2022NYC posted:Pitching gurus behavior are worse.
Worse than Rich?
2022NYC posted:Pitching gurus behavior are worse.
Worse than Rich?
2022NYC BD being bluedog?
by the way 2022NYC do we know each other? lol idk if I ever mentioned working with BD publically
Im going to assume you mean Bluedog and answer your question.
We met with bluedog several times over the course of a few years. We met with Rich once for appx 90 minutes. Bluedog wants all of the weight to start back in the stance and then shift to the middle...Obviously Rich wants weighted rear leg. Bluedog teaches movement with the arms and an active front hip...Rich teaches no arms and an active rear hip/leg. Bluedog is big on the sequence...He has a sequence he teaches...he always says the sequence is timing and the timing is sequence. The sequence is pretty difficult in my opinion to fine tune with him since he lives so far away...so if something breaks down...it's hard to fix..One thing I really like about bluedog's teaching is he really preaches hitting the ball hard...like over the fence. Hes big on pulling the ball. He would get colby hitting the ball hard...it was just a longer swing with all of the arm movement, etc. I will say I consider bluedog a friend. He wont like me saying this, but he wouldnt take a penny from me and he came to my town a couple times and paid his own expenses...we went down there once as well....and we dont live close to each other at all....he is not a fan of marketers of baseball swings. He is a really good teacher, whether you like his stuff or not, he finds ways to teach his material when the student is struggling to learn a certain aspect of the swing. Rich has a structured swing...ie an exact way to do things...how to coil, how to snap the barrel and rear hip, etc. I like the suddenness of it. Do I agree with all of it? Maybe not, but I do agree with the concepts and see a lot of it in major league hitters. I agree that the swing path should not be around the spinal axis (like a merry go round)..I also agree with the reactive front leg, ie it catches the swing like a kickstand on a bike....(just my opinion)
These are just my thoughts....I think both hitting instructors have lots of good to offer their students...both are very nice men in person and both are very "cranky" behind the keyboard. Colby's swing contains elements of both of their teachings and approaches...Is there one exact correct way to hit? Id say no....but Id say professional hitters that are successful all have similar absolutes of the swing...the difficult part is interpreting what those are..and that is why there is an internet hitting war out there, in my opinion...
(If anyone has specific questions about what either teach, feel free to PM me)
Teacherman was a pain not because of what he posted as much but how he posted.
Bluedog and I have been friends for a very long time. TM and I have been enemies for a very long time. Both have something to offer and think about. When my daughter was growing up, I bounced a lot of thoughts off of Bluedog. Sometimes he agreed and sometimes he did not. However, his heart has always been in the right place. He is not about ego other than to stand his ground when attacked. Believe me, I've attacked him before. I think that the one constant that I have noticed here on this site and others with regards to hitting is that it is hard for people to stay out of "camps" and glean the best ideas from everyone. "Everyone" would include a lot of hitting gurus on the net. Believe me, I've been involved in these discussions since the days of ETeamZ, SetPro, ... That is as far back as you can go.
CoachB you make a great point about taking the best ideas from everyone. I do try to do that. I definitely think that Bluedog and Rich have some great ideas. Bluedogs heart is most definitely in the right place. I think he does this because he's passionate about hitting and wants to help players. I know he's not doing it for the money
Work has been relentless lately missed my favorite TV shows and coming here. Thanks Ed for sharing your son's experience with both TM and Bluedog (BD). Is your son comfortable to keep some of the elements of their teaching in shaping/maintaining his swing? I had a few opportunities to take my kid to TM's clinic out in the North East over the past few years but I was worried of info overload and confusing the lad. He now has a more mature awareness of his movements and he did ask about going to TMs clinic, so I may relent
Where does TM list his clinics? anyone know?
Ken he posts a ton on his twitter...he doesnt do too many clinics but when he does I'd imagine it's on twitter...2022NYC I do think there's elements of all instruction that he would keep from instructor to instructor...some of the instruction may contradict the others....I think it's like coaching in that coaches aquire info from other coaches all the time and keep what they can use and discard the rest...just my opinion...
Love seeing so many names from the past! Haven’t been on in years and had to change the name from hsballcoach to this due to email change but it is so cool to see so many still on here after all these years! Enjoyed reading the many late night battles so many had with TM. Still not a big fan of all he teaches but happy for him and his success.
I haven't been on this page in years but got an email and I remember reaching out to Teacherman one time when he was doing some lessons in our area. Guy was a complete jackass with his replies and all I was doing was trying to get him to work with my son and pay whatever he wanted. That day turned me off from him although I do like some of his hitting theories but not all of them. I hate watching him swing and I think he knows some things but would love to see if anyone has kept up with the younger kids he was working with and how they are doing now. I remember a pretty big hispanic kid that had a great swing but do not know his name. He would have to be late in HS now or college. I do get videos of TM every now and then popping up on feeds though.
I will say this about hitting instructors and I have reached out to several in the past. I reached out to Matt Antonelli one time about my son's swing. That guy sent me 3 videos back did not charge me a thing it was awesome and a few months later his team was in town playing at a PG tournament. I walked over right before their game and just said Hi told him who I was and thanks for helping my son, (he ended up playing Division II and graduating with a masters" Matt remembered me and he told me to come in their dugout. Talked to me the whole game between coaching and was one of the nicest coaches I have ever met and a great coach. I don't know if he still does hitting analysis and all because he has a big facility now but I don't mind telling people what a great experience it was working with him.
I completely side with @CoachB25 on the issue of Teacherman. Furthermore, his swing concept is very flawed and will only work for a big, strong, physically gifted player with great hand eye coordination. As with the so called internet pitching gurus, my criticism of TM is the same. You should not be promoting techniques that only work for MLB caliber players to the general public - especially kids that are in their formative years.
