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This has been bothering me for awhile now. I always thought those who gave it up, were just being silly. Please understand I have no hard feelings towards anyone. I just felt it important to let people know. Some might read this, most probably won’t. It doesn’t make much difference either way. Just know that this is by far the toughest post I've ever written here.

I was going to send out a PM to all those people I know on this site. Then realized I would surely forget someone important if I did that, so I decided to post this. I hope some can understand.

Anyone who is deeply involved in baseball will always have some enemies. It’s impossible to avoid and many of those enemies may have never even met you or know anything about you. Some may actually have legitimate reasons while most are simply jealous, unreasonable, unfamiliar, or in competition or a combination of all that. I understand there is nothing that can be done about any of it.

I have always enjoyed trying to help people and I quickly caught on (years ago) that this was a great place for that. In fact, Bob Howdeshell started this site for just that purpose. I posted anonymously back at the beginning. Bob was the only one who knew who I was. Never was it about PG, but I could answer questions and didn’t have to worry about being diplomatic. Later it was decided I would post as PGStaff. That turned out to be a bad decision IMO, but at least there was nothing hidden from anyone.

Over the years there have been some very disturbing (untrue) things said about Perfect Game. Almost always people who knew us would straighten things out in a hurry. This support has continued for a long time and it has made me feel like part of some kind of a cyber family. There have been so many wonderful people who have spent time here. So many people who want to help others! Some I’ve actually met and others I’d like to meet.

In that time spent here I’ve been in a fairly unique position. Not just because of knowing my input had a certain amount of credibility, but listening to others became a valuable resource of sorts to PG. Some of the suggestions made by posters we actually implemented. Still, sometimes things would trouble me (we all have weaknesses). While I understood that everyone had different experiences, it surprised me how many thought what worked for their son should work for anyone. You know… “This is what we did, so you don’t need to do anything differently because of our experience”. I always wondered just how many did things exactly the same way without getting the same results. Of course, we have seen things accomplished in just about everyway imaginable over the years.

I could understand all that because surely I felt the same way at times earlier in my life. However once again we were in a unique position when it came to experience (not brains!). We have been in a position to experience things from many sides. We have been involved in a large way with many important things in baseball that affect many people. This would include the draft, college recruiting, coaching and running events. It also includes dealing with people like sports agents, highest level scouts, college coaches, many parents and players and just about everyone that is involved in baseball in some way. (Thousands of young players and parents) and they are all different with different circumstances, abilities, goals and dreams. Good students, bad students, great athletes, not so great athletes, good kids, bad kids, rich kids, poor kids, you name it. We have had meetings with compliance officers, the commissioners office, top executives in baseball and many others who have lives revolving around baseball. I could go on and on about the things we have experienced in baseball.

Our staff includes over 50 people whose experience ranges from being a Major League Manager, Major League players, minor league players, college players, former scouts and college coaches to former agents and baseball writers. We didn’t just show up out of the clear blue and become experts. Personally my experience includes recruiting and coaching in college for 7 years, scouting for 9 years, coaching at other youth and amateur levels, running clinics, writing manuals, speaking at baseball functions, and many other things that I can’t remember. I have also been a parent who saw two of his son’s play college and professional baseball. One son who pitched briefly with three different Major League Teams (Yankees, Diamondbacks and Brewers) saw both sons get injured, one with two surgeries that included Tommy John surgery. I have seen and learned a lot in my 62 years of which some 40+ years were dominated by baseball. You know what… There is still much more I DON’T know than what I DO know! Most people with the most experience would say the same exact thing.

What is missing from all the above is my experience with business and sales! That is because I never had any interest or experience in those things. That is probably why we should have gone bankrupt every day during our first 6 years as Perfect Game. What kept us going is simple… We loved the game, we were very competitive, we knew we were helping a lot of young players, and it was baseball!!! Since then we have received help from some real business people and things worked out OK. I once had a sales job. It lasted about a week. I couldn’t and didn’t want to sell anything. There has been a book published, it’s titled “Perfect Game USA” it tells some of the story. I never thought we would be anywhere near as big as we are now. I never even wanted to be that big, it just happened! We gained a great deal of credibility.

