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I've always had a dream of playing College Baseball. However, that dream went away after I was cut from my High School Baseball team my freshman year. I was a chubby kid, 5'6 170 pounds. I then played exclusively on a competitive but not a super strong travel team. We won our fair share of tournaments, but we've only had one or two guys who have gone on to play College ball. So now I'm a Senior, about to graduate, and my dream of playing baseball at the next level has come back. I considered not playing this summer, as I thought chilling with all my friends before we all go off to college would be a better way to use my time. But I fell in love with the game again, and there's no way I want to just quit playing. So, I am going to a powerhouse D1 University. I know I will probably never play, but it would be great to just be on the team. Like I said, its been a dream of mine. So I am going to attempt to walk on. I have never received a scholarship offer and no coaches/scouts have ever seriously looked at me, but I still want to give it a shot. The University I am going to has a showcase camp over the summer, so I plan on going to that too just so the coaches can see me before the open tryouts. I know its a longshot for me, but this is something I really want. So I might as well go for it, right?
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The great thing about living in America is that anyone can grow up to be President. Smile

So why not try to get back in the game. I am assuming that you are going to try to walk on at UGA. Understand that at UGA, coach has a rep that he cuts kids with scholarships before they even set foot on campus.

So my word of advice, get busy in the gym. Don't know what you weigh now but 5'6" @170 ain't gonna cut it for the coach.

Good luck!
Last edited by TPM
I learned a different way of looking at dreams from my dad. Our first inclination as humans is to “possess” the dream as if it were a thing. However, the real value of a dream is its ability to guide us to something greater than ourselves.

We focus on the dream and in the meantime something amazing develops. Much like a farmer might pick a tree at the end of a long field to plow toward; we should focus on the dream to help us create an inspirational memory. Dreams are not meant to be possessed, they are meant to be a guide to a place we’ve never been and wish to go. When the time comes, go for it if you still feel compelled but be alert for something greater happening than making or not making the team.

If that doesn't make much sense to you, don't worry. I looked a little **** eyed at the old man the first time I heard it.

Good luck. It's going to be quite a challenge. The great thing about baseball is that there is always a game we can play no matter what our skill is. I just had a catch with my son in the back yard. I was Clemente and I threw Pete Rose out at home plate. Really!
Originally posted by Thurm:
Originally posted by YoungGunDad:
Good luck Adreamer.

If you're going out for this Powerhouse D1 program, tell Danny Hall I said hello.

YGD: Danny Hall is @ GA Tech. It's Perno @ UGA.

Good Luck just the same.

Thurm, as a lifelong resident of Georgia, I promise I do know that. lol.

I was being sarcastic to a degree. UGA for the most part is not considered the "powerhouse" D1 program here in Georgia any longer. Georgia Tech is.

There is a smart way to chase dreams and a no-so-smart way...

Dreaming and chasing those dreams is fine as long as you have done everything you can to improve the odds, and have research into what the odds are...and so are both as prepared as you can be and clear on the chances...

...but most importantly have a good Plan B in place...and it seems to me that you have done that...

I say go for it. Do the summer camp, it is a guaranteed look, you will get seen, you will get evaluated...fall tryout's at big DI's are often feigned.

We will be hoping for another Rudy...

Cool 44
Adreamer ... Go for it! Do the work to prepare to give your very best, then go out there this summer and give it your all. Then, keep working in the days leading up to the Walk-On Try-Outs, and go out there and give all you have. If you do that, no matter the outcome of this one event, you will already have won a much bigger prize.

One more stray thought, if you were my son I would suggest that you send a short, respectful, note to the Head Coach informing him of your desire to earn a place in his program, and your intentions to attend the summer camp and try-out as a walk-on in the fall. I would then encourage you to politely & confidently introduce yourself to the Coach at the camp this summer. There will be a lot of players at the camp, and you want to sure he knows who you are.

A word of encouragement ... A friend of my son's who was used sparingly in High School, and who never played for a top summer program, took the same path you are describing at a top academic ACC school. He had introduced himself to the Coaches at a couple of summer camps he attended. He had written to express his interest. When he got to school, he went out for the Club team, and played for them in the fall. This spring, the Coach invited him and a couple of other Club team players to attend walk-on try-outs, and my son's friend made the team. This young man is now wrapping up his freshman year pitching in the ACC.

Chase your dream with everything in you! Good luck!
Last edited by southpaw_dad
What's your real dream? Is it to play baseball? Or is it to be on a D1 team? At your height you have to have something pretty special to play on a D1. If you have something that special, you probably would have made the HS team or been noticed by now.

If you truly want to play baseball in college, you would have a much better chance at going to D2 or D3. The reality is that it is rare for a D1 to take a walkon. Just doesn't happen that much anymore. Even the walkons they take are recruited walkons. I think I've heard of only 1 in NC this year for D1. A few D1's don't even hold a tryout anymore.

You may have the ability to succeed on a D1 but this late in the game and without playing high school ball or exposure, it's not likely you'll get a spot on a D1 team. If you have the ability, you'd be better off trying to walkon a D2 and transferring next year to a D1.
Last edited by Leftysidearmom
May I respectfully disagree with Leftysidearmmom?

I do see her point and perspective, but assuming I read Adreamer's OP correctly ...

He has already been accepted to, and will be attending the college of his choice ... He already is a winner.

He has a re-born passion for the game of baseball, and he has the desire to see if he can compete at the collegiate level, at the school he is planning to attend.

Today ... He is not on the team, has not been recruitied to play for the team, and is not on the radar with the Coaches. If he does nothing, he will be at the school of his choice & not be on the team.

If he commits to doing all he can this summer to prepare to compete to earn a spot on the team; attends the summer camp; speaks with the Coach(es); and pursues an opportunity to try-out as a Walk-On ... and he is cut ... he will be at the school of his choice & not be on the team.


I say GO FOR IT! Certainly, understand you are facing some very steep odds; and even if you give everything in you ... it may not be enough to achieve this particular goal. But if you have the heart and spirit to give your all to chase the dream ... whether you make the team or not, you are a winner in the bigger game of Life.

My $.02
Come on now Smile!! I've told you how much I respect your opinions but Danny Hall? He's great in the regular season but his post season resume is questionable at best. OK-I'm only kidding. BTW-my son is having a blast and learning a lot from the guy we talked about. He really gets on him w/out sugar coating things but at the same time makes it fun for him. Thanks for the input!!!
If you want the college you've chosen above a less riskier shot at playing ball, I agree with TPM. Check out the club baseball team. You'll have the best of both worlds...the school you want AND get to play ball! Club teams are not just intramural sports these days. They are well run and pretty fact, they'll have tryouts as well.
Last edited by Leftysidearmom

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