I watched a lot of Antonelli videos when we were going through the recruiting and draft processes. They were very helpful.
I’ve been here since 2007. I don’t remember him. Was he tossed? I remember him from another site. He was a jerk.
On Jun 13, 2024, at 7:01 PM, HS Baseball Web <alerts@crowdstack.com> wrote:
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I’ve been here since 2007. I don’t remember him. Was he tossed? I remember him from another site. He was a jerk.
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RJ he had numerous screen names. He would get banned then resurface with a new name but same nasty attitude. When teaching young players it’s important in my opinion to focus on those things all hitters must do well in order to have success. As you get older and mature you can begin to individualize instruction a little more. I hope everyone is well. I need to visit more often and catch up.
Coach May
Please continue your comments. They are 100% on target.
Yesterday predicts today
@Coach_May posted:RJ he had numerous screen names. He would get banned then resurface with a new name but same nasty attitude. When teaching young players it’s important in my opinion to focus on those things all hitters must do well in order to have success. As you get older and mature you can begin to individualize instruction a little more. I hope everyone is well. I need to visit more often and catch up.
Thanks for making my day. A Coach May sighting is something that we all miss.
In what is sure to explode heads all around baseball, Teacherman is quoted in today's New York Post blasting the Yankees player development.
This will have you hacking up a fur ball …
Yankees fans demand Richard Schenck be hired as hitting coach
@RJM posted:This will have you hacking up a fur ball …
Yankees fans demand Richard Schenck be hired as hitting coach
The stupidity on Baseball Twitter is more than you can imagine
Don’t remember him, but would have thought he would have a lot to offer
@RJM posted:This will have you hacking up a fur ball …
Yankees fans demand Richard Schenck be hired as hitting coach
Rich is Marketing that quite aggressively and attacking the Yankees player development and saying they should hire him.
Personally I think that his teaching can help some hitters and maybe hurt some others. When you have drifty, linear back to front shifting hitters who have a soft front side and tend to push the ball Rich's teaching can help to center them and stay behind the ball.
On the other hand hitters who are already on the back side and swing up that focus on tilting rearward and turning the barrel back might cause a too steep swing and a hole at the top of the zone.
You gotta give rich credit for what he did with judge and there are hitters who can get better working with him.
However like Mike Marshall it is impossible to employ him in org ball because like MM he is a 100% guy, rich will even attack people who teach 90% of what he does for the 10% they do different just like MM attacked "hybrid guys".
Rich probably is best used as a private guy for certain hitter types who can benefit from him, you can't hire him in an org setting because he would attack and alienate anyone who disagrees even a little bit with him.
@Dadof3 posted:Don’t remember him, but would have thought he would have a lot to offer
I find it very discouraging to see a comment like this. Maybe you don’t know what Teacherman is all about. IMO he is a grifter of the highest order. Even if you don’t feel that way and just want to judge him based on his approach to teaching hitting, there is plenty to find fault with. He teaches a method that’s fundamentally flawed.He routinely tells ex MLB players that he knows more about hitting than they do. He attempts to take credit for the success of players he has never coached. And he does all this with an arrogant and insufferable attitude. Many consider him to be the poster child for what is wrong with private hitting instruction.
Apparently, the Yankees are not happy with his comments. It was only a matter of time before the snake oil salesman angered the Yankees. Those of us who have been around for a long time know the reality of what has gone down with Teacherman. I'll leave it at that.
Teacherman is the Mike Marshall of hitting. He’s unemployable.
@Dominik85 posted:You gotta give rich credit for what he did with judge and there are hitters who can get better working with him.
I would argue half the posters on this board would could make Judge look good. He is a freak athlete with physical attributes no other player has right now. I haven’t seen a single example of another good hitter giving credit to teacherman.
@adbono posted:I find it very discouraging to see a comment like this. Maybe you don’t know what Teacherman is all about. IMO he is a grifter of the highest order. Even if you don’t feel that way and just want to judge him based on his approach to teaching hitting, there is plenty to find fault with. He teaches a method that’s fundamentally flawed.He routinely tells ex MLB players that he knows more about hitting than they do. He attempts to take credit for the success of players he has never coached. And he does all this with an arrogant and insufferable attitude. Many consider him to be the poster child for what is wrong with private hitting instruction.
Never knew him or anything he said or implied. Which sounds like a good thing
@TerribleBPthrower posted:I would argue half the posters on this board would could make Judge look good. He is a freak athlete with physical attributes no other player has right now. I haven’t seen a single example of another good hitter giving credit to teacherman.
I'm not defending rich, he has called me names on forums dozens of times but while judge is a freak of nature he broke into the league as a 26 year old and it took some time for him to figure it out.
He always had the power but it isn't always easy to hit enough and avoid huge strikeout numbers for these huge guys.
Judge Obviously feels that rich helped him and publicly said so.
I think Kerry carpenter also worked with him.
It is true that you rarely hear about the failures and if you do (kingery for example) he will blame the player or other coaches for the failure.
@adbono posted:I find it very discouraging to see a comment like this. Maybe you don’t know what Teacherman is all about. IMO he is a grifter of the highest order. Even if you don’t feel that way and just want to judge him based on his approach to teaching hitting, there is plenty to find fault with. He teaches a method that’s fundamentally flawed.He routinely tells ex MLB players that he knows more about hitting than they do. He attempts to take credit for the success of players he has never coached. And he does all this with an arrogant and insufferable attitude. Many consider him to be the poster child for what is wrong with private hitting instruction.
I wonder if there is a discussion board he hasn’t been tossed off. I know of three.