So here I set today writing on what has become the greatest message board in baseball IMO. I can’t tell you how much it bothers me to read about us being involved with something that is only interested in taking money from poor unsuspecting people. I look at the 226 pages of posts that I’ve made here, some of 4,000-5,000 posts that are very long, probably too long. Knowing that every post that dealt with baseball was as truthful as it could be. Knowing the purpose was to lend a helping hand to others who might be far more intelligent than myself, but simply lacked the experience or knowledge about certain things. Not once was the goal to promote or sell anyone anything. Always treating people who spent money the same as those who didn’t spend money on us. Never once reading a post from a kid looking for a showcase and asking him to PM me. Not once telling someone they needed to attend our stuff. When I mentioned our stuff it is because some of it is hard to believe (even to us) and we are proud of certain things.

When I hear words like “Targeting people”, all anyone needs is a credit card, all they care about is your money, or other business related talk, I wonder what I’m doing here. I fully understand that there are people who operate differently. The ads at the top of the page were NOT my idea. I never came here to advertise I came here to support something great and it had nothing to do with marketing or PG. I read the negative comments on other sites and don’t even bother to reply. I thought here I could give an honest reply that might mean something. That people might see it as an honest reply. I think everyone has been polite, but yet with some also getting the wrong impression.

Those 226 pages if anyone cares to read them will say a lot. Almost all the posts were meant to help someone. I doubt if there is more than a few posts that even mention Perfect Game unless it was to reply to a direct question or topic. I look back and think about the amount of time spent doing all of that and it is truthfully mind boggling. I did it because I wanted to, so no complaints, but the amount of time could have been put to much better use from a more selfish standpoint. Maybe something like trying harder to “profit”! I really believe it was all worth it because it made me feel good most of the time. Even threads like “American Idol” seemed to be simply a fun escape from my every day life involving baseball and having some fun. Odd that someone would go to a baseball website to get away from baseball. I just really enjoyed all the people. Not once did I ever feel like I was “TARGETING” anyone or doing anything related to business. Least of all taking advantage of people.

I could go on forever, but recently certain developments have kind of soured me. Competitors come on posting negative and untrue stuff about us. A clear agenda! He gets discovered, thanks to Julie. I never asked Julie to investigate but she did. I never even complained! In fact, I can honestly say that I have never, not once, asked any favors or asked for any post to be deleted at any time on this site. Later I notice certain posters still lump us with all the others without bothering to write a single post in that very long thread. That thread slowly sank down the list. Then within days I read where we as the largest have to expect to be mentioned (lumped) with the others because we too are in that business. Guess we are all the same and only want your money. Some even claim there’s nothing wrong with that. I haven’t got the time to fight this stuff.

I truly respect Julie very much and the job she has done here. She is a great person with a gigantic heart and I plan to help her for as long as possible. I have some friends who post here. I even have friends here who I’ve never met. There are lots of wonderful people around here. That said, I’m going to ask Julie to take down our banner ads, I never asked for them or wanted them anyway. All it does is make us look like we are here for the wrong reasons. That has become very clear as of late. We will still support the site just as we did before there were any advertisements. We are in a prime spot so hopefully someone who really does want to sell something will pay prime dollars for that spot and it will help pay the bills here. For sure people are not donating enough the way it is. I encourage all those who really care about this site to make a donation if you can afford it. If the economy hurts us as some seem to think, we might not be in a position to help support this site. I think individuals should help if they really enjoy this “the best message board in amateur baseball”.

I really appreciate many of the kind messages some of you have sent me. It means a lot. I’m just getting tired of trying to explain everything. I can take it when things are posted at other sites, just not here. I don’t blame anyone for anything or feel angry in the least. It’s just that if after all this time, I haven’t clearly represented my beliefs, I doubt it’s ever going to happen. If that is thin skinned, so be it! I don’t do anything based on it being just good for business. We quit our relationship with Baseball America because of our ideals not because it was a good business decision. We refused to be associated with others. Then I get to read on message boards (maybe even here) that Baseball America dumped us. PGCrosschecker was up and running within two weeks with Baseball America’s founder and former editor in charge of it. Does that sound like we got dumped. Within three months we had more subscribers than Prospects Plus. Yet, until now, I never brought that up.

