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I thought it might be fun to have a thread on draft expectations, surprises, hopes, second-guessing, etc.

I just saw that Keith Law of ESPN has updated his latest mock to show the Tigers taking Joey Bart, a catcher from Georgia Tech as the overall number one, instead of Casey Mize, who has been the presumptive #1 for months.   That adds a little drama.  I'm okay with either, though I'd love to see them taking  the local kid Nick Madrigal.  But MIF is not a big need for SFG right now, and besides they may get another chance for a local 1st rounder next year when Andrew Vaughn is eligible, or the year after when Spencer Torkelson is, assuming those guys keep playing the way that they have been.


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Should be an interesting couple days.  2 of my son's good friends, who I had on my 15/16U team that I ran a few years ago are both likely to get could go Top 10 rounds based on what we're hearing. One was projected later....but had a really good day on Friday in the Regional.  Maybe enough to move him up to where he'll get some decent $$$.   Funny, that 15U/16U team was a "new team", I formed it from kids my son knew....and we weren't in an "organization" was just our team.  We played in a tourney at a B1G school.  I gave the HC our roster before our game.  He said "do you have anyone who you think could play for us?"   I said "I really think that almost all of them may have a shot"    He laughed.  2 of those guys started on the mound in the Regionals on Friday....the coach that laughed....well, he was watching on TV       Another good friend of my son's had a ridiculous year at the plate and has heard he'll go anywhere from round 10-15, maybe a little higher.   Gonna be a fun couple days. 

MidAtlanticDad posted:

Wilcox (UGA commit) and Rocker (Vandy commit) still not picked. Will they actually spend 3 years in college?

Sure looks like it...

here in Wisconsin we are psyched to see Jarred Kelenic taken #6 overall.  Highest ever pick for a prep player from this state.

And as a Brewers fan I'm liking the Brice Turang pick...

TPM posted:
MidAtlanticDad posted:

So if anyone thinks this is ok, we got some double standards going on here.

I’m not in support of what Rolison tweeted. But it’s a stupid statement not an act. Given there was no action taken it wasn't a crime. Heimlich was convicted of a crime. 

If we want to play stereotypes (Mississippi boy) and mind read we can accuse the Rolison of racism. But we can’t read minds. Maybe he doesn't like Democrats. 

Last edited by RJM
RJM posted:
TPM posted:
MidAtlanticDad posted:

So if anyone thinks this is ok, we got some double standards going on here.

I’m not in support of what Rolison tweeted. But it’s a stupid statement not an act. Given there was no action taken it wasn't a crime. Heimlich was convicted of a crime. 

If we want to play stereotypes (Mississippi boy) and mind read we can accuse the Rolison of racism. But we can’t read minds. Maybe he doesn't like Democrats. 

I'm sure you don't mean to imply that wanting to see black people killed is not okay, but wanting to see Democrats get killed is.

JCG posted:
RJM posted:
TPM posted:
MidAtlanticDad posted:

So if anyone thinks this is ok, we got some double standards going on here.

I’m not in support of what Rolison tweeted. But it’s a stupid statement not an act. Given there was no action taken it wasn't a crime. Heimlich was convicted of a crime. 

If we want to play stereotypes (Mississippi boy) and mind read we can accuse the Rolison of racism. But we can’t read minds. Maybe he doesn't like Democrats. 

I'm sure you don't mean to imply that wanting to see black people killed is not okay, but wanting to see Democrats get killed is.

it's pretty obvious he means that if the comment was directed toward democrats then it wouldn't be based on race, i.e., the mind reading comment.  Clearly he wasn't implying killing one vs another due to group affiliation was ok.

3and2Fastball posted:
MidAtlanticDad posted:

Wilcox (UGA commit) and Rocker (Vandy commit) still not picked. Will they actually spend 3 years in college?

Sure looks like it...

here in Wisconsin we are psyched to see Jarred Kelenic taken #6 overall.  Highest ever pick for a prep player from this state.

And as a Brewers fan I'm liking the Brice Turang pick...

Turang could be a great pick. Dunno if he'll sign but if he does I guarantee you will love the kid your team just picked up in the 17th round, especially if they let him be a 2-way player. 

Guys thank you very much. It has been a crazy couple of days. Congrats ShoveIt!  Riley will do great. It has been an interesting 3 years. For all the newbies, the single best piece of advice I can give you is LISTEN to the people on this site that have “been there and done that”. No matter what you think you know, you really don’t have a clue. I don’t mean that to sound like you are stupid, I simply mean this is a business. College is completely different than professional baseball. Not better or worse, just different. I still think the vast majority of high school kids are better off going the college route, you better understand that development is not #1 priority. It’s ALL about winning. Either perform or get passed by. 

