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There are a lot of top college prospects in the south and west. There are so many prospects relative to roster spots southern and western players come north to play college ball. The northern players who get recruited south and west are studs. Are you an absolutely dominant player in your area? Are you the guy everyone notices when they attend your games? Are you in the Tyler Beede, Rhett Weismann skill set? Are you willing to play D2 or D3 ball in the south or west? You stated you’re drawing D1 interest. Define interest. How have you or your coaches been approached? 

Last edited by RJM

It would do no good to email a coach out west unless they could see you.  Most players say something like Hey Coach XXXXX I will be in <insert fancy tourney/showcase here > during XX/XX/XX. I'm very interested in your school, please come check me out I'm on team blah blah.  Then list stuff about your school like grades and how your season went, why you are interest in their school...etc. BUT try to keep it short, LOL.

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