Anyway, I still plan on looking in often as a viewer. Reckon I’ll see some posts that I don’t like at times. I’m just not going to reply to them anymore. Anyone who wants to reach me, feel free to email…

I’m very sorry, but can’t help the way I feel. Some might actually be happy. That bothers me! I just wish people would have the chance to know ALL of what we did and why we do it. Even the naysayers would have a hard time with that.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Thanks, it has mostly been a lot of fun. If I ever do get back on here it will be some strange username with no connection to any thing. Maybe that will be a lot more fun.
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Originally posted by PGStaff:
If I ever do get back on here it will be some strange username with no connection to any thing. Maybe that will be a lot more fun.

If that user name is CedarRapidsbaseballguy I'll bet we would figure it out. Wink

I hope you pop up here anonymously soon PG.

And thank you for the Merry Christmas wishes to all of us...we offer you and your family the same!

Last edited by gotwood4sale

Thank you for the many outstanding posts you have made on this site through the years, and mostly, thank you for all you do for baseball.

I sure hope you will be back under your real name or any other name you choose! Smile Through the seven years or so that I've been reading this site, your posts are always at the top of my must-read list.

I've tried to keep from "jumping in" on the types of troubling threads you describe, because I am such a fan of Perfect Game, to the point of possibly appearing biased. It has made me angry and upset when a few members do "lump" Perfect Game in with less reputable competitors, and especially when they question your motives. If people only knew how much you do that is the opposite of money-motivated, maybe they would all feel the way I do. And of course, the vast majority of members of this site do seem to understand what a special organization you run, and also know what a fine man you are!

Keep in touch,

Very sorry to see you go...I understand though, some folks are just rattlesnakes in the grass waiting to spew their venom. You have been most helpful to me as I have been on this journey with my older son. I will be at the Underclassman Showcase with my middle son this next week, perhaps I will see you there.

Thank you for all the knowledge that you have shared over the years, and Merry Christmas to you and your family as well.
I too am very sorry to see you go. I always enjoyed your insight into things. As someone just getting started in all this, I feel saddened to not have the chance to read your imformative post any more. You can bet I did learn alot from you and when and if my son goes to a showcase it will have the Perfect Game name on it. It's not really hard to figuire who the best is . Jeff Byars
On one of my post PGstaff offered help via a PM. He directed me to the person in is organization to email with my quesiton. I was offered the answer to my email question within a couple of hours. First class. I am sad and upset that it has come to this but understand PGstaff point of view and support him.

My son attended only one PG event here in Northern California. He scored a rating of six. Not so good. I will say though it was the best baseball money I have ever spent. As a result a fire was lit under my son and since that PG event he has put hundreds of hours in the batting cage, working on speed and agility and lifting. The work has paid off and I know that he would rate much higher today. I was never pressured or mislead about the PG event. We attended because of PG's reputation in the baseball world and a the unbiased evaluation son would receive.

I have only been a member of this site for a couple of years and am proud to say that I have enjoyed and learned from your posts PGstaff. I wish for you and your organization much success now and in the future.

Look foward to your return.
Last edited by gimages
Am truly sorry to hear you say farewell. It's a crying shame that you won't be posting anymore as "PGStaff" since certain threads could certainly benefit from your official expertise. We all learned a lot recently when you explained how PG goes about ranking players on the infamous "Question about" thread. Perhaps the thread was started by someone with an ulterior motive, but it included quite a few posts with great info that was beneficial to many. Best wishes with all your endeavors and thanks so much for your invaluable advice, encouragement, and assistance over the years!
Jerry, there will always be the nay sayers. Those that are clueless. What you might not be aware of is that most of us know exactly where you're coming from and we know what is in your heart. Personally, when Julie and I had all of that trouble two years ago and both of us were bracing for the worse due to a certain poster, few people offered help. YOU DID! I'll appreciate that till the day I die.

