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Just from my vantage point.

I am a relative newcomer here - despite the "Oldtimer" designation and I always like to reflect on things as the year nears completion.

Bob Howdeshell - passed the baton. I cant think of anyone who has done more for the youth athlete and their parents. One of a kind person. Whenever I see the initials HSBBWEB - or even think of it - the first thought that comes into my mind is Bob Howdeshell. Thats all I will say about that.

MN-Mom - Picks up the ball. It is hard to imagine - at least for me - someone that would be so generous and do what she does. And as well as she does it. Another godsend for anyone who ever visits this site.

The Real Oldtimers - voices of reason and experience - and steady as a rock - as always. When Bbscout - PG - Fungo - TR - Bighit - Infielddad - Chill - Orlando and so many others post - I read - and continue to learn about the varied aspects of game - at all levels - both past and present.
Whether I may agree or not - I read what they write and think about it.

The Fun - kidding around with the Moose, HHH - (and YES - Dibble) - and many others - puts a smile on my face on many a dreary day.

The PM's - so many wonderful people I have gotten to know - even if just in cyberland. There are alot of nice folks out there IMO.

The technical guys - like Swingbuster - and even Linear (when he isnt calling me names - LOL). Alot of good information to make you think.

As for me - I look back at this year on the HSBBWEB - and it has been a tad rough. LOL
I have been called alot of very bad things - but I still love coming here and expressing myself - and I hope my honest intentions find their way through the actual posts.

Perhaps every item above can be debated - (as we usually do here LOL) - but I think there is one absolute certainty for 2005 and that is that the HSBBWEB was still the best place on the planet for players and parents to learn about the youth/college/pro baseball scene.

I am truly grateful for all of it and look forward to yet another great year in 2006.

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its, what a great idea for a thread.
From my seat, in addition to your highlights, mine has to include one of "our own" and one the very early folks to the site, OPP, OPP Jr. and the OPP family making it to the bigs. Got to be sooooo happy for them and proud of Zach. Can only imagine what kind of emotions the OPP family had that first game Zach pitched.
Another highlight for me was getting to meet and know Justbaseball through this site. What a wonderful person with an equally great view on life and this great game. I like to tease him a bit because he is so humble about his sons and their ability. Everyone one around tells him how talented his sons are in baseball and Justbb questions whether everyone around him is a good judge of talent? Eek .
Third highlight was meeting the Mom's at Sunken Diamond. I didn't hang around too long but it sure seemed to me they had a wonderful time.
Reading the PGStaff threads about his personal experiences and those of his son have left an impression, especially his post about opening day 2004 and the more recent one about his son's efforts to return from yet another injury. Can only that kind of courage and tenacity.
Could not end without expressing appreciation to all those who said nice things about our son. rz1 is another who has been so helpful and and generous. Ryan is bookmarked for that opener in CA and I hope to follow him all the way to the draft.
Finally, would like to thank MNMom for letting me share the story of Coach Meccage, "the dash" and for all those who posted in response.
The HSBBW is truly a matter what the year.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Great thread !!

Highlights for this Left Coaster ... all as a result of HSBBW:
>>A great week-end in San Fran and at Sunken Diamond with 5 other moms who have become cherished friends, as well as a chance to meet other posters and some great flirtatious Cardinal fans;
>>Having good HSBBWebsters looking out for our youngin' in the midwest with PGStaff watching him in Iowa and infielddad sending us momentos of the Midwest League All Star game;
>>Having several really good friends to turn to when life looked a lttle rough on and off the baseball field;
>>Having several good friends to share fun and joyous times with like weddings etc.

Don't know anywhere else on the internet that this has happened ... it is truly wonderful.
Last edited by FutureBack.Mom
As part of the "Sunken Diamond" contingent....I would have to concur with FBM on her thoughts.

Where else but on the HSBB site could I meet a group of moms, fly across country, and spend a wonderful weekend in San Fran with them?!? I often think to myself...WHAT would I do if my son came to me and said "Mom, I'm going to fly to California to hook up with some people I know ONLY thru the internet, see ya in a week!".....Actually, I KNOW how I would react, and it wouldn't be pretty! But that trip was definetly one of the highlights of my year for me. Our baseball season came to a screeching halt a few weeks later, and these same group of women (plus a few others who couldn't make it to California for the weekend) rallied to give me such incredible support. These are friendships that are truly cherished.

