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Many have started their HS seasons already. We start ours in about 3 weeks.

I've already seen one college team have to alter their schedule this season for COVID-19 and health concerns.

Has your HS season's schedule already been altered since it started? I saw this with HS winter sports - any given week or time, games were canceled or postponed.

Personally, I would be shocked - but extremely pleased - if we got through our entire HS baseball season without some sort of COVID-19 speed bump.

Last edited by Francis7
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@Fan2024 posted:

Yes... Kid's school(city?) put the entire baseball program on 14-day quarantine (cancelling at least 6 games) due to one positive case at one or two entirely outdoor-and-masked practices.

For us, that would be almost one-third of the season wiped out if they shut us down for 2 weeks and 6 games. We play 2 or 3 games a week for about 8 weeks. They pushed our season back 3 weeks this year too. So, now it runs to the end of the school year. Really no time for make-ups.

@baseballhs posted:

Our hs school has had zero issues.  They are 20 games Texas where we are open.

Everything else normal? We've heard rumors that the Varsity roster may be smaller this year to keep less kids in the dugout. And, while there is a bus for away games, the kids were told that it would be preferable if they found their own transportation to games on the road.

@baseballhs posted:

Not riding  buses. Roster size is the same.

For the one positive case that shut you guys down, was it asymptomatic?

A friend told me a story that he heard from another friend, who heard it from his friend. (Still with me?) Anyway, the story is that HS football parents for a particular team all got together before the start of the season and agreed that, no matter what, no one got tested during the season, and, if you got sick, then you just stayed home and said it was a sprain or something until you felt better.  They agreed on it because they didn't want the season shut down.

I don't know. Sounds like a wild story considering the size of a football roster. Seems hard to get that many people on the same page and keep it quiet.

@baseballhs posted:

Not riding  buses. Roster size is the same.

We actually have bus rides, and the only change that I noticed is that when we played our top rival, they moved the game to the College stadium to allow for extra social distancing (only downside is that the HS didn't get concession, but was cool for the kids).  They never restricted the number of players.  Interesting, they are restricting HS graduation to 6 guests per graduate, so it is not like the school is ignoring everything.  

@Senna posted:

Georgia here. 18 games in, only 1 was postponed due to a team having Covid issues. Same size team as usual, all ride bus to games. Majority of them are doing digital learning to try to bubble themselves as much as possible.

That is one thing I heard for myself. We have a friend whose daughter plays basketball and her coach told the players, off the record, switch from "in class attendance" to 100% virtual learning during the season to help make sure we have a season. (In our school, kids have the option to go virtual any time they want.)

@Viking0 posted:

We actually have bus rides, and the only change that I noticed is that when we played our top rival, they moved the game to the College stadium to allow for extra social distancing (only downside is that the HS didn't get concession, but was cool for the kids).  They never restricted the number of players.  Interesting, they are restricting HS graduation to 6 guests per graduate, so it is not like the school is ignoring everything.  

Most times, with our school games, they are lucky to have 75 spectators at games because they start at 3:30 PM and are on weekdays. So, that should not be an excuse. Only exception is when we play the cross town rival. That game always feels like there is 300 people there. So, it will be interesting to see how they handle it.

Last edited by Francis7
@baseballhs posted:

Most athletes at our old hs have been encouraged to go online during season.  I'm not sure how this will play in hs, but in college, the team was "encouraged" to get the vaccine a few weeks ago.  If they did, they were no longer subject to any contact tracing.

We have colleges by us that are making the vaccine mandatory if you want to attend in the next Fall.

My kid's school is only playing HS teams in the county and further east. They are not playing NYC schools which are closer probably because of the absolutely confusing NYC COVID outdoor restrictions. I am assuming they do want to play schools in the north due to travel but the distance really is not that far and they less restricted with COVID like my son school. It is frustrating but at least they will be playing baseball.

@2022NYC posted:

My kid's school is only playing HS teams in the county and further east. They are not playing NYC schools which are closer probably because of the absolutely confusing NYC COVID outdoor restrictions. I am assuming they do want to play schools in the north due to travel but the distance really is not that far and they less restricted with COVID like my son school. It is frustrating but at least they will be playing baseball.

Same here somewhat. It seems like we had more out of conference games in the past and this year it's more local.

HS ball started here (Omaha, NE) on or around 3/18.  Tonight is game #10 for my son's team.  I have not heard of one team within a 50 mile radius of here that has missed a single game due to Covid.  Granted, it's Omaha, but that 50 mile radius contains upwards of a million people total, so it's not the cliché most would think of when envisioning the Omaha metro area.  While we have mask mandates and orders to social distance, nothing is being strictly enforced.  And some kids are getting on buses for away games.  So far, so good.  Here's to this precious gift continuing!

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