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My players definitly know the difference, but.....

The kids on my team are like family. My own kids are 4 and 6, and they have had my hs players at every birthday party they have ever had. My kids also rodeo, and I had some players show up to support them over the weekend.

Most of my players come from broken homes and/or bad situations. I want them to see how a loving parent and father interacts with his family. In many cases it is the only one they get to see.

Kind of goes along with the idea that if you try to be your kid's best friend, you can't be his parent!

Having said that, it doesn't mean that a Coach or a Parent can't exhibit some features of a buddy, like listening, jawing, horsing around, but the key is that both coach and player need to know where to draw the line for the benefit of the player.
I agree with these guys. This doesn't seem like a hard question.

The key is you can't get down to their level and make them believe ya'll are equal.

Care about em, joke with them, even play pranks if u are that type of coach. But when all is said and done, they MUST know u are in complete control and the final authority.

There are still some "no nonsense, military general" type coaches out there today. But with the way kids are brought up at home and them realizing they dont' "need baseball", I'm afraid they are a dying breed.

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