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The second season of the DFW Fall Metro Scout League, hosted by The Dallas Mustangs, DBAT (Dallas Baseball Academy of Texas), and the McKinney Marshals will commence on September 7th and run through October 5th at a local DFW venue.

We will be selecting through scout and college coach recommendations, 102 of the best 17 and 18 year baseball players in the Metroplex to play in a Sunday league. There will be 6 teams in the league that will play each other in a round robin, 12 inning, wood bat contests that will be witnessed by college coaches and pro scouts from in and around the region. Last year we had over 60 coaches or scouts attend our 5 week program and have estimated this years figure to be over 100.

During the next 3 weeks, we will be contacting the “recommended” ballplayers, so if you are not contacted by the league hosts by 8/8, please attend the tryout.

Teams will be selected by a random drawing, meaning kids will have teammates from other teams and organizations from around DFW. The focus will be on the kids as individuals, not if their team wins or loses. Teams in the league will be the Orioles, Pirates, Royals, Reds, A’s and Giants.

An open tryout will be Saturday, August 23 at 10am for outfielders only, 11am for infielders only and 12:30pm for pitchers only and catchers. The tryout will be at:

DBAT of Dallas
15605 Wright Brothers Drive
Addison, TX. 75001

The cost to play in the league is $675 per player.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the following league directors:

Cade Griffis at 972 387 3228

Sam Carpenter at 214 707 3680

Shayne Currin at 214 551 1979
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Many phone calls...Same message

1. An open tryout will be Saturday, August 23 at DBAT. 10am for outfielders only, 11am for infielders only and 12:30pm for pitchers only and catchers.

2. If you dont hear from us by 8/8, please attend the tryout.

3. You do NOT have to play for the DMBC, DBAT, or Marshals to be in this league. We would love to have some more Patriots, Tigers, etc.


What is going to be the make-up of the 6 teams?

1. How many total players?
2. How many at each position?
3. For pitchers only, what is the targeted number of innings they will pitch each week?
4. For position + pitchers, what is there targeted number of innings and innings in the field?

For some of the 2009's there the college "camps" where they say they are the primary recruiting tool for those colleges that are in August and those will eat into the family budget / baseball budget. So, before a family spends $675 in August for a Sept / Oct Fall league it would be nice to have all the information.

Also, have you all talked to the various high school coaches this year to coordinate their fall efforts with the Scout League?

What about the Oct PG events in Florida? Any of these teams involved in this league sending teams to PG either event?
The make up of the teams will be the same as last year. A couple of DBATters, couple of Stangs, a couple of MARSHmellows, and a couple of kids from other teams.

1. 102 Players
2. 5 INF, 4 OF, 2 C, 6PO's
3. 2/3 IP per pitcher (same ASL)
4. There may be 2-3 Pitchers ONLY out of 102 that will get to swing the bat...Saw too many PO's swinging wood last fall. It will give a baseball person a tummy ache.

We do not coordinate with the HS guys...Too many schools. They usually play on Saturday.

We will choose a team(s) to play in Jupiter.

Keep'em comin....
Last edited by catcher
. There may be 2-3 Position Players out of 102 that will get to swing the bat...Saw too many PO's swinging wood last fall. It will give a baseball person a tummy ache.

If you are only going to let 2-3 position players out of 102 swing Confused - that is going to give you a tummy ache, and given the size of your tummy, that is a lot of Rolaids.....

Just looking ahead to next fall ('09), my '21 grad is available. Coach A Son turns 6 on May 5, 2009 so I know he will miss the cutoff according to AABC rules, but since this is non-sanctioned, can we work a deal?? He has been in the 95% in height and weight most of his life. On paper, he would give Retired GM Johnny a run for his money.
Hold on a minute boys.....

If your including my son on any team you must contact his advisor.

Plus, he won't accept anything less than 20 scouts per game to attend. They need to sign an attendance sheet for proof or we will expect you to pay us for our services.

I don't want to sound like a parent that demands stuff, but we have a friend that will be required to play as well if we committ.

Lastly, we want to be up front and let you know we will be giving no notice as to when we will miss scheduled games. If we are there, we're there...but don't expect us. It's your privilage if we show up.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
Gentlemen - you have hijacked an important topic to rising junior and senior players. Please go play with your young sons and come back when they are of age.

The topic of this thread is the very fine Metro Scout League formed by the collaboration of Cade Griffis, Sam Carpenter and Shayne Currin. To any parent pondering whether or not to accept an invitation or tryout for this "showcase league" and whether or not it is worth the money... let me relate a quick story.

Last fall my senior son was made a very attractive offer from one of his schools of choice, SOLELY because a coach (from a D1 school over 1000 miles away) saw him throw two innings at an MSL game. This was a coach who had seen him play before but had not seen him pitch. The two innings he threw that day moved this coach to pursue my son. Having gone through the recruiting process with two sons, I learned what an erratic and unpredictable process it truly is. You NEVER know when something is going to click in the mind of a coach watching your son and cause him to come after him. The moral of the story is: the more exposure the better.

The MSL is well run and well worth the money.
Last edited by Natural
You DFW people don't know how blessed you are to have a fall program that requires no travel, provides oodles of exposure, and plays on Sundays in order to accomodate football players.

My son's select team gets great exposure in the summer, but fall is another story. Lots of money spent (for both select fee and travel) with very few scouts in attendance.

If I had a rising junior or senior and lived in the Metroplex, I would not hesitate for one stinkin' minute to sign him up for the MSL.
Last edited by Infield08
Originally posted by Natural:
Gentlemen - you have hijacked an important topic to rising junior and senior players. Please go play with your young sons and come back when they are of age.

The topic of this thread is the very fine Metro Scout League formed by the collaboration of Cade Griffis, Sam Carpenter and Shayne Currin.

For the record, two of your collaboraters are hijackers as well.

Keepin' it real regards,
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
Originally posted by Natural:
....You have a reason to be on this board and are an active part of a high school baseball select organization. Smile

I think anyone that feels so compelled can participate on this board. No where did I read that you must be associated with a high school or select organization to participate. This is a free and open forum. Some people that post on this board don't even have kids and enjoy learning from others. It's also good to see some people "lighten up" with friendly banter. Some folks on here are WAY TOO serious.
Don't worry folks...

The Natural just gets a little cranky when his Longhorns take a beatin'.

He don't like my posts or me I guess, so he takes a pop shot every now and then thinking he's got something.

Fact is, I've got a good one saved up for him but don't want to bring him too his knees just yet.

It's all fun and games until someone gets their eye pocked out regards,
While trying my best to ignore one of the above posts by one of the "leaders" of the MSL, I wanted to say that this was one of the best investments we made in our son's baseball career last year. If any of you are considering whether or not you should do this, I strongly suggest you talk to either Sam, Shayne or Cade, but I really believe it is a great format to showcase your talent on the field without a significant amount of travel, and in our case, it was a significant factor in determining the baseball future of our son.

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