Jerry, I'd publicly ask that you reconsider. I'd publically say to any and all that you are one of the best contributors to this site and have personally helped keep this site what it is. I'd personally say that to lose your contributions is a grave loss for all of us. Of course I respect your decision BUT I know the gifts you hold and the knowledge you can pass on not to mention the experiences you can help all of us on.

To you and yours I'd Wish a Merry Christmas. I'd ask that you take a vacation and not leave. I'd ask that in 2009, you honor us again with your presence.

Take care,

Darrell Butler
Last edited by CoachB25
PGStaff, to put it simply "Mean People Suck". That is the bottom of it. They are always going to be around and they will always make it suck for the rest of us.

You are one of the good guys out there. This site will be greatly diminished without your presence.

I can very honestly say that without your organization my son would not have achieved what he has achieved. So I raise my cyber glass in a toast to you and thank you for your hard work in amateur baseball.

Merry Christmas.
Originally posted by CoachB25:
Jerry, there will always be the nay sayers. Those that are clueless. What you might not be aware of is that most of us know exactly where you're coming from and we know what is in your heart. Personally, when Julie and I had all of that trouble two years ago and both of us were bracing for the worse due to a certain poster, few people offered help. YOU DID! I'll appreciate that till the day I die.

Jerry, I'd publicly ask that you reconsider. I'd publically say to any and all that you are one of the best contributors to this site and have personally helped keep this site what it is. I'd personally say that to lose your contributions is a grave loss for all of us. Of course I respect your decision BUT I know the gifts you hold and the knowledge you can pass on not to mention the experiences you can help all of us on.

To you and yours I'd Wish a Merry Christmas. I'd ask that you take a vacation and not leave. I'd ask that in 2009, you honor us again with your presence.

Take care,

Darrell Butler

I just could not have said it better Coach.

We have never recovered losing bbscout imho. Here, the circumstances are different but the effects are the same. I think a vacation is a good idea and no one will complain if in a month or two that the urge to start posting again returns Smile
IMO...a very sad and disturbing turn of events. I had intended to father a "thank's PG" thread in the next day but got busy with the boys...I guess this have to suffice until I can put something appropriate together...

Two PM's I made to PG this week...

Wanted you to know that I am in "shock and awe" at your continuing, patient and good humored bility to "suffer fools gladly"...over and over and over...particularly during this offseason when it seems as if many posters have nothing to do but take unfair and really vicious shots at the current state of baseball, PG and you. Being the target of the vicious backlash against showcasing and ratings is not an easy role, yet you handle it with dignity, grace, patience, intelligence and a real human touch.

It is so obvious to me in every post that you do what you do for the right reasons...because you care about the kids, their futures...and that you are comitted to doing business the right way, for the right reasons, and handling things with honesty and compassion. I'd trust mine with any time...


...your ability to continue to patiently tred the middle ground builds reputation with anyone with intelligence and/or humanity. The others, those who have no intention of intelligent discourse will be what they are. Some are bitter (felt their kids got shafted/jelous of others success/unhappily watching the world change under them...), some need attention, some have great intentions just don't communicate well.

You are a an integral, and very important part of what goes on here both in these threads and generally....many times a voice of much needed reason in the chaos.

I am certain that the site will be a great deal less interesting, educational, and human until we have PG"s full participation once more. boys never did a PG event.

Last edited by observer44
Jerry, I'm very sorry to see that you've reached this point, but can certainly understand why you're there. It's been a long and grueling road, and while most people do value the tremendous contributuions you've made to HSBBW, there are some who insist on tearing down the great ones.

I know that my baseball organization is better for having become involved with Perfect Game, as well as many of the great people who work behind the scenes like Taylor, Andy, Ben, Blaine, Doug, BETTY, and others who've all helped us out over the years. My players have benefitted greatly from the opportunities they were afforded by Perfect Game tournaments, showcases and contacts, and more than a few have had their college opportunities significantly enhanced due to the relationship. For that, I'm very grateful.

