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I am truly sad to see you go Jerry and really hope you reconsider. Regardless of what you decide I wish you the best and will always speak great things about you and Perfect Game - you know the truth.

Quick story about how generous Jerry Ford is.

I had never talked to Jerry in any capacity in any way before this website - not on phone, letter, email or whatever. In fact I don't think he nor I had ever communicated by posting on here.

One thread was talking about radar guns and I made (what I thought) was a humorous post about buying a radar gun for $20. Jerry replied back in the post that he couldn't sell one but he could loan me one.

I couldn't believe my eyes and thought this was a hoax or joke or something. He told me to PM him my address and a gun would be in my hands shortly. I was like no way is a guy I have never met, talked to or wrote to will send me a radar gun for my high school baseball team.

About a week later a box showed up for me at school and it was a radar gun. To say I was floored would be a huge understatement. I took care of that thing as if it was made of gold (because there was no way in the world we could have afforded to replace it) and we used it almost everyday that spring. I don't really know if it helped us overall but I cannot express my gratitude to Jerry for at least giving us the opportunity to let a bunch of strangers use the gun to make ourselves better.

That is a true example of one man doing everything in his power to help out a bunch of kids who would never be good enough for the draft of DI baseball. He was helping a bunch of kids get better.

I do have to admit that none of my guys (or myself for that matter) ever used a gun before. Once we got it we realized we had no clue on how to operate it. So we got out in the parking lot and one of my guys got in their truck and drove at a specified speed and we shot him with the radar gun. That is how we figured out how to use the gun.
I would like to thank you for all the information you have share on this board. I still feel lost in the baseball process most days. With no support from our school, you and others on this board have been true godsends to our son and our family and his quest to play college ball.

It is too late for our HS senior and PG, but if our sixth grader is still playing by HS, you can bet we will be contacting PG, earlier rather than later, for an invite for an evaluation.

Again, our heartfelt thanks. You will be missed.
Jerry, to be honest I'm a little disappointed in you.

I understand that you're a very public figure on these message boards and because of it you draw the ire of those jealous of the success of Perfect Game. Maybe there's a lot of reasons not to like you. Some think their kid got a low score. A competitor who wants to gain some of your market share. And so on. But what about your friends? You have a lot of them here!

A lot of us, including me, look up to you not as someone we "idolize" or want to "seek approval" from but because we value your leadership and ideas. Period. We have defended you not because we are trying to kiss your a** but because we really love you.. our understanding of baseball, scouting, recruiting, and such, has been multiplied by the richness of your advise. I just think back on some of the velocity discussions we had and think wow--that was fun--and I appreciate it! And you know what, maybe right now some of us including me feel a little underappreciated, too!

So what about your friends?

You owe us nothing of course. You have the right to your privacy and no one can can criticize you for wanting to end the recent distractions. I know that's what they are--distractions--mainly because I run a business, too. You get enough crapola trying to make a buck without also having to take it on a free website from a bunch of woohoos. I've felt the same way when my business is unfairly criticized.. you feel, "to heck with this!" Sometimes the feeling is and even stronger, "f" this!

So what about your friends?

I would hope you value the relationships you have built on this site more than one or even one hundred b.s. comments about your business. Because your friends know it for just that. B.S. And like I said, maybe we're feeling a little underappreciated right now! Maybe disappointed that that you don't place a little bit more value in your membership and wipe the tomatoes off your shirt once in awhile rather than walk away worrying about the next splat.

So there. I take my stand. I say you need to put your foot down and not be pushed around by these pansies and stand strong with the people that care about you! Because in the end, it is always about the truth.

Either way, we still love you. It's like a death in the family. Sorry if my wording is strong but I think you need to hear the truth of my feelings, not glossed-over praise. Right now I feel a little sadness. A little regret. A little anger. And yes, a little disappointment. Because you're stronger than this and I know it.

Jerry, you've done a lot for us. You've done a lot for my son! The respect we have for you won't change either way. I appeal to you that you take some time off from the site and reconsider. Because we want you back. And no, not as as some anonymous handle but as the real deal. PG Staff.
There is little I can add to the eloquence of others. It is sad when a somehow vocal minority chase away the advice of an expert like Jerry Ford. Sorry to hear this and know that a big piece of this site will be gone now.