I also had the good fortune, thru the HSBB site, to meet Grandslamfan this year up at PSU. Small son hosted her son for a recruiting trip. Yet another example of the HSBB site and the friendships and acquaintances it can nurture. Even tho her son chose to go elsewhere ( Eek Big Grin)....I look forward to seeing him (and his parents) either in the opposing dugout or following his professional career, whichever path he decides to take.

THIS year...I'm really hoping to meet another one of those special mom's MN-Mom either when we are both in Florida for spring training trips or when we travel to Minnesota during the season.

Thanks to this sight....a big world seems so much more smaller! Smile
The hsbbweb had quite a year. With Bob moving on, it could have taken any one of several directions: disappeared (unthinkable!), gone commercial (and become like any one of a number of other sites on the web --- horrors!), or flowed seamlessly into the care of yet another dedicated, selfless parent, supported by an amazing crew of modrators. Were we ever fortunate. applaude (Standing O, right here, Julie & Co.)

On the personal side of the site, getting to meet, speak to, or PM other members is the icing on the proverbial. The cake is knowing that wherever our sons (or we) go in baseball, chances are there's a trustworthy hsbbweb member in that area to look after them, feed them a home cooked meal, and/or cheer them on in loco parentis. That's quite an accomplishment for any website.
luvbb ...

my son hosted her son for a recruiting trip. Yet another example of the HSBB site and the friendships and acquaintances it can nurture. Even tho her son chose to go elsewhere ...

Funny, that happened with URKillingMeBlue and me ... our son hosted her son on his visit, and her son also chose to go to a different college (one closer to home ... can never fault a kid for that ... with an excellent academic reputation and a pretty darn good baseball program) ... HSBBW strikes again. biglaugh
This year was great, I learned from you all
From Dribble's humor, and TR's New York drawl
Those stories you told Fungo, are very wise
But the petty quarrels are to my demise.

From all the help you gave, I like it very much
If you're ever up in AK, I'll take you to lunch
The month of May was dark and gray, our future was in a downward spin
But MNMom come through for us, HSBBW Game 7 win

To the posters who make this site, couldnt do it without you all
But lets drop all of this mushy stuff, and look forward to the words "PLAY BALL"

All the moms who read this, I expect a good LAF
Your son's are what will become MLB's pitching staffs
This is the end, I wrote this story, as a 2005 review.
To all of us HSBBW'ers, give Bob a big Thank-YOU
AK - Great stuff. Very impressive.

I agree w/all here so far. It sure has been another good year on the HSBBWEB. So glad that MN Mom took on the task of herding us cats, and that Bob showed such good judgement in who he handed the reigns over to. Also pleased that Bob is still lurking around here as a wise and able contributer, and that despite some mighty efforts to the contrary, this place is still a terrific place to query, share, learn and laugh.

I have enjoyed a conversation (and perhaps a beer with some of you Eek, a wild, wonderful weekend with several more, and enjoyed learning, hearing, and following the progress of many of you and/or your sons as they continue to play this great game of baseball. Hopefully much more to come in 2006.

Thanks to all of you who keep this place going and best wishes for a terrific New Year. It's a great day - let's play two!
Originally posted by URKillingMeBlue:
I have enjoyed a conversation and perhaps a beer with some of you.

Lets strike the "perhaps" part. It was 'Sam Adams,' Sunday, March 6 in the parking lot of Sunken Diamond between games of a doubleheader. And I have witnesses too. Eek

Then there was the wine, down the line at Evans Diamond on Saturday, May 7 late in an extra inning game. Got witnesses there too. worm

Do we need to go further with this wishy-washiness? noidea
Last edited by justbaseball
AK - very cute! Wink

Just - You've broken the cardinal rule. The moms let you in on their party and now you're telling on them! I mean, after all, we saved your marriage over the lawn mower thing! Show some respect!! Big Grin

The HSBBW has meant way more to my life and my son's life than what I can adequately express here. I've learned so much, gained friendships that are as real as the ones of people that I see in the flesh, had many laughs (Luv - did you have any cherries with that Ale 8), and enjoyed every minute of being a part of this place.

I think maybe the outage last night was a reminder to many of us how we truly feel about the site and the folks here. Thanks Bob for all you did in building this great baseball home and to Julie for keeping it lit for us all.
One may think that at some point you outgrow the hsbaseballweb... that ain't so. 2005 was great, 2006 will continue that trend at hsbaseballweb.

