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On February 14, 1999, Bob registered the domain name for the HSBBW. That means this site is entering into it's tenth year!
I was chatting with Coach May the other night, about how fast time marches on as we get older. When I first came here, my son was in HS and his son was in middle school. Crazy stuff. Most likely for many of you, it just seems like yesterday when you first began posting here.
So, since we are all waiting for basebeball to begin on all levels, maybe it's a good time to reflect on some highlights from the site. Your favorite topics, people you have met, what you have learned, where your players were when you began and where tehy are now, stuff like that.

Besides the Golden Threads, there have been so awesome topics, my favorites being the silly ones. Dice baseball and Karma stand out in my mind. Also I remember one with pages and pages of where you can find the best food in any town USA. I remember that one, learning from PG that there was a shell gas station in Paduca, KY that sold the best fried bologna sandwiches he's ever had, invaluable information. You just never know what info you might learn here on the HSBBW. Big Grin

Have fun!
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I first found this site in the spring of 1999 when our oldest was a high school senior. We didn't have a clue about the recruiting process and didn't know where to turn for help. I read for a couple of months and finally asked my first question around June of '99.

I can't begin to list all the ways HSBBW has helped us since, but two special times stick out in my mind. The first was when our oldest was struggling at the plate in 2002 after the death of his college coach. I posted a short little note about how hopeless everthing seemed and then deleted it in less than an hour. Someone noticed it, however, and took the time to send a wonderful PM. It meant the world to me. I'll never forget how it lifted my spirits and changed my outlook.

The second was a response from BeenthereIL about what a son needs most from his mom in the stands. Priceless! I printed it and kept it on my desk for years. Wish I still had it.

Anyway, Bob, Julie, and so many, many others have made a huge difference in our lives. Thanks for your time, patience, kindness, wisdom, encouragement, and especially your prayers. You've been God's instrument more times than you probably know. I honestly can't imagine what it would have been like to navigate the ups and downs of this crazy baseball world for the past 10 years without you!

God bless HSBBW!
Last edited by TxMom
Besides the Golden Threads, there have been so awesome topics, my favorites being the silly ones. favorite "silly" thread was probably from about 2002...when I first logged on. It was in the Ladies Lounge and went on for PAGES!!!! I can't even remember exactly how the thread worked, but the result was it gave everyone these ridiculous names. There was some formula on how to come up with your new name...and some of the names were HILARIOUS! I think my favorite was "Tootie Girbeltushie". Anyway, just a silly memory and thankfully, this sight USUALLY provides much more VALUABLE info for us than the example I just relayed....thanks Julie for keeping us up and running and happy 10th anniversary!
Last edited by luvbb
Realizing my rising high school freshman son might go somewhere in baseball and not having a clue about ANYTHING I wanted to see what kind of information I could find on the internet. I typed in high school baseball players or something like that. That morning I found the high school baseball web. I "lurked" for about 15 minutes before I typed my first post. I remember my first post way back when ---- I named it "Tennessee Stud". (A play on words from a song title by a singer named Tennessee Ernie Williams). I simply explained to the handful of members that I had a son that was a talented baseball player and wanted to know what I should do about it. My first response was from TRHit. In so many words he hammered me and informed me that as a parent I had no clue about my son and I should remove the rose colored glasses and be ashamed of my self for posting such garbage. Bob, BeenthereIl, Hiwassee Vol, GLegg, (Bama Bomber) OnePlayersPop and others soon welcomed me to the fold and made me feel at home. I know TRHit will never apologize but that's OK too because he did congratulate me years later when my son went on to play SEC baseball and three years later into professional baseball. In defense of TRHit he was one of the first Websters I called for advice.

The numerous past posts that stand out in my mind are insignificant to most readers. They say the same thing ---- they just use different words. They are the ones from the newest members looking for help. When the number 1 appears at the bottom of their post showing this is their first post ---- I think back to my first post.
I remember my first post way back when ---- I named it "Tennessee Stud". (A play on words from a song title by a singer named Tennessee Ernie Williams).

