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Consultant, I read this article today about a scout and the player he believed in because he could hit, but also because  of the 6th tool.  Up to the last few paragraphs, it was  a very good article about the scout and the tangibles and intangibles he saw in Kyle.

The end put a bit of a lump in my throat. I thought you and many on this site might enjoy it.


A 6th tool is anything that is not part of the 5 tools. We have narrowed skill sets down into 5 easy to use, easy to reference buckets. But there is more out there. It may be very difficult to scout and/or predict, but I know there are players who either have exceptional grit and ability to grind out success, or who is very good at all 5 tools but not great at any one... alas the "6th tool."


Amazon: Going with the Pitch SE

Author of "Going with the Pitch: Adjusting to Baseball, School and Life as a Division I College Athlete" (Second Edition)


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