I am very happy and relieved. Now he has to start all over and prove himself again. Haha. But he is lucky enough to get to chase the dream he has had since he was 6. I just want to say Thank You to all the people on this board who have shared experiences and advice, especially the “old timers”. 

Herb, I promise you I am on the other extreme of a ninja. 

Not my kid....but pretty proud anyway.  A friend and I put together a 15U team when both our sons were that age.  Knew quite a few good kids from the previous years who were split up all over the area due to the dreaded 14U/football issues.  They all wanted back together so we did.  Great bunch of kids....had 2 unbelievable years....great kids and families, good baseball and a lot of fun.  Still friends with most of those kids/families today.

Had 3 pitchers from that team drafted this week (2 regulars and a part time sub)....and couldn't be happier for those guys.  Not bad for a 1-team organization with a couple "dads" running it lol.

According to, 12 D3 players were selected. Of that number, 10 were pitchers.  Of the 2 position players, it seems pretty clear one selected was probably based on his 2017 Summer in the Valley League.  He put up impeccable numbers and was named the league MVP per

Of some interest, 2 of the selections were RHP's from Whitworth College in Washington.  One of those 2 was actually a position player who was seen when the scouts came to watch the pitcher taken in the 6th round.

Last edited by infielddad

Just curious:  if you're a college junior and you're drafted in the top 10 rounds, I assume that, with a few exceptions, you sign.  What about after that?  If you're drafted in round 20, are you better off getting your degree and hoping for a higher slot next time?  How about round 30 or 40?

JCG posted:

Just curious:  if you're a college junior and you're drafted in the top 10 rounds, I assume that, with a few exceptions, you sign.  What about after that?  If you're drafted in round 20, are you better off getting your degree and hoping for a higher slot next time?  How about round 30 or 40?

Really good questions JCG.

Many times there can be a factor in play which is not obvious.  In many D1 programs,  a college junior will not have a baseball scholarship for his senior year. Needless to say, that favors signing in many situations. Coupled with that factor is the reality that getting drafted higher as a senior does equate to more $$$$. It usually equates to less, especially now with the new slotting system.

infielddad posted:
JCG posted:

Just curious:  if you're a college junior and you're drafted in the top 10 rounds, I assume that, with a few exceptions, you sign.  What about after that?  If you're drafted in round 20, are you better off getting your degree and hoping for a higher slot next time?  How about round 30 or 40?

Really good questions JCG.

Many times there can be a factor in play which is not obvious.  In many D1 programs,  a college junior will not have a baseball scholarship for his senior year. Needless to say, that favors signing in many situations. Coupled with that factor is the reality that getting drafted higher as a senior does equate to more $$$$. It usually equates to less, especially now with the new slotting system.

I wonder what percentage of 4YR JR picks after the 10th round did not agree upon a number before the pick. I'm guessing it's a very small number.

When he signs a contract, he commits to 7 yrs...So, yes there's a "rule".

Google Kyle Hancock, 3rd rd Colorado Rockies 2005 draft...Circumstance a little different...he "tried" to quit a week or so after arriving at his rookie team...Rockies held to the contract...he finally played in 2009-10...I think lasted 2 seasons, then gave it up...retired...

Between '05-'09, he went to college, but couldn't play due to amateur rule...

Last edited by baseballmom
Dominik85 posted:

Is there any rule preventing kyler murray from taking the bonus, retiring from baseball next year and playing football?

Chances are there’s a contingency in his contract. Either he receives a certain amount each year or he has to repay the bonus if he leaves baseball before a certain date. 

In 1981 Danny AInge hit .187 for the Blue Jays. That winter he had an All American basketball season for BYU. The Celtics drafted Ainge. The Jays claimed his contract was binding. AInge was receiving his bonus over three seasons. 

AInge started negotiating with the Celtics. In addition to salary he wanted the Celtics to pay back any paid bonuses the Jays might take him to court to recoup. The Celtics and Jays ended up in court. The Celtics agreed to buyout Ainge’s Jays contract. 

In another scenario the Orioles drafted Pat Connaughton out of Notre Dame in 2014. He would have been a first round pick signing for seven figures if he wasn’t also playing basketball. He signed for 400K and went to the minors. He returned to school for his senior year and played basketball. The next year he was drafted by the Portland Trail Blazers. He walked away from the Orioles.

His contract allowed him to keep the 400K. The Orioles gambled (and lost) he would be a great deal at the price they signed him. Connaughton will never be more than a journeyman NBA player. The Orioles are hoping NBA free agency does not go well for him this summer and he returns to baseball. He’s only 25.

Last edited by RJM

A former HS teammate of son's was selected in a late round by the Pirates. He was also a pretty good hockey player. Was told he's go anywhere from round 8 to 20. Selected early 30's. Funny story was that he was on the phone with the Indians telling him that he they were going to take him with the next pick..conversation changed to were just selected. 

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