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NCAA D1 transfer requirements include that the SA must "complete an average of 12 hours of transferable degree credit per term of full-time attendance at the junior college."

Is this average determined from ONLY those courses taken during full-time enrollment or does it include credits earned outside of full-time enrollment? for example, let's say a kid only has 40 transferable credits earned in 4 full-time terms while at the JC, but also brought in 12 credits earned at the same JC while in highs school. Does this meet the eligibility requirement, assuming he meets all other requirements?

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@FriarFred posted:

I am no expert but I also believe he would need to graduate from the JUCO as a 4-2-4 transfer to be eligible at a D1.  Here is a NCAA flow chart for use:  I would also contact Rick at informed athlete for help in reviewing your situation


Yeah, that's what I meant about "meeting all other eligibility requirements." The flow chart is where my confusion comes from. I'm just questioning how the transferable credits per full-time term works. The NCAA transfer rules don't spell it out, but am I safe in assuming that credits earned outside of full-time enrollment would go into calculating the 12 credits per full-time term average?Any other interpretation would mean a student who takes 12 hours per term would not be eligible if even ONE credit earned during the full-time terms didn't transfer and he would be unable to cure it through credits earned in the summer or as dual credits in high school.

Additionally, the flow chart asks "at your two year school, did you...complete an average of 12 transferable credit hours for each term you attended full-time?" So, does the average also apply to full-time terms taken at the original D1? 

Another inconsistency is that the NCJAA will next year allow sophomores who have already finished their AA or who would be on track to do so, to take as few as 6 credit hours in their  spring term and still be eligible. However, doing so might make a 4-2-4 player ineligible for D1 and definitely would for D2 which requires that he take a minimum of 9 hours in his last term before transferring. 

As an attorney, the NCAA eligibility rules frustrate me because they are so badly written.

I will be getting in touch with Rick when I'm more clear on exactly what questions need to be answered.

Root - I think you nailed a key point that is being missed (or potentially missed) with kids going back to JUCO for a 3rd year.  I have not seen anything from the NCAA regarding how they will handle that (if at all) and all those kids are potentially going to be ineligible following their 3rd year at JUCO.  My son is a 4-2-4 transfer and we spoke with Rick.  As I recall, the 12 hours of transferable credits are related to each semester while at the JUCO.  He had some dual enrollment classes that were accepted at his original 4 year school and then when he went JUCO, the degree plan was set up to work around what he transferred back in.  I was very concerned with making sure that he graduated from the JUCO.  It is confusing in best of times but now it is really an issue with all the other things thrown in now.  Wishing you and your son the best in this.

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