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"52 Week Baseball Training" is a good book. I actually like "Complete Conditioning for Baseball" by Steve Tamborra better since it focuses more on the exercises (as opposed to pages and pages of charts with no explanation of the exercises) and has a good video included with the book. They are both published by Human Kinetics with has a lot of good sports physiology books.

I have looked some of the Jon Doyle and Paul Reddick material and honestly can't get past the slimy infomercial approach. That's just personal preference and it's possible that the actual content is good.

Ron Wolforth focuses on pitchers, but some of his stuff is the best I've seen that is specific to baseball. Unfortunately, "The Combat Pitcher" series is $250 so beyond the reach of most of us.

After going through a whole bunch of different approaches, we settled on doing an adaptation "Crossfit" with baseball specific adaptations such as rotational movements with medicine balls and kettlebells, plyometrics, speed work and agility ladders. Here is an example of a Crossfit program: Crossfit Baseball
since it focuses more on the exercises

When i first started using Jon Doyle's products, I had the same view on them, exaggerated and gimmicky, but now, about a year later i see that they are just the opposite. They have sent my overall athletic ability through the roof, and Unbreakable Abs will help your bat speed tremendously. His marketing seems rediculous but is actually full of truth in what it will do to you.

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