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I am a 2017 third baseman/pitcher. I'm not that fast, I only run a 7.6 60 on my best day. I hit 3 hole on my high school/summer team. Off the mound I've hit 81 and I've been a change up/off speed guy my whole life. I'm 6'3" and weigh 185 and I've only had limited resources to lift with. I've emailed a lot of college coaches, especially JUCO's and D2's but I've had almost no responses. I was emailing and texting a couple JUCO's but they seem to not have nearly as much interest lately. I've been to a couple showcases in the past three months. Any advice on what to do from here? Kids all over the country are signing right now and I just feel lost. I appreciate any help and insight that anyone has to offer. 

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Your size would seem to draw some interest although you do not have the speed or arm to grab attention in e-mails or texts. So you need to be seen in person to have a chance to play college baseball.  You mentioned you went to a couple of showcases a few months ago. Did you contact coaches ahead of them to let you know of your interest?  Did you have any conversations with coaches at the showcase? And did you get any contacts after the showcase?  The showcases should have given you some idea of where you might fit or if you may have a chance for college baseball.  

Don't rule out D3 and NAIA schools from your options   There are some small lower cost showcases being offered with D2 D3, NAIA and JuCos that would give you another chance to be seen again.  Good luck and keep trying  




Based only on your post, it sounds like you were fishing without a real plan, but I could be wrong (maybe you haven't provided all the info).  My reason for saying this, and the most telling thing in your OP is that you haven't seemed to generate any interest out of the camps you attended.  This tells me that you either targeted the wrong camps (high level schools that are outside of your skillset) or that you simply showed up, did your thing, and went home.

At this stage of the game, you need to have a much more targeted and focused approach to being seen.  You need to attend a camp with schools in attendance that you have the skill to play.  You need to reach out to the staff ahead of time and determine if they have a need for a corner guy who can possibly fill some innings on the mound (although if your a RH pitcher, "hit" 81 isn't going to garner any demand).

I'll also ask how much your travel and HS coaches have done to help.  Has your HS coach used any of his contacts to schools to get you some looks?  If so, is he giving you feedback?  He should be a resource for you and should also provide you the feedback to be realistic if you're a college prospect and, if so, at what level.  Likewise with your travel coach.

Good Luck

Develop a list of schools you feel you are able to compete for a position. D3's are your best shot at this point. Given the time limitation it has to be a short list. Email the head coach and the recruiting coach. Express your interest in the baseball program and the academics. Ask how you can get in front of them between now and February. You need to start yesterday. 

If this doesn't work out look for colleges with club baseball. Keep in mind not playing college ball doesn't stop you from finding a men's summer league. You're not going pro. Get the best education possible. 

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