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I am extremely familiar with Prairie Ridge because my cousin is a senior baseball player there and doesn't stop talking plus I come out and see them play frequently.

Jacoby is the only soph who played varsity ball last year and had a top average on the team and hits for some good left handed power. Kevin Pfaller** is a junior pitcher who throws low to mid 80's and has tons of potential. Will Mack is a very good outfielder with speed who will hit for a high average.

Daniel Rowe (2B) and Joe Zwierzinski (P) (sp?) look to make a strong push as well for helping out Ridge this year as juniors.
Last edited by RState08
Ok PR's juniors aren't even the best juniors in Crystal lake. Of the 3 high schools in Crystal Lake, South and Central have better juniors. From CL Central you have Heckman, Buxton, and Spinele who all played varsity as sophs. Of course there 2008 players were terrible they are still good players. At South Reyes, Devoe and Meyer are all as good if not better then these players. What's up with the talk about PR juniors when they are not even that talented...
Last edited by tanker22
Tanker, you're missing the point of this topic. It is not to compare junior classes of teams in crystal lake and take shots at PR, but to point out top juniors in Illinois... If you feel there are good players at some of the other crystal lake schools, go ahead and just post their names, don't get offensive when good players from a strong school (which you probably despise) are mentioned. I am only familiar with Prairie Ridge in the Crystal lake area so i wouldn't be able to comment on Central or South's players, but pointing out players of a school I am familiar with... Prairie Ridge. Jacoby, mack and Pfaller are all top prospects and you obviously have something against PR to try to bring these players down by comparing junior classes as a whole. I wouldn't be surprised if your involved with Central or South baseball because PR is hated by these schools. I'm not saying PR's junior class is good, I just know the mentioned players are. According to your profile your "just a fan." Well I am a PLAYER from Darien and have seen them play/played against them in travel.

I'm sure you won't have any problems "competing" with Barrington. But this time the coaching edge won't be enough.

I've got a feeling you won't mind if you fly under the radar before this year.

It will be a dogfight with more than a couple of teams involved, but the Broncos will prevail after being picked for about 3rd or 4th.

ALL the smart money is on Schaumburg. Perhaps it is really a battle for second place.....maybe the team that sneaks up and doesn't have to see the Austin Wrights of the world the first time through might get the breaks they need to get it done. But just as Schaumburg had some young kids come through last year, I think you may see some young kids at other schools challenge The Saxons.

Again I predict that the young Broncos help a very solid and underated senior class get it done.

I still think Holke should be considered highly regarded.

It seems like the Coaches at BHS may not feel that way, and it looks like there are a few other kids who will get their shots before he does. I'm just basing that on what I saw last year in Legion, which is Barrington's important summer team.

Hopefully he will get a shot and take advantage of it.
Yes, Playball2, i shouldn't have addressed Dunham as a 5 tool player at its "finest", but his good speed (6.8 60), defense (SS/2B), contact/power and arm strength are all way above average for his age and is a definite prospect. As for the Juniors at PR, definitely not saying their overall class is good, but just the few players fvcfan08 mentioned.
No Hopper...

Just from watching over the years, kids who play Legion the previous summer tend to be the guys who get Varsity playing time the next spring. Kids who play all lot of HS Summer Ball rarely are the kids who are Varsity Starters the following year. That's not to say it never happens the other way but not too often.

Just the way it goes at our school.
It is always tough for a Junior to make much of an early splash at New Trier because they are always so Senior-laden. This year will likely be no exception, and the Juniors may have to patiently wait their turn, but they have an amazing Junior class.

Two that likely will make an early impact are John Saleh, a hard-throwing (84+) RH, and Lowell Hall, catcher/dh (although likely more time at DH with SR Tommy Harvey catching.

Saleh could very well end up as their closer, but is unlikely to crack a starting rotation that likely includes Blanchard, Boehm, Ruske, and maybe Snell (all four off to pitch college ball next year).

There will also likely be a JR at secondbase for the Trevians--although it could be any one of three candidates (Tim Duxbury, Bob Cook, or Jonathon Hall).
New Trier will be tough as usual and I agree with the talent level of the Junior class. The Highland Park Junior class (some will start for HP this year)played against them while we were members of the Northshore Baseball league in travel ball. Their team also had Jack Havey, now a top pitcher with Loyola. It was almost unfair. While HP made the championship at evry age level (9 thru and including 14) Wilmette, which drops it best team from the league starting at age 13, made the championship 3 years, getting upset by Northbrook (another very talented team) at age 11. Of their 3 meetings, Wilmette won 2, HP 1.
But, remember what happend to New Trier very talented team in the state final last year. So, anything can happen!
Even with all the talent that New Trier has had, Glenbrook North has beaten them the last two seasons in their regular season, conference cross-over games. I believe that they have only lost four conference games the last two seasons and that Glenbrook North was responsible for half of them.

That being said, it seems like New Trier always has a good team and their "down" years are few and far between.

My bad for leaving him off the pitcher list. Although in my defense, his arm woes plus their incredible SR class last year severely limited his opportunities last season (which is why I forgot him).

Naps should be the starting SS--which will likely cut into his innings, but he should definitely get some time on the hill--great live arm (not positive on this, but believe he is off to pitch JUCO next year). Could very well end up as the closer--depending on how the JR middle infielders pan out defensively (can any of them be trusted to fill his spot defensively when he is throwing).

Regardless, I still think Saleh will find his way onto the hill somewhere--be it closer, spot starts, relief innings, wherever. His arm is too good not to find some innings.
Last edited by K13

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