I'm another who hopes you'll take a short vacation and come back later, perhaps anonymously to lend your advice, expertise and guidance. You head up a very short list of our greatest contributors, and I hope that we won't lose you.

Dan Sozzi
EDH Vipers Baseball
Last edited by 06catcherdad

Thanks for what you have contributed to this website, we probably will not realize what we are missing until you are gone. I would also like to publicly thank you for what you and PG has done for my son. No way, no how would he have ever ended up with the opportunities he has received without your help.

This is a sad day for the HSBBW. We certainly needed Jerry’s insight more than he needed ours.

You will be missed.
Last edited by jerseydad
i read here everyday, my kids are out of the hs loop.but i enjoy reading the helpful things,the little bickering that goes on,etc.

i wouldn't know most of you here if you stood right next to me, but i feel as though i do.that said pg has a national face, he put his name and face out here for everyone to see,that speaks volumes about the man.
i don't care who you are it hurts when people slam you.even in cyber space, pg has helped in some way ton's of players get to the next be honest, it has on occasion looked like a perfect game love fest on here. but in my opinion,that's because of jerry being jerry, not perfect game.

i have never been to,or seen a pg i'm not tooting the horn for me. this man put himself out here,for all to see. because he wanted to continue to help.

jerry i don't know how you did it this long,seemingly defending your motives almost daily. but i do know you won't be able to stop reading here. but if you stop posting,the mud slingers win. but..

those who choose to walk to fight another day.

thank you for the info,all these year's.
Last edited by 20dad

I am sorry it has come to this. I had already sent you a pm telling you how I feel.I do think it might be good to take a vacation as others have stated because you have been defending Perfect game vigorously in the recent past.I told you how I felt about your energy being spent there. You have been more than generous to many people and I also hope you reconsider, I have learned a lot from reading your posts and other posts you have been involved in. I think in this business when parents want their kids to be the best and do the best etc etc. you will never please all. I believe you have the right intentions and that should be what matters. People always try to point out the negative unfortunately that is how some people are. I will miss seeing you on this site. I will send you some emails here and there to check in on you. Take care God Bless merry Christmas fan
Last edited by fanofgame
I agree that without you, PGStaff, there will be a tremendous hole in the HSBBW. I pretty much read all of your posts. PG and the professional and thorough manner in which they run their events allowed my son to see that there were people out there who loved and appreciated the game as much as he did (we're lacking in those things where we live). Attending these events made him WANT to be better, work harder, and because of this he has been able to do something no ballplayer from our overseas HS has ever been able to do. And that, I know, is just one story out of hundreds upon hundreds.

Jerry - Please watch "It's A Wonderful Life". We'll be the ones standing all around you there at the end, celebrating all that you have done and hoping you'll come back 'home'.

Last edited by Krakatoa
Originally posted by PGStaff:
If I ever do get back on here it will be some strange username....

Sorry Jerry, "gotwood4sale" has already been taken!

You also call yourself "thin-skinned" in your post. I disagree. I would call you human. It's a shame that people will knock what they don't or can't do.

I, for one, will miss your posts, thank God PG the organization isn't going away and for the forseeable future, I will sign all my posts with the following:
Last edited by biggerpapi
I'm really sad to read this, and I just want to share a little story about Jerry. In 2005, my son Sam played in four Perfect Game/ WWBA events with the ABD Bulldogs. Sam pitched very well that summer, going 6-0 in games in venues like East Cobb and Jupiter, where he out-pitched a very high 2007 draft pick. Well at the end of that summer, there were zero offers on the table, and Sam was looking at his back up plan, JC in SW Colorado.
I got on PG's message board and cried a little- I really just wanted to hear that these things happen even to good ballplayers, and that the offers were just delayed a bit. Anyway, Jerry read that post and asked me for details so he could confirm. The very next day, Jerry wrote an entire column on his web site entitled "Overlooked Prospects" That column was was all about Sam. Jerry, in his own inimitable way, was trying to get Sam one more look. It was obvious that he wasn't doing it as a favor to me, and he wasn't calling in any favors to make him look better. He did it as a favor to a young player who just needed a break.