I'll bet you meant Tennessee Ernie Ford rather than the playwrite Tennessee Williams. But another interesting topic might be called "A Stud Named Desire" Smile

Seriously, I have often wondered why people visit here. I think on some level they want to know how good their kids are. How do they measure up? After my son signed in November of 2004, I wanted to know if there were others like him because there were not a lot from our area. Not only did I find out there were others like him after discovering this place, I found out some kids were getting full rides Eek Thus, humility is not hard to find here Roll Eyes

Humility is only part of the story however. I have also found that words often do not convey an accurate or complete picture of the way things really are. Some like to mention their kids started varsity as freshman for example. I wonder if they would have started at my son's high school which was over 4400 kids at the time for grades 9-12 Some tell how their kids have played up their whole lives. Then, I see many of these same kids enter college a year or two after mine has and some are about the same age as my son Confused It begs the question, who has been playing up and who has been playing down?

Many tell how their kids are being recruited by the ACC, SEC, the Big-12, or the Pac-10 then end up signing in a lesser conference or lower division and then explain later there was a better fit. Why all the hype then? Similar things with the draft and the recruiting forums. People seem to want to ask the same questions over and over to see how uniquely talented their sons might be. What does that letter from the SEC school mean? Was it personalized in some way or was it sent because I attended some showcase? Many kids I could swear were going to be high draft choices by the pre-draft questions and inuendo (e.g., scouts spent two hours at our home) and then ended up undrafted. Sure there are explanations afterwards but what actually happened?

What is my message? I love this place and the many people that I have come to admire and the friends that I have come to know here. It is a social outlet for me. It is a great learning tool and imho almost all the questions have been asked and answered already - many times over. Bob Howdeshell is a genious imho.

I am glad we did not know of it before my son had signed however. He and I formed our own plan and we executed it. Knowing about all the other kids who may have been ahead of us would have only detracted from our plan and I am convinced would have added undue stress to our lives. Obviously, others feel information is the key and that would have "relieved" stress in their situation by knowing how things work beforehand. To each his own in this great country of ours.

This place is a great resource and a great place to meet some very nice and interesting people. Don't be intimidated by everything you read here however. It rarely (if ever) lives up to all that is "hyped." If you can see past that, there are many baseball-loving individuals that will genuinely share in any joy that comes your way and sincerely empathize with you when there are struggles. Some players it seems never struggle and when you come across someone like that, tip your hat to them and know there is much more to baseball than words on a message board.
Isn't valentine's day appropriate for HSBBW anniversary! We found HSBBW too late really to have a significant impact on how we did things. Despite that, the site has touched our lives in so many ways.

Now that my son is out of baseball and I have a brand new grandson, I think about the future a bit more than I use to. I have had chats with other posters who have grandsons who will get to be the first generation to grow up with HSBBW! Hopefully, it will only continue to grow and a whole other generation will be able to participate in the wonder of the site and the baseball world.
CD-I find that interesting you were glad you found this site later. I, on the other hand, feel so lucky to have found it before my oldest starts HS. Heck, I was lucky enough to find it early enough "to cool my jets" so that I hopefully don't ruin things for my son.

I think the biggest thing I've learned is that baseball won't last forever so sit back and enjoy where they're at now. This is my son's journey and I've been lucky enough to be the chauffeur/credit card.

Awesome website with even more awesome people. Tons of information. Happy Birthday HSBBW
High school baseball web was around in the fall 1998

Andy, I was thinking the same thing. I thought I surfed upon the high school baseball web BEFORE my son entered HS. He graduated high school in 02 so that would have put him entering HS in the fall of 1998.

Cleveland Dad, You're right (as usual) it was Tennessee Ernie Ford. But both Williams and Ford are great baseball names. We have a couple with those names that check in here. I thought that didn't ring true when I typed it but at my age lots of things look and sound odd.
I always wondered about that. Although the domain name was registered on 2/14/1999, I'm guessing the site existed on Rivals first, which would explain the 1998 timeframe. I haven't talked to Bob in quite a while and I'll try to ask him about it this week. I thought we were starting our 10th year this week, but we probably are celebrating our 10th anniversary!

And Fungo, it wasn't but several days ago that the two of us were actually talking about the Chehalis and the Cowlitz. Small world.

I saw the photos of your ballfield...yikes! Thankfully the storm came through when the field was'll be tough replacing the equipment and structures, but at least all of the players are safe!

For old times sake...Mossyrock Dam on the Cowlitz!

And in the rear view mirror...Mt.Adams!

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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