Hopefully, after a time, Jerry will re-consider and return to offering his insights to help players of all ages and abilities achieve their dreams.
When I saw the title of this thread a sobering feeling came over me and I said no way!!

After reading Jerry's post I was saddened. We are losing one of the best resources on this site. While others have great knowledge and experience PGStaff always proved concise and honest opinions on multiple topics

The HSBBW, while still a great resource, is not as great as it was yesterday. Jerry we will all miss you and your knowledge. The lucky ones are already in college.

I hope to meet you one day. Please come back after your 7th inning stretch.

You don't have to explain or apologize to or for anything. Trust your heart that you are doing what is right for your situation and things will work out as intended.

I took a long vacation from hsbaseballweb for reasons of my own, and an individual in your position certainly reaches a point where this choice is the right one...for now.

Continued best wishes with your organization and thanks for all the assistance you have provided to so many!
I don't think my son ever participated in an "individual" PG event, but let me share one story...

Mid-July, "undersized" kid had a local JC offer in hand as we traveled to the 17u WWBA Tourney in Marietta. A week or so later, he had decent interest from @ least 6 D-1's. If it were not for PG, that extended exposure that produced a bit of "lightning in a bottle" probably would not have happened...and one of the more joyous periods of my family's life the last year or so would probably have been lessened.

Thanks Jerry Smile

Your decision to no longer contribute is a major loss for this site. You have been a vital part of the chemistry that has made the hsbbw what it is today. I hope for the sake of all of us, especially those that have yet to find this resource you change your mind and come back. Us old timers love ya but the newbies need ya.
PG Staff,

Back in the Spring of 2001 my son was a pitcher for Redan High School, and on this particular day a bunch of MLB scouts were there to see Reggie Fitzpatrick, who was a high prospect and an outfielder with Cedar Grove High School. Reggie was a great high school hitter and was scheduled to be drafted in the early rounds. On that day with 4 at-bats, Reggie, a Senior, did not get a hit on my son, who was a Junior at the time. When we arrived home that night after the game there was a call on the caller ID with the name of PERFECT GAME. We had never heard of Perfect Game. My son and I hurried over to the computer and looked up the name and realized to our surprise that it was the Perfect Game Scouting Agency. Someone had seen my son pitch and hit that day and had immediately called Perfect Game, and PG was calling to invite us to one of your events. We were delighted. Over the next several years, my son participated in four of PG's events. A long story short: Although my son was never drafted, he did receive a baseball scholarship for five years and graduated in December 2007 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Sociology and he is now gainfully employed. I have no doubt that Perfect Game had a part in that. We learned a lot from your posts.

PG, my son and I would like to thank you for all that you have done for us and for all you do to help anyone who needs advice. I can truly say that your organization treats everyone fairly and with respect. I pray that you will reconsider your decision. But in any case, I know where you live and I know how to reach you. I will keep in touch.

May these Christmas and New Year holidays find you and your family happy and healthy.
As soemone that is in the same business. (no where near as big) Jerry, and Perfect Game are the model. Jerry what you have done has made amateur baseball what it is. I read almost all of your posts, and you handle yourself with a great amount of class. I hope that I will carry myself with the same amount of class if I am attacked like you. So as a "competetor" we would like to invite you back. The people that attack you are the people no one respects. The ones that attack are the ones in it too make money. You will never hear us tell a team not to go to perfect Game (unless they do not belong from a talent stand point) and I regulary send my hs kids that belong at your showcases to your showcases.

I post more as a young hs baseball coach and less as Pastime. Your posts are always usable. their is always something to take from it and learn.

We wish you nothing but the best and as a newbie coach (5yrs am i still new??) You would have been a great asset for me and everyone else that comes to the site. Nothing but the best of luck.
Don't run off. Get back on here and fight. And you don't need to change your name. You need to reconsider. Alot of people will be better off from the things you have experienced. You for one know how tough it is to weed thru all the information that comes up for our ball players. Just look at all of the peoples lives that you have touched just from this thread. There are probably hundreds more that will not even post something but nonethless they will read this thread. That happens everytime you get on here and offer some advice. A dad or mom will read a thread that you have started or posted in and say " Yeah thats what I thought I should do" they just needed to here it from somebody that has been there before.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


P.S. Reconsider.
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Ratings, rankings, lists, etc. are all nice, but the player has to perform at a high level on a consistent basis.