Jerry, thank you for all that you do. You'll be missed around here.

Here's a link to that article. (I hope you don't mind Jerry. Wink
Overlooked Prospects!
I remember getting a call from this guy Jerry Ford from this company called Perfect Game. I was a very inexperienced parent and had no idea who this guy was or what Perfect Game was all about. I was getting a lot of calls during this period and didn't know shoot from shinola. But after speaking to Mr. Ford, I felt as if I had a resource. Only latter did I learn the breadth and stature of him and his organization. Regardless of the question he never made me feel stupid. He answered all my questions and returned all my calls. After learning what a busy man he was, I found his willingness to help my son and answer my questions AMAZING.

We went to two PG Events, but that never mattered. Anybody who asks me where they should spend their baseball money, I always recommend PG. I will continue to feel that way in the future.

You will be missed. I know I have little to offer but if you ever need anything, PM me and it is yours. Thank you. Please reconsider.

Forever in you debt,

Duane Gigeous
Last edited by deldad

As a newbie, I will miss you out here.

I hope you reconsider as I have enjoyed your posts and it is on my "must read " list!

If you stop posting, who wins?

They have succeeded in depriving you of something you enjoy!

Please reconsider and don't let em get to ya.

My son went to one PG showcase and loved it!

Happy Holidays and thanks for increasing my knowledge base as I go through the process with my 2009 son.
I could go on for ever about what kind of person Jerry is. I could tell story after story about the kind things he has done for so many young ball players. There are different types of folks you deal with in baseball. You deal with the people that are around until their son is no longer playing. You deal with the people who are around the game as long as it is benefitting them. Then there are the people that are around the game because they love the game and those that play it. That is the person Jerry is.

When you do come back and start posting again under an alias? Please use my user name of cadDAD. I would be proud for people to think I finally knew what I was talking about....

My kids never attended a PG function, but OfcrKID#1 never would have gone in the Draft (no one knew he was eligible) if Jerry hadn't personally talked to every one of the 30 organizations on Karl's behalf. Last I heard, he never made a dime on that work... but he has a number of Bolts who would take a bullet for him.


Oh man. I'm sad to see that post Jerry. I understand though, but hope you'll reconsider. So many here enjoy your candor that so effectively brings players and parents inside the recruiting and draft process, without preaching, or talking down to anyone. You have donated your time unselfishly without any expectation of remuneration. That has been and continues to be obvious to anyone who cares or matters.

Best of luck and continued success at what you do. We all know there are easier ways to make a living than what you do, but know what you do really matters.

I still believe on one of the most enjoyable and meaningful weekends in my son's baseball career was the Underclass Showcase at Terry Park in January 2003, I think. He did well at a very well-run showcase with a TON of talent, givng him the confidence he used to take another step up the ladder. Thanks for having us. You folks made a 16 year old ball player feel very special.

Besides, I like it that you don't use too many big words. Smile

John Glass
Last edited by Dad04

I sent a note that I hope you have time to read. And as I said in the note, I have not been here enough lately to have seen the posts to which you refer.

That said, you have too much to offer to leave the site behind. Regardless of any disputes or shots that you have to endure, I hope you stick around without pause.

All the best,


As we discussed, sometimes it's very hard to seperate the game of baseball and the business of baseball for those who are involved in both. I understand.

Your best posts, IMO have been about fried bologna sandwiches and American idols. Smile

I don't think you will leave us, just maybe need a rest, sometimes this place can get to you when you get too involved. Frown
Last edited by TPM
Since my sons haved moved on to college ball, one having graduated and joined the working world, I read little about showcase gripes so this caught me by suprise. Years ago, both sons did a PG event, both received what I considered fair objective ratings. Would I have like to have seen a couple 10s? Sure, but that wasn't why we did PG. The idea was a totally objective view in another part of the country, by experts that had never seen either son. We got that.

Both son loved their PG experience. Neither signed with a school because of PG exposure, although both were contacted by several schools that saw them at PG. Was it worth it? Absolutely.