I like the phrase I heard/overheard(in the chat room I believe)that the folks on hsbaseballweb are like a bunch of long-lost cousins meeting for the first time... you know you have something in common, just not sure if you should jump right in with both feet right away and claim them sometimes.

Thanks go out to those who recoginize Zach's progress, I can guarantee that it is all about his efforts and skills... I just get to sit back and bask in the affiliated glow, scratching my ever-wondering head.

I am also very confident that in the very near future, there will be many more of the hsbaseballweb alumni/family who will be cracking the top rung! It is truely a process!
There is sooooooo much talent that is represented by so many of the posters here that I am constantly in awe. You folks know who you are! I could not begin to list them all and would just embarass myself with those I omit.

I will remain thankful that this place was created by Bob and that Julie fell into place in such grand fashion.

Carry on ya'llins in 2006!


p.s. Still wondering how the "r" got left off of my title line? Confused

Originally posted by OnePlayer'sPop:
...the folks on hsbaseballweb are like a bunch of long-lost cousins meeting for the first time... you know you have something in common, just not sure if you should jump right in with both feet right away and claim them sometimes.


Although our family has been around youth baseball and softball for 13 or 14 years we are new to the HSBBW having registered last June...imagine our delight in discovering this site...the wealth of information...the entertainment...the feisty discussions...the bickering...just like a real family...only at the HSBBW when you've had enough you can simply log throwing things or slamming doors.

And for those brave websters that have claimed me like a long lost cousin and jumped right in with both feet...thank you so much...for any others that may choose to do the same...please remove your cleats!

Happy New Year to everyone!
Last edited by gotwood4sale

Originally posted by itsinthegame:

Despite my cyber appearance - I am no dummy.
I have five hundred cases of Cracker Jacks stored in the attic.

About another 20 years worth.


Actually - you are like the crazy Aunt we keep locked in the attic. LOL

Who's laughing now?...certainly not I...the crazy Aunt locked in the attic has a gargantuan tummy ache...and that's after only fifteen cases...but omigod...the treasure trove of surprises in every box...

You think that cache will last twenty years?...try twenty more days...please send up more Pepto-Bismol.

Originally posted by MN-Mom:

...only at the HSBBW when you've had enough you can simply log throwing things or slamming doors.

Haven't you been paying attention?

Big Grin noidea Big Grin

Has everyone been holding back on me? Are there items on this website that can actually be pried loose and launched in a fit of anger? This door to be slammed...where is it?

Doesn't really matter...never been much of a door slammer my kids...that's a different story...fixed many door stops after they've been loosened from a slammed door.

How about our HSBBW family trying harder to get along and save the fireworks for the Fourth of July where they belong?

noidea Big Grin noidea
Mike F:

Yes...don't worry about me up there with all of those batts of insulation...and if things get really slow at your little get together tonight don't come up pleading with me to come down and liven things up a bit.

I'm on to that ruse...I was so embarassed last New Year's Eve when you talked me into wearing that flimsy Welcome to 2005 diaper...and then along about five minutes after midnight the thing fell off...and you swearing that you indeed used four diaper pins... cheap thrills for you and your party goers!

I accept your apology concerning the spikes...what I cannot accept an apology for is the second and third time you jumped right in with both feet... claiming you were a distant second cousin and then an even more distant third cousin...
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:

I was so embarassed last New Year's Eve when you talked me into wearing that flimsy Welcome to 2005 diaper...and then along about five minutes after midnight the thing fell off...and you swearing that you indeed used four diaper pins... cheap thrills for you and your party goers!

The imagery of this is pretty painful.
One or two more of these recollections of days gone by - and I will be sharing the room upstairs with my Aunt.


I resolve to continue to love my Metsies (despite the presence of DelGado on the Shea field).

I resolve to continue to supply my crazy Aunt with food and drink - all "imported" from Shea Stadium.

I resolve to be kinder and gentler (except if you are a moose).

Thats about it for 2006.

I am open to additional suggestions as well. (I hope you know that this could get ugly - as there are some posters here who may recommend some resolutions that are not in keeping with the rules of the HSBBWEB - LOL)

Last edited by itsinthegame

Will Guido knock first before delivering those delectable foodstuffs from Shea? Maybe he could swing by La Guardia and pick up a gross or two of those air sickness bags...they're so handy!

Your list of resolutions for 2006...that should cover some issues, but certainly not all...only time will tell.

I'll have to think up some suggestions for you.

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