There appears to be a direct correlation between PG and the MLB draft. The PG compilation of player observation, pro scouting input and other evaluation factors plus events held assists them in their reporting. Jerry has always said that they see players at non PG events also. I would call that pretty comprehensive.

Jerry invited my player to National prior to the USATOS never seeing him play before. I am sure that invite came about by him making inquiries first. He didn't attend because it would have altered travel arrangements with USA baseball.

Player missed Jupiter due to injury, but Jerry still knows about him never attending a PG event, showcase, or tournament.

That said, it is still up to the player to corroborate and/or maintain a high level of play.
As one who has posted that I don't think that showcases are the only way to go, I have the highest respect for PG and Jerry in particular.

If you do indeed carry on your stated mission to no longer participate in this board, it will be a sad day for all baseball lover's.

I am another one of the many that hope you will reconsider.

Please enjoy the holidays and come back to us, in some form or another.
Truly a sad day with the loss of Jerry to the site, he has been a great influence to the youth baseball as a whole and very valuable to the site.

Jerry and Perfect Game has been a very positive influence to my sons and a whole lot more of our team mates for several years.

I hope he will reconsider and bless us with his enthusiasm and knowledge in the future.
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Agreed that Jerry shouldn't let a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch (us!!!).

Jerry didn't know me from a hole in the wall. Just as a poster here on the hsbbw. I had PM'd him about something awhile ago and mentioned that we would be at the Jupiter wwbba tournament in 2007. He said to stop by and say hello. Needless to say, with the weather problems they were having, he was very busy moving things around. I did go up to him to say hello, thinking I'd get a cursory "hi" and then move on, but he stopped what he was doing and gave me his full attention as well got acquainted. I was feeling guilty, so I ended the conversation after a couple of minutes, but Jerry didn't seem in any rush, even though he had a million things to do. You could immediately see that he was a kind and sincere person that was genuinely interested in people; and not just a company man looking to generate revenue. I was, needless to say, very impressed.

Don't leave Jerry - you input is way too valuable and the help you provide offsets (at least to us) the negative side of this.

Focus on the good you do here; not the BS that comes with the territory.

PG, I have greatly enjoyed and learned from your posts. Your responses/posts are always evenhanded and sincere. So, please reconsider for the folks that are still to come to this sight, as well as the rest of us.

Integrity never needs to be defended. Don't waste your time.

Sincere thanks to you for the wisdom imparted so freely. Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2009 to all.
I do get it though why Mr. Ford wouldn't want to play games with those who lack class then see where he and his company is considered the same way. Perhaps this is what caused Mr. Ford to hang it up. topic
It is hard to deal with people who lack honesty, because they don't care about baseball or kids. They only care about their bank account and they will lie and cheat to increase it. I think Mr. Ford should reconsider because we need all the honesty we can get in baseball. Honesty and class is what he provides at all times. That is the reason Perfect Game is number one.
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I don't get around these parts much these days, and haven't posted in a long time. So, when I saw this I thought I'd put my two cents worth in.

We spent a lot of time at PG events between 2002 and 2005, mostly in Florida, but also Texas one time. Those times together with our son, Zak, were some of the best we had in his baseball playing days. The events themselves were always run above-board and consistently, exposing Zak (and me) to players of the highest levels (guys like Justin Upton, Pedro Alvarez, Jordan Schaefer, J.P. Arencibia, the great Team Florida USA teams, and on and on jump out) while providing him a chance to measure himself against the best. Through it all, from his days as a lowly "5" through his reaching "8" status, you were available to us to provide guidance, commmentary, and constructive criticism via e-mail and telephone. Never once did we feel like you were taking our money to further your company. Having been around the block with PG, very likely more than most of the naysayers, I cannot understand the criticism aimed at you and PG. I think most of it is sour grapes, too bad.

