed interest. We didn't think it would make sense to target schools where he most likely would not pass admissions with his academics...even though he has an IEP, I have no idea how that may or may not effect academic eligibility...if that would be taken into consideration, then I guess he should be targeting all schools.

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