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Who's Hot is something we have done for a few years now. The information comes from many sources including our own staff. We also get information from parents, coaches and even scouts. We try to track down any information we receive to make sure it is true. I suppose it is possible that there could be an error or two in all that information.

When we started this it was called Who's Hot and Who's Not! Knowing it is impossible to be 100% accurate, we decided to go with just Who's Hot and try to stay positive. Much rather make a mistake on Who's Hot than a mistake about Who's Not.
I would say that most of the information is very accurate. There are probably a couple mistakes. It's not meant to be the most accurate reporting we do.

Anyone out there can send us information about a player. Some of it will actually end up on there.

We look at it more as a entertainment sort of thing, that's why there is no charge to read it. If we had to actually scout all those games first hand, we wouldn't be able to do it for nothing.

There are many top players who are not listed. But there's not really anything to trash talk about here. There's really nothing there to doubt or consider absolutely accurate. It's just information we are passing along for anyone who is interested. It seems like there are a lot of people interested.

Maybe we should rename it something like " The Rumor Mill"! In fact, I think we will.
Lighten up gang.

I am a huge cynic....but...I for one enjoyed the list a great deal. I know that this may come as a great shock but many/most all the high school stats I have come across are suspect, and frankly are a great many of the radar gun readings. And IMO scouts and recuiters already know that. No one is going to get sight unseen highly drafted, or get a scholarship or a million dollar contract on the basis of a list.

It is a fun/entertaining list...No totally inclusive... No more no see at least part of what is going on out there.

Staff, I think you have nothing to apologise for.... thanks a bunch for taking the time and energy to put it together.

What is of more interest to me is how many of the players listed are going to the same schools. I know some will sign, and go JC...but when the rosters go to 35? Gonna be some unhappy players and families...

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44
Thanks for that heads up no-e2.

I’ve spent the last 4 hours trying to find out if there really was a mistake. There was! Hopefully it is the same one you’ve mentioned. Same school that produced the Patterson’s, right?

Don’t know how those pitching stats ended up there after the hitting comments, but I plan to find out what happened. It was an honest mistake and at least not a mistake that could possibly hurt anyone. (Other than us)

We do make mistakes at times. We will change that ASAP. Best of luck to your son. BTW, we really liked Jace Whitmer a lot. Also, wasn’t there another big catcher from your school a few years ago?

Knowing it’s our responsibility, usually when something like that happens (error) people will let us know. That sure does save a lot of time and it keeps people who look for something to complain about, off our back.

No-e2, In the past you’ve posted some less than flattering stuff regarding PG. I’m confused as to what has caused that. You certainly are welcome to your opinion, I just can’t find anything in your son’s file that seems like a conflict. When I went back and checked your previous posts, it kind of seems like you strongly dislike us. Yet I can’t find anything that looks like we have ever met or been involved in any way other than your son played in a large tournament we held in your area. Did we do something I’m not aware of? Anyway, I also noticed some posts you’ve made trying to help others. So all is well!

It’s not necessary, but if anyone notices an obvious error in any information we put out, please feel free to contact us. It will be greatly appreciated. Also if you have information about a talented player and want to get him some good (FREE) recognition/exposure… Feel free to email us with the information. Be sure we can check for accuracy somehow. Sorry, we can’t just take someone’s word for it, unless we know that person very well. Send any info to…

We can’t guarantee anything, including the information actually getting posted. And remember “Who’s Hot” is nothing more than a bunch of information that we gather on a daily basis in our office. It’s what we hear, not necessarily what we see! Thus the newly added name to the Who’s Hot list… “The Rumor Mill”! We do know that many people follow it. Guess we never thought of it as anything controversial or fodder for any naysayers.

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