Does anyone know about this tournament or have participated in it in the past? Thanks!
2013 MLB Scouts Foundation Tournament
June 29- July 6th
The entry cost of this tournament is $800, but you will have to pay one umpire before each game you play. The cost for umpires is $50,so as you can see this is a very good price. The games will be played at Universities and Stadiums from Chicago to Rockford. You will be playing 1 or 2 games in an area at a time,so you won't be asked to travel long distance the same day. Every MLB team will be represented by a Scout and we also have college recruiters that have committed as well. I will only be able to take total of 26 teams per age group 15-18 for total of 104 teams combined. After staff and rental of fields are paid,all the proceeds from t- shirts,raffles,and admission fees will be donated to the Scouts Foundation. This tournament will fill fast,so fill out the form soon. All teams must pay a once a year $30.00 sanction fee before you enter any tournament. This a 6 game guarantee tournament. Our website is
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