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Please don't go overboard with the "severe repurcussion" stuff.

There is not a parent out there that would send their son to a place that, "guaranteed" those repurcussions you speak of, if they knew ahead of time. This site is heavily read by prospective D1 parents. Don't run this BS by them. At any good program the coaches understand that negatives exist. They don't solve a truly negative issue by punishing the parents.

sweaty is not prone to negative talk about ISU and I'm certain the ISU coaches, more than anyone want the team to be more competitive than last spring.

I think it's wrong to paint every D1 coaching staff, including yours and ISU's with a brush that transparent and petty. Although I agree with your comments on commitments, let me assure you that there are plenty of stand up coaching staffs than can agree to disagree with opinions that are either about negative team situations or even contrary to their own.
Last edited by soxnole
We've talked at times on this site about the U of I not recruiting hard from our own state and especially our area. Well, evidently that is in the past. Casey Crosby, currently ranked number 79 out of the top 300 HS prospects from the class of 2007 according to Baseball America joins a class including Casey McMurray, Nick Chmielewski and Pete Cappetta. It was fantastic watching those 4 players perform this summer. I think the Illini have hit a homerun with this recruiting class. Congratulations Casey Crosby.

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