PG was all we expected it to be. First class, fair, objective, WARM (can't be Florida weather). We saw some great talent, one kid was later a MLB first rounder. You have to see the next level to get there. We saw it.

On the couple occasions I pm'ed PGStaff, he got back to me promptly and was quite helpful. A true class act.

Scuzzy showcase operations are out there. PG ain't one of them. PG was and is a first class operation. Jerry is a class act. Many thanks for all that you've done.

I am not nearly as frequent on this site as I was for a few years. Therefore, I have no idea of the posts that have sent you down the road with these thoughts. There are certain people here who I always read when I see they have started a thread... thus the reason I began to read this one. Obviously, I didn't even peek at the one to which you're referring. I suspect many others are probably like me.

I have from time to time become annoyed, angered as well as amused upon occasion with someone who comes here and says things about people that they don't know. "Don't know" doesn't mean that they've never met... just that someone is very misguided and has not done their homework (tribute to TR).

Because of your personal success as well as the success of this site, others can choose to use it as their forum for gripes or bitterness.

Just as in real life, those of us that take the time to get to know people here, know the ones that are true, caring, and professional. We also can weed out the others. I've never read anything negative on here about someone I "know" and given it any merit. No one would. The person ends up making themselves look like the a**hole! Those types of people need no help... not in real life and not here.

Perhaps you may need a break. But you should continue to post and post proudly under your own identity. If not, please know I consider you a true man of baseball and one of my HSBBW friends.

Merry Christmas and many blessings!!!
PG -

Best of luck. It is truly too bad that some of the negativity we've all witnessed led to your making this decision. I think I understand your decision but it still is a great loss to this community.

Please check in frequently and hopefully provide an infrequent (or frequent) post under another username. Your knowledge and guidance has been invaluable - more than you know since I've often benefitted as a 'lurker'. Best wishes.
Jerry, out of the 4978 posts you have made this is the most sobering. I can only imagine how difficult it is for you getting mired in business when all you intended to to was satisfy a passion. You have shared your passion for the game with thousands of people (me include) and we say thanks. It's ironic but we parents also dislike the business side of baseball as much as you. Maybe we should have anticipated that your dislike of the business side of baseball and our dislike of the business side of baseball would creates some awkward discussions. I wish you would stay around and share more of your experiences with us or share them again for those that haven't heard them. You're insight always has and always will be appreciated.
Well Jerry I'm really bummed out that you have been run off this site. You have been such a huge part of the knowledge shared here and so many of us will miss you. I hope you'll take a break and reconsider. I've only been on this site a few years, read it daily (addicted???), and it's obvious how much you and your family have done for youth baseball.

Bottom line- you should not have to defend Perfect Game events. Last time I checked they were voluntary and if people didn't think they were valuable they wouldn't continue to attend.

Thank you for taking the time to post here and help educate us parents. Thank you for running a 1st class organization. I will miss your humor and words of wisdom here.

God Bless and Merry Christmas.....
Our loss is Betty's gain.

Jerry, thanks for all you have contributed to HSBBW. I could see the frustration building recently and hoped that you could find a way to alleviate it. I figure that you are as addicted to this site as I am. My unique situation accommodates my addiction. Truthfully in your heart, does yours?

Going 'cold turkey' is a drastic but understandable measure. It's a stressful time of the year and dealing with attacks on a website won't improve your health.

For your sake, I am glad to see that you recognized a way to deal with it. It's sad for the rest of us but we still have the search function that can help when we wonder "What Would Jerry Say?"

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year. Now, go enjoy your real family. Your virtual family understands.
More now than ever, a business needs to run as a business, lean and efficiently.

Anytime any of us post, we expose ourselves to potential criticism and unneeded negativity. Same for business.

Good luck PG, you do a great service for baseball, mainly pro baseball, where the real money is spent.

An average college baseball grant is $5000-10000 per year, that is 25th round money for 3-4 years of service.

Pro baseball should be your biggest source of revenue. They should provide you grants.
Last edited by OLDSLUGGER8

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