Anyway, best wishes to you, your better half, Betty, and the boys; hope you all have a safe, warm and joyous Christmas and a prosperous 2009 and on. We Old-Timers understand well what too many newer folks don't understand, that HSBBW, and amateur baseball in general, lost a great advocate and supporter.

Tom Ratko
I just got in from a frolicking weekend of travel trying to get home for Christmas and what’s the first thing I see on the HSBBW? This thread!

“Jerry, say it ain’t so!” PGSTAFF’s insight and genuine concern for the parents and players on this website are obvious to even the most casual observer. The loss of your posts would be sorely missed and that has NOTHING to do with Perfect Game. Please stay…
I am saddened to read that you are leaving (though I am selfishly hoping you'll reconsider!!). I stumbled upon this site a tad early (my one and only son is only 13 and a and am amazed at the amount of information on it. I am especially intrigued with these showcases and national tournaments (don't really live in a baseball may need them to get noticed) and have learned some about them through your posts as well as recruiting info in general. It stinks that some idiots may keep myself and my son from a valuable resource once he is of age of truly needing this advice and insight. Think of all the other kids and parents out there like my son and I that could benefit from your insightfullness in the up coming years but yet lose it to a couple of knuckleheads who feel the need to pop on here for a couple of days to stir up trouble. That is not right! So I hope you reconsider...take a little time off to recharge and come back here as PGSTAFF to help another batch of ball players in their pursuit of the game.
It's not a good time of the year to make decisions like this, Jerry; the holidays are all fun-stress-anticipation-busy-memories-longing-happy. Stuff gets magnified. Even tiny stuff like jerk posters.

I would also counsel you to take a sabbatical, recharge, enjoy the holidays, and come on back (say, around Pitchers and Catchers...the next big holiday Wink) to continue to help more generations of ballplayers. Cold turkey is tough, and there's no patch for it.

Besides, if we lose you....then the terrorists have won Cool
I will miss bantering with you, Jerry, on this site.

I will content myself knowing that your departure from this site is not a departure from baseball, and so, I look forward to continuing to cross paths with you.

I doubt very seriously if there are many more people who frequent this site who have benefited more from you and your company than I have (or more appropriately, than my son has). We are very grateful.

I will take heart knowing that the more time you spend away from the keyboard, the more people who will be benefiting from your efforts as we did.

See you in Jupiter next November!
I've just read this - haven't been on the board due to other things. I've always enjoyed your comments - observations - advice. I hope you pop up soon either as your old self or a new reincarnation. Son enjoyed the only PG event he attended - knows what he has to work on and what his strengths are. It was all good for us.

Take Care and Merry Christmas
I hope that this outpouring of love and admiration for Jerry will be enough to convince him at a later date to come back. Whenever he has made a post on whatever subject it was, I stopped and thoroughly read every word he said. I knew every morsel of word he typed was filled with fact and wisdom.

He once provided me information that normally would have cost a subscription to. I had asked the question in a topic and the next day I receive a PM from him with incredible information. I was astounded by his genorosity.

I keep reading these posts and while I have sent him a PM not knowing if he will get it, I wanted him to know My sincerest thanks.
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He once provided me information that normally would have cost a subscription to. I had asked the question in a topic and the next day I receive a PM from him with incredible information. I was astounded by his genorosity.

He did the same for me as well. In addition, one of his staff members once recommended against my son attending a specific PG showcase. If money were the main goal of Perfect Game, the organization never would have done this.
TO: Jerry Ford, Perfect Game
FROM: Housekeeping Staff, HS Baseball Web

Dear Jerry,

As you may know, the membership of the HSBBWeb has carefully considered your Request for Sabbatical.

While we have dutifully reviewed and analyzed your Request and understand the circumstances leading to it, we are unable to identify any other persons who are nearly qualified to fill your position in your absence.

Because of the ongoing urgent need for assistance presented in this environment, we regretfully (HAH!) inform you that we cannot grant your Request for Sabbatical at this time. We do hope that you will have a relaxing holiday break with your family and friends, and then return as promptly as possible to resume your extremely appreciated duties here.


Very warmest regards,


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