My youngest is 23, so this question comes from a friend of mine not versed in the greatness of the hsbaseballweb...
His son is a top 2010 in our area and has received 15-20 letters from some top schools (some 3-4 different letters). Some came from the head coach, others from the recruiting director. Some hand written, some "form-like" letters. His son is VERY excited and can't stop telling people he is being recruited by this school and that one.
The problem my buddy has is that he feels that schools send out 100's of not 1,000's of letters just like the ones his son is receiving and he wonders how serious schools are about his son, but does not want to burst the bubble. As his son is a Junior, there are no calls, but a smattering of e-mails.
Can anyone who has been through this recently help my friend with how to guage the intent of the individual schools?
My buddy fears that these schools are
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