' Deep With Jimmie Lee Solomon
By Alan Schwarz
November 18, 2005
The proposed changes to minor league baseball and the draft, including eliminating the complex leagues and moving the draft to the end of June, will not happen until 2007 at the earliest.
Major League Baseball executive vice president Jimmie Lee Solomon said the commissioner’s office wants to do more to explain the purpose of the changes and answer questions for those who do not support all of the measures. While MLB has enough support to approve the changes, Solomon said officials want to follow commissioner Bud Selig’s usual practice of building a broad consensus.
For a complete look at Solomon’s perspective on the changes, here’s Alan Schwarz’ interview with Solomon.
Ever since word started filtering out over the summer, Major League Baseball’s proposed changes to the lower levels of player development have been kept curiously quiet. From the shifting of the draft to the end of June to the elimination of the complex leagues, from a defined bonus structure and signing date to longer, mandatory instructional leagues, almost no executive has been willing to speak openly about the situation.
Not surprisingly, the changes were among the most hotly debated topics at the recent general managers meetings in Indian Wells, Calif. On the meetings’ final day, Jimmie Lee Solomon, MLB’s top executive in charge of the situation, sat down for his first extended interview about what might become the most significant alterations to player development in decades.
Click the link for the full article.