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Interesting, especially as a fan of the team with the second pick.

Just to be a pain in the you-know-what:

One of the downsides of the online era is that there are so many people writing so much stuff for so many different websites, and in many cases the people writing have no journalistic training and little expertise in the topics they're writing about, plus they're getting paid so little that they don't take an extra 30 seconds to research the assertions they make. 

For example, in this piece the writer says "Going with the high school prospect over the proven collegiate talent would be surprising, but ..."

Well, that seemed off to me, so it took about 30 seconds to find out that 3 of the last 4 first overall draft picks and 5 of the last 10 have been HS players.

Last edited by JCG

Have seen and played against said player.  very talented... they could very well take him as the first pick in the draft. He could very well fall to the 20th pick. Teams will make up their minds shortly  before the draft.  If it were me I would take Mize.   He will be ready to roll in the show in no time at all.

IMHO Mize is also worth more in any future trade that could occur.  Kelenic, while he might be fast tracked going to have to work through the minors..... We are not talking about a Bryce Harper  or Mike Trout.


Agree social media has so much crap out there now days.  My son was talking to a national CC and the subject of mock drafts came up.  The CC said  those sites are for fans.

Signability and slot values (and the individual player's willingness to bargain) will determine the 1-1 pick.  Just like last year.  At no point did anyone project or consider that Royce Lewis was the #1 talent to be selected in the draft, but his desire to be 1 and trade off $1,000,000 of slot money to go #1, allowing the Twins to use that money later in the draft got him selected ahead of others.  Much like Greene's unwillingness to concede on money and actually get paid over slot at the 1-2 position cost him going 1-1. 

Consider that three of the four picks after Lewis signed for more money than he did (and the only one that signed for less was only $25,000 less at the third pick and you can understand why he went 1-1.

With the slot system in place, it's no like simply picking the best player available for the teams.  It's a combination of that and economics and draft rules.

Interesting stuff.   Apparently it impacts players downstream too.  There was a HS kid last year near us who always had scouts in the stands when we played his team. Great player.  I heard from friends of his family they were expecting  him to go around the 5th round. He wasn't drafted at all.  I heard the clubs who liked him learned he'd be asking for too much.    I think it's going work out well for him in the end. He's doing great in college.

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