@PitchingFan Oh, there's no doubt it's about them and their programs. I can't defend the piece about it being about them, but the program piece, I get. It's not lost on me that a long-standing tradition - summer legion ball in Nebraska - is dying on the vine. Baseball seems to inject lots of emotions in people when it leaves something behind and is forced to move on and modernize. I think most can appreciate that. But when something is lost, it's lost. Nebraska has 173 legion teams. California has 25. Texas has 4. Only Minnesota still has more than Nebraska with 330. But high school coaches here are fighting (and whining) tooth and nail to try to save it. But they're failing badly. Many of them, my son's high school coach included, TRULY believe the outdated, tired cliché of "if you're good enough, they'll find YOU" deal. My son's coach points to Philly Darin Ruf (graduated HS in 2005) and Matt Waldron (graduated HS in 2015, drafted 18th rd 2019 by Padres) as examples that "prove" his point. "Those guys didn't need to play travel ball and were still found!" All you can do is shake your head. When I shared this with my 2021's future coach - he's playing JUCO ball this fall - he just scoffed. Then he said that if my son hadn't played travel ball last summer, there was no way my son would be attending the school he is. He said "there's no way I am driving 9 hours round trip to watch you play a legion baseball game." He wasn't being a jerk, he was being honest.
It's gotten to the point around here that some coaches tell their players they won't play in the spring season if they don't stick around for legion ball in the summer. So what happens? You see lots of kids transferring to high schools where the coaches don't draw that hard line in the sand. I think it's laughable that these guys think they can intimate these kids into submission. Like it or not, this generation doesn't value loyalty the way some previous generations did. But there isn't a thing any coach can do to change that now. That ship has long since sailed.